The Princess Consort Has A Lethal Destiny

Chapter 728 - Men Are Rocks

Chapter 728: Men Are Rocks

After Xie Qiao left, the old lady was mumbling..

The daughter-in-law who was cowering by the side and did not dare to speak was so frightened that her face turned pale.

What did the mother-in-law mean?

She knew that her husband’s ex-wife had died from surgery. However, from what she knew, the wife died when the children were still in her belly… Did that not happen in order to protect the children?! Why did it sound like… the children… did not die on their own?!

The woman thought a lot and could not help but recall the time when she gave birth to the child.

It was the in-laws’ aunt who came to deliver the child.

At that time, she felt like she was like a piece of pork on a chopping board. The midwife desperately pressed hard on her belly, making her feel as if she was about to die.

She thought that was how giving birth was like…

However, thinking about it carefully, after she gave birth, the aunt’s expression at that time was as if she was going to strangle her child to death!

She seemed to have said something to her mother-in-law?

What did she say…?

She thought carefully, and finally, she recalled something.

Her mother-in-law said, “Why is it a girl again?”

However, the aunt said that it would be terrible if anything were to happen again, or else no one would dare to ask her to deliver babies in the future. She also said that the first two were gone, and this one would not cost much to raise. She had given birth so quickly after marrying into the family, and her body was in good health, there was still hope in the future…

The more she thought about it, the colder her body became.

After Xie Qiao returned, she went to look for her eldest brother.

Xie Pinggang dragged Yu Xian along again, insisting that she teach him that fist technique. He was already old, yet he still fought for the master with Xie Pinghuai. Xie Pinghuai was so angry that he stomped his feet on the side.

“Eldest Sister! Isn’t Master here to teach me?! If Eldest Brother is also learning from him, when will I be able to defeat him?!” Xie Pinghuai was about to die from anger!

He wanted the master to fool his eldest brother, but the master was a practical person!

Seeing that eldest brother was eager to learn, the master was teaching everything she knew!

Xie Pinggang saw that Xie Qiao had come, so he stopped and walked over.

“The few grannies couldn’t find you today. Were you with Master Mo again?” Xie Pinggang asked.

Xie Qiao nodded. “Yes, Master Mo asked me to look for you for a favor.”

Xie Qiao explained the whole situation.

“The master has worked hard for His Highness. She even went to help the Yan family.” Xie Pinggang first praised Mo Chusheng, then he said, “That Bao Lunsheng you mentioned is really terrible. I’ve seen many people like him. If he can do evil once, he will do it twice. Tomorrow, I will go to the administrative office and transfer him to the criminal division. I will take good care of him and guarantee that he will confess all the bad things he has done in his life!

“As for that midwife and that evil mother-in-law…” Xie Pinggang thought for a moment, he said, “Sigh, the situation of the midwife is special. It’s all up to the elders to decide whether to keep the child or not. It’s a tough case. As for the children… The person who killed them was also a relative of the younger generation. The most we can do will be 70 strokes of canning and two years of prison.”

Xie Qiao frowned. “Can’t he be given a heavy sentence?”

“According to the book, men are rocks and women are tiles. How many ordinary people, especially the poorer ones, drown female infants? This is considered normal. Even the previous dynasty didn’t have any law on this. The law was only added in this dynasty.”

He worked in the criminal division, so he had heard of it. When there was such a law, everyone in the world was very confused and shocked.

Before this law, if a baby girl was born in some remote and uncivilized household, regardless of her temperament or appearance, as long as her parents tacitly agreed not to let her live, the midwife would use a basin to draw water and push the baby into the water, letting her struggle and cry, until she drowned.

Now, the Qianyuan dynasty had gotten rid of many terrible customs. The lives of women were not as cheap as weed, but there were still some people who would kill ruthlessly.

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