The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 367 Romancing In The Underground Ruin (3)

Yun Chi had suddenly asked Ji Yuan, “Are you alright?”

She could feel that he was trembling nonstop when he was holding her.

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, “I am just too excited, that’s all. I’ve been dreaming of holding you all this while and now it has finally come true today.”

Yun Chi averted her eyes shyly when she had heard him.

But Ji Yuan was now saying exasperatingly to Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang, “I’ve told you that she is dangerous. Now look what’ve you done? Do we have any backup plan now?”

Fairy Anyang answered weakly, “You’ve to carry through the act now.”

“And pretending not to know her true identity.” Xiang Li pointed out.

Ji Yuan: …

Yun Chi whispered in Ji Yuan’s embrace, “Ji Yuan, you don’t want to know who I am?”

Ji Yuan replied firmly, “Who you are is not important. You’re Yun Chi, the maiden of my heart.”

Yun Chi looked up at him and slowly looked into his eyes…

Ji Yuan maintained his unflinching golden eyes as he pretended to look with great sincerity back into her eyes.

Then he could feel her fingers were resting on his chest.

He quickly used his control heartbeat skill to control his heartbeat.

Yun Chi smiled, “You do not seem to be lying.”

Then she rest her head gently on his chest before whispering softly, “I will tell you when the times come.”

This time Ji Yuan was even more nervous when he saw that her head was on his chest so he displayed his control heartbeat skill to the highest level that he could manage and stopped his heartbeat completely.

Ji Yuan suddenly decided that he cannot be passive or his cover would be blown.

So he grabbed Yun Chi by her butt and began to kiss her passionately again.

Before he knew it, he was stripping her again.

Yun Chi was gasping; she could not believe how easily she had loosened the grip on the profound force in her robe when she was being kissed by Ji Yuan.

It was only when Ji Yuan had turned her around to lean on the wall and he was looking between her legs that she had suddenly realized what he was trying to do.

So she quickly fastened her robe again and pushed him back gently with a smile, “Next time when you are my lord but not before that.”

Ji Yuan laughed awkwardly when he was suddenly being pushed back.

He had almost banged the Death God Mingwang…

Luckily he was being pushed by her for he was being consumed by the lusts that were stirred by the five masculine profound pills and had lost control of his actions.

He had already forgotten that she was his enemy as well as the Death God Mingwang.

He weakly said, “So how do we get out of this place? It seems that we have fallen into a deep chasm. It may take us hours, if not days to find our way out of this place.”

Yun Chi smiled, “Just leave it to me and I will get us out of here. I need some rest first.”

Ji Yuan: ???

Yun Chi began to pop in some pills and then she had closed her eyes to meditate.

Ji Yuan nodded as he too began to pop in some pills too.

However his heart was anxious because he was unsure what she would do after she had regained her profound strength.

Earlier, Gong Xiaotian had actually aimed at Yun Chi as she was the one that had maimed him. So she had actually taken the blunt of Gong Xiaotian’s devastating profound attack.

And when Yun Chi and Ji Yuan had both fallen together into the chasm that had appeared, most of Yun Chi’s profound strength had been used to shield herself from the Gong Xiaotian’s attack.

Coupled with the underwater battle with Ji Yuan, she had actually exhausted most of her profound strength temporary.

While Yun Chi was meditating serenely, Ji Yuan had a confused look on his countenance as he secretly watched Yun Chi with great cageyness.

He is not a fool to think that Yun Chi would fall in love with him so readily.

Maybe she is just trying to regain her profound strength before waiting to finish him off?

Then should he act now before she acts against him?

No wait!

His instinct tells him that Yun Chi’s actually has not completely exhausted all her profound strength yet and that she is merely only putting on an act.

Because if she is the Death God Mingwang then it is impossible for her profound strength to be drained just like this.

Ji Yuan was actually right.

As Yun Chi meditated, she was actually secretly looking at Ji Yuan as well.

Her cheeks were still flustered by the earlier experiences…

Her most private parts had been seen by Ji Yuan…

She was now unsure of her feelings now.

And even more confused now because Ji Yuan is the one that she is supposed to kill in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth.

She is actually the Death God Mingwang and she has pretended to get close to him to study his weakness.

Ji Yuan would never suspect that she will be the Death God Mingwang because she had not only disguised her voice to a masculine one but she also had the ability to hide her profound aura.

Not even the Great Demon God knows of this secret of hers.

Also she had another heaven-defying secret; she actually had two types of profound forces, the Desolate and Righteous Force within her.

To get close to Ji Yuan, she had suppressed her desolate force.

Earlier when Ji Yuan had outraged her, she had almost released her desolate force in her rage to finish him off but she was suddenly confused by Ji Yuan’s declaration of love for her.

Does he really mean what he is saying?

Didn’t he say that I’m an ugly and cocky maiden previously?

Ji Yuan had said to her, “Dear Maiden Yun Chi, I love you from the first moment that my eyes have caught hold of you. Do you know that? You’re like a goddess that has suddenly appeared in my life. I don’t care who you are but I’m going to take you as my consort whether you like it or not.”

Then he had kissed her passionately and she had also lacked the will to resist him.

He doesn’t care who I am? Not even if I’m the Death God Mingwang, the enemy of the Pangu Immortals?

Is he serious?

And of course there was another reason why she had cast away her Death God Mingwang guise in this trial.

She had actually arrived much earlier than Ji Yuan and had unfortunately failed the Greed Island Trial.

The cunning nature of the trial itself prevented her from killing the cultivators and making it through as a solo trial. Unless she could overcome this trial, she would be struck on the fifth level.

That was also one of the reasons why she had pretended to offer Ji Yuan a truce previously when he had met the ‘Death God Mingwang’ at the black walls mountains.

At the time, she had actually wanted to kill Ji Yuan directly but when she saw Bai Qianfeng, she had changed her mind immediately.

It was because Bai Qianfeng aka the Goddess Abyssal Null had seemingly lost her desolate force and only has the righteous force now.

This fact intrigued her because it means that the Goddess Abyssal Null has the potential to learn her unique Dual Profound Forces.𝑛𝗈𝒱𝑒𝒍𝔫𝑬xt.𝐂𝑜𝑚

Therefore she had given her some time to think over.

And the stake is of course with the life of Ji Yuan as a condition.

What happened next with Ji Yuan come to a total surprise to her when he had suddenly declared his love for her.

Normally, she would not be moved but Ji Yuan was a little special.

It was because he was a very strong sword cultivator like her and she believed that Ji Yuan’s sword art has the potential to be on par with her.

And she was partially intrigued how Ji Yuan got his saintly divine sword.

Only the strongest immortal cultivators will have a saintly divine sword but it may not always be the case.

For example, both she and the Desolate Dragon Lord Longdi did not have one.

An immortal divine sword is already a powerful existence.

And Ji Yuan had both an immortal-step and a saint-step divine sword at the same time.

At the same time she was aware that Ji Yuan also had the Goddess’ Tear and she was a little afraid that he may use the Goddess’ Tear as a weapon against her.

But the most important reason was that her heart had suddenly changed that night when Ji Yuan had dedicated a poem in front of all the cultivators to her; it is really a most beautiful poem and she is touched by it…

All of a sudden her blank began to grow blank when she recalled that Ji Yuan had suddenly grabbed her boobs out of nowhere when she was about to escape from the strong underwater currents.

At that time she had paused briefly to re-align all her divine swords into her wings to burst through the waters when Ji Yuan had suddenly grabbed her cleavage, stunning her.

Actually she had a great fear of water and when Ji Yuan had suddenly grabbed her, she had an epilepsy fit all of a sudden.

She was greatly embarrassed by it as she muttered to herself; to think that the Death God Mingwang will be afraid of water. If Ji Yuan knows about my true identity, he will be sure to mock me because of this…

No, Ji Yuan will never know who she is…

Because he looks like a dimwitted cultivator…

And moreover she is sure that her disguise is perfect.

Recollecting all her thoughts, she stabilized her unstable emotions as she slowly recovered from the effects of her epilepsy.

She began to open her eyes to smile coyly at Ji Yuan who was watching her nearby. “I’ve recovered. Shall we go back to the surface now?”

Ji Yuan asked curiously, “How? I’ve just checked our surrounding. There is nothing but water around us. We’re struck here unless we can swim.”

Yun Chi’s bare back burst forth with her twelve pair of divine sword wings all of a sudden as she grabbed Ji Yuan to fly upward.

“We will fly up of course.”

Ji Yuan was stunned; she can fly?!

In just a few short blinks of an eye, she had lifted Ji Yuan up to the surface as she sped upward like a shooting star.

Ji Yuan had a sudden headache all of a sudden; how the heck can he even outrun an opponent that can fly faster than he can run?!

“Ji Yuan, do you really love me?” Yun Chi giggled coyly all of a sudden.

Ji Yuan looked weakly at the great height below them and answered, “Of course I do!”

One wrong answer and he would be dropped back to the chasm below…

Yun Chi smiled pleasantly at his answer before she added shyly, “Then can you swear by your soul sea to me?”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

“My soul sea is doomed…”

Xiang Li reminded him with a giggle, “It’s not like you really care.”

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, “Haha…”

“I can swear by my soul sea that I love you.” Ji Yuan said firmly to Yun Chi. “But I hope that you will restraint yourself from killing unnecessary. It isn’t right to kill recklessly. You have me now. Let me do the killing instead. I don’t want your hands to be tainted with blood.”

Yun Chi nodded without any hesitation, “Alright. I will restraint myself then.”

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes; she had agreed so readily?

But he quickly said, “I swear by my soul sea that I will love Maiden Yun Chi forever and to take her as my consort…”

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