The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 340 The Fallen Gods Valley (5)

All the maidens were delighted that the Death God Mingwang was gone now and they were extremely relieved; not only Ji Yuan but Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi, Feng Minyue and Yu Jingjing had no confidence after they had witnessed the terrifying profound aura of the Death God Mingwang.

Only Ji Yuan remained extremely solemn.

“What is wrong?” Shui Xisi giggled. “Didn’t you just hear what he has said? We have a truce!”

Yu Jingjing was smiling too, “If I were him, I would not choose to fight you in this trial. This is the right decision. After all, we can always use the Escape Talismans and we can use it three times!”

Shui Xisi, Ling Feiyue and Little Princess were both nodding delightfully.

But there was a quiet look on Feng Minyue and Bai Qianfeng countenance instead.

Ji Yuan solemnly said, “It is not over yet.”

Ling Feiyue giggled, “Why do you say so?”

Ji Yuan sighed, “Did you see how he is able to approach us without alerting any of us? Maybe he is just lurking in the shadows, just waiting for us to finish our Escape Talismans in the trial.”

All of a sudden all the rest of the maidens were solemn, joining Bai Qianfeng and Feng Minyue.

Bai Qianfeng and Feng Minyue had already thought of this earlier…

Ji Yuan continued with a heavy sigh. “Moreover, I’ve just flashed my divine swords in the open and there are thousands of eyes looking down on me. The Death God Mingwang may be just waiting for the other cultivators to attack us instead. If there is one super cultivator like that Hua Yingxiong, there are bounded to be others too. The cultivators on the fifth level are all strong cultivators and none of them are the weak ones.”𝑛𝗈𝑽𝑒𝓁𝒩𝗲xt.𝓬𝔬𝓂

Ling Feiyue gasped softly and she said with trembling voice, “With so many cultivators around, we are bounded to finish our Escape Talismans very fast…”

Shui Xisi was also gasping with a sudden realization. “We may be able to use the Escape Talisman but we can’t recover our profound strength…”

“Not only that,” Little Princess interrupted with shock. “He may be just waiting for us outside the trial after we have used the Escape Talisman.”

Ji Yuan said solemnly, “And he may have already set up a sword formation to replicate a clone of himself outside the trial. When I am forced to use the Escape Talisman, even his clone will be able to kill me in my weaken state. Yes, we may have a truce inside the trial but he has never promised me that he won’t kill me while I am outside.”

Yu Jingjing was staring in disbelief, “Surely not, am I right? Surely the Death God Mingwang won’t be able to think so many steps ahead?”

“Beloved Jingjing, you’re wrong. We happen to be dealing with a ‘Most Cunning and Powerful’ foe.” Ji Yuan replied solemnly. “In my celestial fraternity, there are many smart opponents that will plot against one another.”

He could not resist adding, “Unlike the MCs in cultivation stories that can always predict their opponents’ moves but this is a real cultivation world where your opponents are capable of hundreds of plots simultaneous. The hardest part will be to guess their real plot. This is difficult because we are not them and it is very hard to guard against a dagger on the back.”

“He is talking about Jiajia.” Ling Feiyue giggled all of a sudden.

Ji Yuan: …

“Sorry, I can’t resist that.” Ling Feiyue looked a little sheepish as she was the only maiden to laugh at such a solemn moment like this.

She quickly took out a dozen profound pills to give to Ji Yuan, “This is for you, my lord.”

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes as he stared at the high level replenishing profound pills that Ling Feiyue had just given to him. These were all very expensive replenishing profound pills!

How come he did not know that Ling Feiyue has such a treasure trove of replenishing profound pills?

But before he could react, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue had all put dozens more replenishing profound pills into his hands.

Ji Yuan stared at the dozens of replenishing profound pills; these maidens are too rich, too rich!

He frowned, “You do know that I can’t possibly take all these replenishing profound pills at the same time, do you? Not only there is a diminishing effect but it will also stunt my cultivation strength and it may even be harmful to my cultivation core…”

“Return to us then…”

“Sorry, we have given you too many…”

“Ji Yuan is right…”

“We are just too eager to aid our lord…”

“When he takes five masculine profound pills at the same time, he didn’t even think of his stunt cultivation strength and cultivation core…”

Ji Yuan: …

He quickly interrupted them with an impish grin as he quickly put the replenishing profound pills into his spatial ring, “However, I really appreciate this. Haha.”

Ling Feiyue giggled, “He may say he doesn’t want but he actually wants it.”

“Yea. He is too shameless.” Little Princess nodded.

But Ji Yuan pretended not to hear anything; he is like a stone statue now and a stone statue can be quite shameless because the skin can really be solid thick.


Ling Feiyue giggled, “He is back to normal again…”

“Yea.” Shui Xisi smiled.

“Sister Qianfeng, are you alright?” Little Princess suddenly asked; she had noticed that Qianfeng had not been talking since earlier.

Even Ji Yuan could sense that something was wrong. “Are you alright, Qianfeng? Actually that Death God Mingwang is just full of hot air. I can surely defeat him. Haha.”

But Qianfeng had walked away as she said quietly, “Ji Yuan is always thinking of the most complicated plots against him. More often than not, he is often wrong. We don’t have to worry about the Death God Mingwang.”

Ji Yuan: …

Qianfeng, are you really alright? Why is it that I sense that something is amiss here? What are you thinking? Surely you’re not thinking about accepting the conditions of the Death God Mingwang?

But he pretended to laugh, “Qianfeng is right. I am just overthinking things. Haha.”

All the other maidens: …

Ji Yuan immediately flashed next to Qianfeng as he began to show off his new golden robe, “Qianfeng, what do you think about my new robe?”

He grinned, “This is a million high grade spirit stones robe, is almost impervious to most divine weapons and even whippings.”

Shui Xisi: …

Bai Qianfeng muttered, “You sound like this is the first thing that you have worn something like this.”

“Indeed it is my first time and the feeling is really wonderful.” Ji Yuan laughed shamelessly. “Just this robe alone I can buy the entire Five Heavens Peaks. Haha.”

Then he grinned, “Qianfeng, you’re so beautiful today.”

“Only today? What about yesterday or tomorrow?” Qianfeng hummed coldly.

There were choruses of laughter that come from the other maidens when they had heard her.

JI Yuan muttered weakly, “My Qianfeng is always beautiful.” Then he chuckled. “But I don’t know if my Qianfeng will be beautiful tomorrow because she seems to be unhappy today.”

Bai Qianfeng: …

“Why don’t you spend more of your free time to examine these black walls instead of chatting up on me?” She pointed at the black walls.

Ji Yuan saw that Qianfeng had already walked to the nearest black walls and was already examining it as they chatted along the way.

He replied cheekily, “Do I need to when I’ve my Qianfeng here to decipher the black walls? And what is so interesting about these black walls anyway? It is not like these black walls contain any cultivation profound arts…”

“These black walls are all cultivation profound arts…” Shui Xisi had gasped out of a sudden from behind them.

“Not only that, these black walls contain many of the intricate mysteries of cultivation.” Feng Minyue was also gasping. “I’ve never seen or heard anything like this previously.”

Little Princess added, “It is no wonder that these cultivators are all crowding all over this black mountain…”

As she said that, several flashes of purple lightning had rained down and had struck several more cultivators on the black mountains; some cultivators were able to tank it, some had used their Escape Talisman.

Yu Jingjing said with a sudden realization, “So those cultivators that are outside the trial, they are actually contemplating over the mysteries of these black walls. It’s no wonder they have such a lackluster interest when we’ve first appeared.”

Ling Feiyue was in awe as she looked at the black walls mountain that sketched for tens of miles and her lips were trembling, “This whole mountain is a treasure trove…”

Ji Yuan blinked his golden eyes as he took a look around and he saw that the thousands of cultivators on the black walls seemed to chant silently like zombies; breakthrough, breakthrough, secrets, secrets, immortality, immortality…

Ling Feiyue was smiling excitingly, “This portion of the black walls contains all the higher mysteries of cultivation in regards to the meridian channels. It may not be useful to me yet but it will certainly have its uses especially when I will be ascending to the Immortal Realm in the future. Maybe I can even find a breakthrough solution to my Six Realms Divine Art…”

“Look what I’ve found here…the Master Level of the Absolute Spirits…”

“The Million Flashes Sword Art…this supreme sword art is lost for a very long time…it is actually here…”

“The Profound Art of Ultimate Body Strengthening…”

All the other maidens except for Ji Yuan and Bai Qianfeng were frantically examining the nearby black walls now…

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