The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 357 The Perilous Desert (1)

At the first break of dawn, led by Gong Xiaotian, the cultivators break camp and set off again.

Ji Yuan was in high spirits as he called for Team 10 and Team 4 to follow after the vanguard teams; he had a great secret night with Qianfeng and there was no Xiang Li to peep at them this time.

He felt as though the entire universe was now revolving around him.

He was with his beloveds when Yun Chi had suddenly approached him with a smile, “Great Hero Ji Yuan, are you feeling much better now?”

“Uh, I am?” Ji Yuan answered curiously.

Yun Chi smiled, “Your grievous wounds have yet to heal completely. Are you sure?”

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, “I’ve received worse than this in the past. Pain is nothing at all!”

Yun Chi smiled, “Don’t forget what you’ve said yesterday we’re alone in the forest.”

Immediately Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue were staring at Ji Yuan; he was actually with Yun Chi yesterday?!

Bai Qianfeng muttered softly, “I’ll explain later…”

Ji Yuan frowned, “What did I say yesterday?”

Yun Chi giggled softly as she flashed him a slight murderous intent, “Great Hero Ji Yuan really likes to joke with me. Did you not say that I am the most beautiful maiden that you’ve ever known?”

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue: …

Ji Yuan: …

I am dead…

He could suddenly feel several cold murderous intents behind his cold back as well…

“Or are you just joking with me and toying with me?” Yun Chi hummed coldly all of a sudden.

“Or…” She smiled pleasantly again. “You think that I am just an ugly and cocky maiden?”

Ji Yuan: …

How does she know that I’ve been describing her ugly and cocky behind her back…

She had overheard me? No, this is impossible…I’ve doubled my divine sense range last night…although it is exhausting to maintain it through my session with Qianfeng but I’m sure that there is no one around…

So he replied weakly, “Of course not.”

“Really?” Yun Chi laughed softly.

Ji Yuan laughed at the same time, “Of course! It is exactly as I’ve said last night.”

He had just given a political correct answer. By not revealing what he had said last night and confirming what he had said last night to her, he would be safe from all the maidens.

“So you really mean it when you say you want to bang me last night?” Yun Chi chuckled.

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue: …

Ji Yuan began to curse her venomously in his heart; she is too shameless! Now I’m screwed…

Either yes or no, he will die most horribly now.

All the maidens except for Bai Qianfeng were now looking at Ji Yuan as though they were questioning him; did he or did he not say it?

Although Bai Qianfeng knew the reason but she would not say it loud because she was helping Ji Yuan to deal with Yun Chi.

All of a sudden Yun Chi looked to Bai Qianfeng with a sudden smile, “We’ve met last night. You’re really very beautiful.”𝔫𝚘𝑣𝞮𝓛𝐧𝗲xt.𝓒𝐎𝑚

Bai Qianfeng and Ji Yuan were startled all of a sudden.

Bai Qianfeng was always donning her curtain veil and face veil. Last night she had removed her curtain veil as there was a need for her to see in the darkness.

Although everyone could tell that Bai Qianfeng was a really beautiful maiden even with her veil on but there seemed to have a hidden meaning to the casual remark that was made by Yun Chi.

Both Ji Yuan and Bai Qianfeng had a bad feeling that they were seen by her while they were doing their hanky panty last night…

Just as Ji Yuan was struggling to explain himself, Yun Chi chuckled softly. “Since we’re both co-leaders, you don’t mind giving me Team 4 to lead for the day?”

Ji Yuan smiled weakly, “Not at all.”

Then she turned to look at him with a smile, “By the way, I’ve some information for you.”

Ji Yuan: ???

“This is actually not my first time in this trial.” She smiled.

Ji Yuan pretended to gasp softly, “This is good. Then you are a more capable leader than I am. Haha.”

Yun Chi smiled, “It seems that we have landed on the most awkward place in Greed Island. The desert awaits us in the next couple of hours.”

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes, “Desert?”

How big is this Greed Island really?

Yun Chi nodded, “You may not know this but the trial is always focused on this Greed Island. There are many starting points and a random faction will be assigned each time.”

Ji Yuan laughed softly, “What is so difficult about a desert crossing? We are all cultivators here. We don’t need to drink.”

Yun Chi smiled wryly, “You shall know very soon.

To his surprise, Yun Chi had walked off just like this.

Just as he heaved a soft sigh of relief, the other five maidens were all questioning him now. “Ji Yuan, what is going on last night? Why are you with Yun Chi? Aren’t you with Qin Shuang?”

“Sister Qianfeng, can you explain why you’re hiding this from us?”

“Aren’t we sisters?”

Ji Yuan, Bai Qianfeng: …

Ji Yuan weakly said, “Don’t believe this Yun Chi. She is only trying to sow discord between us. Do you believe me or her?”

This was the ultimate question to test their relationship.

“Yun Chi is a maiden. She won’t ask for you to bang her. It must be you that had said it…”

“Yea, I believe her…”

“Knowing Ji Yuan, this is probably what he will say usually…”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Bai Qianfeng weakly said, “Ji Yuan really didn’t have anything to do with Yun Chi. I was there. She is just framing him.”


“Or is Sister Qianfeng covering up for Ji Yuan?”

“Something is fishy here…”

“Ji Yuan, where are you going?”

Ji Yuan weakly answered, “I need to rally our Team 10 to set off after the vanguard teams. We’ve no time for gossips.”

“It is not gossip. We can talk while we walk…”

“Ji Yuan, you’ve better explain to us what had happened last night…”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

He could only say bitterly, “I will explain later when we’re alone.”

He began to curse silently; This Yun Chi is really nothing but trouble…

After traveling for a few hours, they had left the thick canopy of the forest and saw a golden desert.

Gong Xiaotian had immediately regrouped all the teams together.

Ji Yuan could see that there were many cultivators that had fresh injuries and the number of cultivators had also been reduced by a little.

Gong Xiaotian had an ugly look on his face as he turned to all the cultivators to say, “We may have taken the wrong route a few hours ago. Now it is too late to turn back or we will have wasted plenty of precious time.”

Yun Chi had suddenly moved forward to smile coyly to him, “Master Gong, this may be the case but the desert is also the closest to the Fallen Gods City. Although the way is perilous but we may have a chance of finding the Fallen God Relic first.”

Gong Xiaotian nodded slowly, “So be it. We shall cross the desert then.”

Ji Yuan asked curiously as he asked Gong Xiaotian and Yun Chi, “What is this Fallen Gods City that you’re talking about?”

Yun Chi smiled pleasantly, “It is actually our final destination. The stone page of the Fallen Gods Relic is actually hidden in the Fallen Gods City that is in the middle of this Greed Island.”

Ji Yuan merely nodded slowly but he was cursing Yun Chi again;

It was because she had already known that Gong Xiaotian had already taken the wrong turn and yet she did not warn him that they would be approaching the desert.

But when he saw that Yun Chi was looking at him with pleasant smiles, he cursed even louder.

Just as he was about to rebuke her, Yun Chi asked pleasantly. “You seem to have something to say? Why don’t you bottom it up from your heart?”

Ji Yuan: …

Is she a worm in my stomach that she even knows what I was thinking about?

He grinned, “Nothing. I was just looking forward to this Fallen Gods City actually.”

Xiang Li asked curiously in his soul sea, “Big Brother, why is that your soul sea is thinking of cursing her but you are saying something else instead?”

Fairy Anyang smiled, “Maybe he is afraid of her.”

Ji Yuan protested immediately, “Nonsense. I’m just lazy to argue with her. Sure I can expose her but I’m a gentleman so I won’t take offense by her.”

“That is because our lord here can’t win her in any arguments.” Fairy Anyang giggled.

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

“That’s not true, you know.” Ji Yuan protested righteously. “I did remember that I’ve won at least one time.”

“Which one?” Fairy Anyang asked with a soft chuckle.

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes as he tried very hard to recall, “Too many times, I can’t remember. I tell you when I’m less busy. Right now, I am focusing on the trial and guarding myself against her.”

Fairy Anyang, Xiang Li: …

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