The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 521 Bliss City Arena Second Trial (4)

Ji Yuan was actually delighted to see Ye Jing in the maze. It was because he was sure that she would readily agree to form a group with him and they would both receive a +1 Points. And he would then need to find another five more cultivators to join the group in order to clear this trial.

So he immediately told her of his plan.

Ye Jing winked and smiled beautifully, “Why not?

Immediately they received a profound voice that told them that they would both receive a temporary +1 points and these +1 points would remain until they had decided to part ways.

Ye Jing laughed, “What a pity. If we are both from the same gender then we would have received a head start of 3 points.”

Ji Yuan grinned, “Haha. But it will just be a temporary +3 points. Once we have found a third cultivator to join us then our points will be dropped to +2 points.”

Ye Jing had suddenly tiptoed to him and gently stroked his cheek before she whispered with great allure, “Have you ever consider this. What if we copulate with each other? Then won’t we simply will have received a permanent +3 points? And because we are also in the same group, then we will also have a 4 points head start. After that all we need to do is to find 2 more cultivators and then we can clear this trial.”

Ji Yuan was startled for he had never thought of this situation before. If given a chance, he would have banged Ye Jing because she was the Great Heroine of the Nine Celestial Fraternity and one of the two greatest beauties there. The other being the Lovely Empress.

To copulate with the Great Heroine and Great Saintess Ye Jing was like every male cultivator’s fantasy dream and Ji Yuan was not an exception. He had immediately become hard-on by this thought as he had thought of this several times. But when he had thought that Ye Jing had copulated with so many other male cultivators, he felt being greened and he was frowning…

So he answered, “Senior Sister Ye must be pulling my legs right? I think this is a little unappropriated. Moreover, there are a total of 650 cultivators here. It is going to be easy for us to find another 5 more cultivators. The end goal is to survive this trial and get the 3 million high grade spirit stones as a reward. I’m sure that all the cultivators will be more than willing to co-operate.”

Ye Jing loosened her slender hand on his cheek as she smiled alluringly, “You are still too young, too simple. You can’t depend on stuff like co-operation for the cultivators. But…”

She began to rub against his chest with her dedicate body, “But your Senior Sister Ye will definitely listen to you because I like you.”

When Ji Yuan felt Ye Jing’s rubbings, he was actually feeling hot and he had almost shouted loudly. “Let’s do it then.”

But something else had pulled him back and it was the image of the Lovely Empress that had suddenly appeared in his mind to rebuke him; she was mocking him and saying, “I just know that you are too poor and wants it free of charge.”

This caused Ji Yuan to frown immediately and he had startled Ye Jing because she had thought that he was frowning at her.

Therefore she smiled at him coyly, “This matter is too early. You can still consider it. After all, you are a man and has nothing to lose.”

Then she had turned around to say, “Come Junior Brother Ji Yuan, we should be on our way now.”

Actually Ji Yuan was frowning at the Lovely Empress that had suddenly flashed in his mind and when Ye Jing had backed off, it was already too late for him to react with words.

This caused Ji Yuan to have a regretful look and he began to curse the Lovely Empress: Lu Jiangsu the Lovely Empress, it is all your fault. Why did you have to pop in my mind at such a worst timing?

And he could hear the Lovely Empress scolding him mockingly: Ji Yuan you are just too shameless. You are really a free of charge man!

Even Xiang Li was asking Ji Yuan: Big Brother, you are rejecting Maiden Ye Jing?

As Ji Yuan did not want to explain to Xiang Li that it was the horrible Lovely Empress that had caused him to hesitate earlier, he had decided to keep his silence instead; rather than confusing Xiang Li by mentioning that he had suddenly thought of the Lovely Empress who was mocking him.

And so Ji Yuan and Ye Jing continued to navigate their way through the maze which towered at least 10m in height and width. Moreover this maze also had multiple floors.

After 1 hour had passed, Ji Yuan began to comment that it was actually not easy to find another cultivator.

Ye Jing was breathing heavily as she said to him and there was a look of exasperation in her golden eyes, “Junior Brother Ji Yuan, do you have to be so slow and you have to keep looking for traps?”

Ji Yuan protested stubbornly, “Senior Sister Ye, if we are not in a maze then I won’t be so careful. But since we are in a maze, we ought to lookout for traps and hidden passages. It never hurts to be a little careful.”

Ye Jing said exasperatingly, “There are no traps here. We can walk a lot faster if you didn’t keep slowing down.”

“Oh no. This is safer this way. Trust me.” Ji Yuan insisted.

At the trial where Ji Yuan had found Xiang Li, he had ended up annoying Ling Feiyue unwittingly and she was extremely sarcastic with his choices too.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan shouted, “Look what I’ve found!”

It was actually a hidden secret passage that led to the floor below.

Ye Jing was stunned when she saw that Ji Yuan had really found a secret passage.

Ji Yuan displayed a delightful look, “Look Senior Sister Ye, I didn’t lie to you. There is indeed a secret passage here. Haha…”

Anyang who was also not expecting Ji Yuan to be able to find any traps or secret passages were blinking her eyes: I can’t believe it…

Ji Yuan entered the secret stairs below and he was saying aloud to Ye Jing, “Come with me Senior Sister Ye and I can promise you that you will be safe with me as your guide. Haha…”

Ye Jing smiled weakly behind him, “Alright…”

As she entered the secret passage with Ji Yuan, she was startled that the secret passage behind her had closed again.

Elsewhere in the maze.

The Smiling Divine Maiden and the Lovely Empress were now at a cross section of the maze and they were looking a little perplexed.

The Smiling Divine Maiden was divining with her fingers while keeping the Spirit Divination Compass a secret inside her sleeves, “Weird. By now, Ji Yuan would have copulated either with Ye Jing or fight with Lin Antian while we would secretly appear behind his back via another passage. But where is he now? Either way, he would have exhausted his profound strength and would be opened to our attacks.”𝒏𝗈𝗏𝓮𝓁𝑛𝑒xt.𝑪𝑜𝕞

The Lovely Empress had a look of surprise but she was smiling with great loveliness, “It is impossible for the Spirit Divination Compass to be wrong, am I right? Or else why is that we can’t find him here? We need to recalculate our positions again to avoid this Lin Antian.”

The Smiling Divine Maiden muttered, “All the possible routes have already been calculated by the Spirit Divination Compass. It is an emperor class profound artefact. It won’t be wrong by such a large margin.”

The Lovely Empress rolled her golden eyes before she giggled slowly, “Surely he can’t be that slow, am I right? Or he is such a lazy cultivator that he has decided to stay at the same spot?”

The Smiling Divine Maiden shook her head as she ceased her usual smiles, “We had already thought of this possibility and had planted Ye Jing next to him to ensure that he would move on.”

The Lovely Empress was suddenly asking the Smiling Divine Maiden, “Sister Chu, I have spent a lot of efforts to bring the real Ye Jing to our master. I’ve thought that our master will like her to be his protégé as Ye Jing is not only a great beauty but her talent is also as high as mine. But our master didn’t even look at Ye Jing or at any of the potential cultivators that can join our Death Faction. Why is that so? And he has also refused our Death Faction for participating in the Extreme Bliss Colosseum. Isn’t master acting a little weird?”

When Ye Jing had entered the Extreme Bliss Colosseum, she had endured very well till the very end of the show until her clothes were ripped apart by the male cultivators and she had blacked out due to channeling much of her profound strength to resist against the temptations of the show.

It was the Lovely Empress that had rescued her because she did not want Ye Jing to be soiled by these lecherous men. She also did not want Ye Jing to go back to the Nine Celestial Fraternity with the knowledge that she was a harlot in the Wonderland of the Ecstasy Island.

Even though there were many cultivators from the Nine Celestial Fraternity that could recognized the Lovely Empress but she did not care for their opinions because only Ye Jing had the same renown as her; that being the two greatest beauties of the Nine Celestial Fraternity. And she had thought of dragging Ye Jing to her level by offering her as a a protégé to the Death God Mingwang.

Because the Lovely Empress was a monstrous genius, she was more proficiency in the Avatar Profound Art than the Smiling Divine Maiden and Zhi Jiugong. She could not only create an Avatar for herself but she could also create an Avatar for Ye Jing while she was in a coma. For Ye Jing’s Avatar, she had actually implanted false memories of the Extreme Bliss Colosseum and her Avatar was also subjected to her subtle suggestions.

See Chapter 508 (When the Lovely Empress had tried to present the real Ye Jing to the Death God Mingwang).

The Smiling Divine Maiden immediately returned a look of disapproval, “It is not our place to question our master. Why do you want to ask so many questions in the first place for?”

The Lovely Empress smiled weakly before she changed the questions with a delightful smile, “This Ji Yuan is really too arrogant. He thinks that he is the most beautiful cultivator in Bliss City and that all the female cultivators should be in his bed. I am going to kill him myself and make sure that he will never see another day again.”

When she was first aware of Ji Yuan, she had decided to pay him a personal visit to see what kind of a person that he was for daring to try to kill and wound her master.

​ That night, she had caught hold of his hands and was looking at a most beautiful cultivator and she had thought: He is that Ji Yuan?

But their conversations soon turned ugly and this Ji Yuan had even dared to order her to strip or else he would not believe that she was the real Lovely Empress. She had wanted to leave for an hour to bring her Avatar instead but this Ji Yuan was too shrewd and had refused to let her leave the room to do so.

In the end she was forced to sacrifice herself for her master by stripping herself in front of Ji Yuan; she had thought that this was a necessary sacrifice to keep their plans of killing Ji Yuan a secret but instead she had only felt humiliation and she also had a mixed feeling when she was stripping in front of him.

She really could not describe this feeling when she was stripping because she had never stripped in front of a man before. Before she knew it, tears began to flood in her eyes for the first time in many centuries and all of a sudden, she was not willing to strip for her master anymore or for any cause.

Then Ji Yuan had told her to dress up and that was enough; he would go to the arena after all and there was no need for her to strip anymore.

She was actually relieved.

Since then, she had been thinking more about Ji Yuan than her own master…

The Smiling Divine Maiden Chu Lixue was slowly looking at the delightful Lovely Empress who was now telling her, “I will surely kill this Ji Yuan. What a hypocrite. He didn’t even want me for free of charge…”

But she could not find any cause to ease her anxieties. It was because she had noticed that the Lovely Empress was especially delightful when she was talking about Ji Yuan and this was already the umpteen times that she had mentioned Ji Yuan.

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