The Reincarnated Goddess is Fierce

Chapter 650 - Is She a Robot

Chapter 650: Is She a Robot

The player was in such a trance that he forgot to walk and almost fell down.

Luckily he reacted just in time to straighten his body. Otherwise, it would have been embarrassing.

The other spectators were also bewildered.

Previously, when Xia Xibei controlled the whole game, everyone forgot about the existence of the other contestants.

Now, there were other contestants who answered the question before Xia Xibei?

Could it be that Xia Xibei finally came across a question that she couldn’t answer?

However, the difficulty of that question just now was too low. Even a junior high school student could answer it, so it was unlikely.

Was she tired of running?

Everyone looked at Xia Xibei in unison.

Well… Her pace was as calm as ever and her expression was as subdued; she did not even have that many drops of sweat.

It was impossible for her to be tired.

Then… Only the fact that “she’d found her conscience” could explain it.

Next, the “conscientious” Xia Xibei stopped frantically answering. When she encountered a simple question, she would give up the opportunity.

Because of her concession, the others finally had the chance to answer some questions.

Only, those were very simple questions. Even if the answer was correct, there was not much sense of achievement.

Meanwhile, Xia Xibei specifically picked difficult questions to answer.

[LOL! This is brutal!]

[Sister Bei played this hand really well! It feels like the others are going to collapse.]

[I can’t help but cry for the others, this is too much bullying!]

[What are all these questions? How can I not understand? I feel mentally challenged…]

After twenty minutes, many players could not handle it anymore and asked to reduce the speed to a brisk walking pace.

However, to everyone’s surprise, Xia Xibei’s speed remained unchanged.

Seeing her relaxed look and the thin layer of sweat on her forehead, no one had anything to say.

[Sister Bei’s physical strength is simply unbelievable!]

[If it was always at this speed, I can also run an hour. But with speeding up and slowing down, and then also testing reaction speed and intelligence too… This is simply insane!]

[Don’t you think the program team is the most insane?!]

[The program team is fierce!]

People were telling their friends online, and there were more and more viewers entering the live stream.

They had watched so many shows, but this was the first time they had seen such a salacious operation!

Was this still a quiz show? Not a sports event?

Of course, the most amazing was Xia Xibei.

The others seemed to be on the verge of breaking down, but she managed to stay so relaxed. She was simply not human!

By the time more than a hundred questions were asked, it was already two hours later.

Everyone looked at the track Xia Xibei ran at the same speed as before, falling silent.

[Damn, this is not human!]

[This physical strength… She is doped up, right?]

[She’s an alien, right?!]

By the time the game was in its final stretch, there were already a lot of conversations on the microblog.




These were trending on many hot searches and topic lists.

Everyone clicked in and took a look, going into the live stream room. Then, in unison, they came out on their knees.

She was not a person at all!

Who the hell could keep running at such a speed for two hours?!

If it wasn’t for the sweat on Xia Xibei’s face, everyone would really think she was a tireless robot!

By the time the game was over and she stopped, everyone was still in a bit of a trance.

Was it finally over?

In the end, Xia Xibei won with a terrifying score of 69 points.

Due to the midway speed drop, the other nine contestants had a combined score of fewer than 30 points.

That night, the whole blogsphere was discussing “Million Dollar Wisdom & Courage.”

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