The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 325 The Trial Of The Transmigration (2)

It is said that the way down to the Mortal Realm has been sealed forever ever since the reincarnated Great God Pangu and the Great Goddess Fantian have ascended to the Immortal Realm, fulfilling their destinies as the gods of the immortals.

Ji Yuan was now staring blanking at the five thousands mortals that had gathered in front of him and everyone was looking extremely confused.

These five thousand mortals all wearing identical robes, men and women had all come from the many different Mortal Realms and all had different backgrounds.

Many of them were excited to see that they were all young again and in their most beautiful prime;

“What is going on here? Aren’t I an old man?”

“I am a cripple…was…”

“I’ve regained my beautiful looks? Then am I a virgin again?”

“I thought that I was killed by a truck?”

“My classroom exploded…”

“I’ve thought that I was dead?”

“I’ve got transmigrated into an isekai world?”

“I’ve jumped down to the train track…”

“Is this heaven?”

“Did my everlasting life profound pill works?”

“Where am I?”

“What is this place?”

“Just who are all of you?”

“And the most important thing of all, who is that beautiful cultivator that is staring down at us?”

This beautiful cultivator was of course Ji Yuan except that he was now in an ethereal form like a spirit.

Ji Yuan rolled his eyes; he is now the trial spirit in charge of leading these ‘new’ cultivators to ascend to the Celestial Realm as a first realm cultivator in the Celestial Realm.

This was his mission.

And he could only pass this trial if there is at least one mortal that could become a cultivator and he cannot aid them directly.

Not that he could since he had no real physical form now and was exactly like Xiang Li.

In fact he felt a little funny when he could now see Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang all the time now and they were like two succubus trying to devour his dao heart and to send him into the great abyss of temptation.

Luckily for him, their beautiful viewings were only restricted to him and not the mortal cultivators.

Ji Yuan frowned as he looked at everyone, “You must be really confused where you really are. Let me tell you that you are in the middle of a transmigration dream.”

I am equally confused but I’m just repeating what the blue blob had said to me so don’t blame me if I tell you the wrong stuff…

He forced through a smile, “Haha. This is your second chance on life. Some of you may be in your dreams when you are experiencing this, some of you may have transited here when you’ve died…”

A maiden sobbed, “I’ve tripped on a soap while stepping out of my bathroom and I was propelled out of the window. I’ve died a most embarrassing naked death…”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

“How do you die isn’t important anymore.” Ji Yuan interrupted with a frown. “But if you die here then you will surely die for real.”

“What do you mean?”

“We are actually not dead?”

“Is this a dream?”

“I’ve told you we are in an isekai world yah. We’re all dressed funny and so is he…”

Many of the mortal cultivators were now addressing Ji Yuan, “May we know who you are?”

“Hold, hold!” Ji Yuan shouted as he raised his hands to calm everyone down.

“Alright. I should have introduced myself first.” He began to smile bitterly.

But he was soon grinning, “I am the Cultivation God of this world. You may address me as the Great God Ji Yuan. Haha.”

“Great God Ji Yuan! Please tell us what to do!”

“Yes, we don’t want to die!”

“I want to stay young forever…”

Ji Yuan laughed, “Now I’ve got your attention.”

Then he pointed at a mountain peak in front of them. “On that mountain peak is a platform. All you’ve to do is to reach that platform and you can transmigrate into the Celestial Realm as a celestial cultivator.”

“Celestial cultivator?! What is that?”

“Cultivators are practitioners of the dao. You can call it the Way of the Heavens or just the Way…”

“We can be immortal?”

“We’ve stuck gold!”

Ji Yuan rolled his eyes; most of these mortal cultivators were only between the first to the second realm cultivators, depending on their mortal experiences and their mortal tribulations.

All these information was actually given to him by the blue blob before he had arrived at the scene.

He was thinking; these mortal cultivators are so lucky. They have such an easy trial and they can be celestial cultivators. Well, good luck to them.

Ji Yuan grinned, “It is about three to six hours, depending on the obstacles…”

“Hey, you there.” A mortal cultivator was shouting aloud now. “It looks more like three to six days. Are you kidding us?”

Many of the mortal cultivators were now laughing out loud.

“Be respectful!” Some of the other mortal cultivators were urging the others.

“He is just a trial spirit. We are the heroes and the main MCs!”

“Yes, we are all going to be gods in the new world…”

But it was obvious that the mortal cultivators were now divided into two main camps, the respectful and the arrogant camp.

Ji Yuan displayed a more forgiving look even though he was clearly frowning; I forget that that is my speed. For them, they may require many more days.𝓝𝑶𝚟ℯ𝓁𝐧𝑒xt.𝒸𝑂𝗆

I have better give them the details of this trial and then I can shake my leg.

So he laughed, “There are desolate monsters in this vicinity but there is nothing to be anxious about it. The trial restricts these desolate monsters to the fourth rank only. I will recommend that you stay out of trouble because all of you are just first or second realm cultivators. As a rule, third and fourth rank desolate monsters are above your league and you should not engage it one to one…”

“But we have several thousands here. Hehe…”

“What is this first or second realm cultivator thing?”

“Yes, what is it? We have a system here?”

“Is the desolate monsters scary?”

“I am just a civilian where I’ve come from…”

“I am a swordsman but I’ve no weapons now…”

“I am from the mortal celestial clan so I know what he is talking about…”

Ji Yuan weakly said, “First realm cultivators are called Practitioners. They are the Practitioners of the Way and the celestials here cultivate at this realm. As for the second realm, we call them the Master Practitioners. Naturally they are stronger than the first realm cultivators and have stronger profound strength. As for the third realm cultivators, they are the Enlighten Celestial. At this cultivation realm level, your aging will slow down. As for the fourth realm cultivation level, it is the Immortal Celestial level and you won’t age anymore at this point. In the future, you will have a chance to reach the fourth realm level if you cultivate hard enough.”

Haha. Most of you will probably perish before the fourth realm level anyway so I’m stopping my explanation here.

Most of the mortal cultivators were all quite excited and the thought that they may gain eternal life strongly motivate them.

Many were in fact quite eager to start.

“So we are the bestowed sons and daughters of the heavens to be granted such a chance?”

“Actually, I don’t know why I am here. I had died while helping a granny to cross the road…”

Ji Yuan was delighted that his ‘team’ was quite excited to start so he quickly hastens up his speech, “On your fingers is a spatial ring. Inside you will find your weapons. All you need to do is to will it with your mind and by rubbing it.”

Immediately the five thousand cultivators began to rub their spatial rings and they were all taking out their ‘weapons’.

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes when he saw their weapons because he could not recognize most of it; the giant blue blob had told him that their weapons will be the ones that they are familiar with in their previous life.

Only a couple hundreds have a long sword.

Many have choppers, daggers, bows, spears and lotsa of weird looking weapons.

These weird looking weapons naturally come from a more futuristic mortal realm.

Many of these cultivators were laughing out loud;





“We have cheats in this world!”

Many of the mortal cultivators were also looking at the other mortal cultivators with a weird look; they did not recognize their weapons either.

Immediately the egos of the futuristic mortal cultivators went up several notches and they were starting to behave like they were the leaders of the group.

Ji Yuan said to them, “You can be on your way now. If you think you cannot overcome the trial, you can return here. This is the safe point. However I must warn you first; you will die here and this will end your chance. And you may even die in your real life if your heart is weak. Well for those that had already died, it doesn’t matter.”

With that Ji Yuan laughed as he retreated to the shade where he decided to drool at Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang until the end of the trial.

Xiang Li asked Ji Yuan, “Big Brother, you’re not keeping a watch over them?”

Ji Yuan laughed jovially, “Didn’t you hear what the fat blob says? As long as one mortal cultivator is able to reach the platform that is on top of the mountain then I can pass the trial. It is as easy as that. Moreover there are no desolate monsters that are above the fourth rank here.”

Then he pointed at the excited mortal cultivators that were below. “Look at their excited faces. I think that morale is very good in a team and their morale looks great!”

Xiang Li took a look below and indeed, many of the mortal cultivators were all laughing as though it was a game.

“Let’s go hunting!”

“I am looking for blood now…”

“I’m an experienced hunter in my previous life and I’ve hundreds of trophies…”

“I’m from the animal rights…”

Ji Yuan laughed from above as he waved his hand to everyone, “Good luck! Farewell! Haha.”

Xiang Li asked again, “Big Brother, you sure?”

Ji Yuan laughed, “Of course. Even my first realm cultivators from my Orthodox Sword Sect can pass this trial easily. If my useless Yan’Er can also pass, so can they. Moreover there are five thousands of them. Even the higher rank desolate monsters will be afraid of such a large group. They can virtually complete this trial with their eyes closed.”

“Maybe it is not a Wicked Trial but an Easy Trial. Haha.”

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