The Reincarnated Goddess is Fierce

Chapter 623 - Good and Obedient

Chapter 623: Good and Obedient

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Little did they know that these few posts were made by Cui Tong.

After Cui Tong reposted it, she grabbed Xia Xibei’s phone and reposted it again.

She said while reposting, “At this time, you have to repost. You can’t lose this opportunity, or the publicity will be wasted….”

Xia Xibei watched Cui Tong’s actions, the corners of her mouth twitching.

She moved her mouth, but finally closed it.

Forget it, let Cui Tong get high by herself..

However, this incident did bring her a lot of popularity.

After all, this was a major social event. Plus, she was in the entertainment industry, so there was plenty of attention when the two were combined.

“Wow, have you saved others before?” Cui Tong suddenly looked up and asked.


Xia Xibei froze for a moment.

“It says here that you saved some elementary school students a few months ago,” Cui Tong said, pointing to the phone.

“Oh, that…” Xia Xibei replied. “Yes, it was a man who wanted to seek revenge, and he wanted to make a move on elementary school students.”

“Wow! Awesome!” Cui Tong was in awe and looked at Xia Xibei with amazingly bright eyes. “Sister Bei, you are really selfless and passionate!”

Xia Xibei was speechless.

“I should be the one calling you older sister.”

Cui Tong was 26 years old, more than eight years older than Xia Xibei. It was clear who was older, wasn’t it?

“No, no, no! You are the older sister!” Cui Tong nodded emphatically. “I want to depend on you!”


Xia Xibei held her forehead, speechless.

Early this morning, Cui Tong went straight to her and couldn’t be shaken off.

When Cui Tong got up this morning, she found that her acne was gone, her skin was smooth, and after weighing herself, she hadn’t gained any weight!

Cui Tong became very excited, and after having a big breakfast, she pestered Xia Xibei like a stalker.

Cui Tong was much more active than before, even in the retweeting of this matter.

Even her agent thought it was amazing. Cui Tong had never been this facetious before.

It seemed that this life-saving grace was indeed quite powerful.

“Sister Bei, how do you take care of your skin?” Cui Tong put down her phone and came over again. If she had a tail, it would have wagged.

“Tonight, after work, come to my room. I will help you take a look.”

Although Xia Xibei was speechless, she was not going to refuse the business delivered to her door.

“Take a look for me?” Cui Tong looked bewildered and confused. “How to look? Look at what?”

“You’ll know when the time comes.”

“Good! I’ll come over tonight!” Cui Tong nodded decisively, well behaved.

“Now go and work hard!” Xia Xibei couldn’t resist patting her head.


The two agents on the side looked at each other, speechless while staring at the scene.

Cui Tong’s agent was in a trance. Since when did Cui Tong become so well behaved?


Cui Tong had always been capricious and arrogant. Never mind obedience, she was nice enough not to get mad at you.

So why was she so obedient in front of Xia Xibei?

Surely, besides saving her life, becoming beautiful was her biggest motivation!

Not only was the agent surprised, others in the crew were also dumbfounded.

Although it was the first time they worked with Cui Tong, who hadn’t heard of her reputation?

But today’s Cui Tong was different from before! She was especially obedient!

Then they saw Xia Xibei on the side, and everyone admired her even more.

Due to this, the entire crew’s attitude towards Xia Xibei changed a lot. In the work that followed, everyone was much warmer to her.

In the afternoon, just after she finished work, Xia Xibei received a call from Qiao Yanjue.

He was now in Z City, and he wanted her to join him for dinner.

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Chapter 624: Hostile

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Qiao Yanjue came to Z City because, besides really having something to do, he also wanted to see Xia Xibei.

She had to stay in Z City for a while and couldn’t go back, so naturally he had to come over here.

Moreover, after reading about Xia Xibei’s capture of the fugitive on the Internet, he couldn’t help but worry.

Although he knew that with Xia Xibei’s skills, there would be no problem, he was still worried and made sure to ask Xia Xibei out for a meal so he could confirm her safety.

However, he didn’t expect Xia Xibei to have an unfamiliar girl by her side, in addition to bringing Pan Yan with her.

“Brother Jue.”

Xia Xibei walked in with Cui Tong and Pan Yan.

When she saw Qiao Yanjue, Cui Tong gave a surprised gasp..

So good looking!

Cui Tong had been in the entertainment industry for many years and had seen many handsome men, but there were not many like Qiao Yanjue.

His face was hot, his temperament was good, and he looked more handsome than those male artists. After all, his aura was different.

“She is…” Qiao Yanjue’s eyes fell on Cui Tong’s hand, which was pulling on Xia Xibei.

“Oh, she’s Cui Tong, my colleague.” Xia Xibei pulled Cui Tong’s hand away and pressed her into a chair. “This is Qiao Yanjue, my brother.”


Cui Tong’s big eyes blinked, looking back and forth twice.

Then she understood. He was not a real brother, but a lover brother, right?

“Hello, Mr. Qiao.”

Hearing this polite address, Qiao Yanjue’s face looked slightly better.

“Hello, Miss Cui.”

Xia Xibei ignored the two people’s addresses and naturally sat next to Qiao Yanjue.

“Brother Jue, have you ordered yet?”

“Yes, I did,” Qiao Yanjue nodded. “I ordered all your favorites and the signature dishes here. See if there’s anything else you want to eat.”

Xia Xibei handed the menu to Cui Tong instead.

“You guys see if there’s anything you want to eat.”

Cui Tong didn’t take it and handed it to Pan Yan.

“I don’t care.”

Pan Yan naturally had no problem with it.

While waiting for the food, Qiao Yanjue asked about how Xia Xibei’s life had been in the past two days.

“It went well, there were no problems. I just have to take more pictures tomorrow,” Xia Xibei said while eating a fruit appetizer.

“Hasn’t it already been shot? I remember that you had already shot it yesterday,” Qiao Yanjue said while giving her the fruit, carefully picking out the seeds from the watermelon.

“The photographer has other ideas, and we have to shoot again tomorrow.”

Xia Xibei held nothing back.

“Then do a good shoot and remember to tell me if something goes wrong.”

“Got it.”

Cui Tong sat to the side, her eyes going back and forth over them, her gaze flickering.

This Qiao Yanjue looked like he should be in his twenties and carried the air of a successful businessman. However, Xia Xibei was only in her teens. This was a big difference, right?

This kind of “old man” who wanted to make a move on a girl would easily succeed.

Although the two seemed to be on good terms, Cui Tong could not help but worry.

What if Xia Xibei was deceived?

Due to this worry, Cui Tong did not eat very well during the meal.

Of course, besides worrying, it was also because Qiao Yanjue and Xia Xibei’s interaction was too intimate, the PDA too great.

When they finally finished eating, Cui Tong said, “Um, we have to go back, right? The director will scold us if we’re late.”

Since this was the case, Qiao Yanjue couldn’t afford to continue to keep them.

“Then I’ll take you guys back.”

“No need, we drove here!” Cui Tong flatly refused. “If you take us back, how troublesome would it be if the reporters caught us on camera?!”

Qiao Yanjue paused, his face slightly sunken.

Why did he feel that Cui Tong was hostile towards him?

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