The Mech Touch

Chapter 5676 Why Me?

Chapter 5676 Why Me?

5676 Why Me?

"Thank you for supplying us with your insightful answers, Professor Larkinson." Locur Deklok conveyed genuine gratitude and appreciation as the interview reached the hour mark. "You have resolved many doubts and filled many gaps in our understanding of your products. My understanding of your new Ultimatum line has increased greatly compared to before. I am sure your rapidly expanding customer base will be able to pilot your works with greater confidence."

The virtual form of Ves smiled and clasped his hands. "I am glad to be of service. There is endless depth to my living mechs. The answers that I have given so far only clarifies a fraction of what they can do. My advice is the same as before. If you want to learn more about your living mechs, then spend more time with them. The more you make use of them, the more they will unveil their secrets to you. My latest releases are all remarkably clever than in the past due to the existence of E energy radiation. E energy is a giant tonic for a living mech."

"What can mech pilots do to take advantage of this relationship?"

"It is not just hyper mechs that can leverage the power of E energy." Ves replied. "Humans such as you and I are constantly affecting the E energy radiation around us. It responds to our thoughts and emotions, and we respond to it as well. The effects are still too subtle to perceive for most people, but it is an established fact that these interactions are constantly taking place. What this means in practice is that if mech pilots want to squeeze more power out of their living mechs, they should channel all of their mind and will into completing whatever purpose you wish to fulfill."

Locur Deklok adopted a skeptical expression. "Far be it for me to question your expertise, but your advice does not sound practical enough. It is difficult to imagine that wishful thinking can change reality. As far as I know, only high-ranking mech pilots are capable of performing this feat. Standard mech pilots cannot do anything of significance."

"Is that what you think?"

"Am I mistaken, Professor Larkinson?"

"There are more ways to become powerful than you think." The mech designer responded. "While I cannot say that everyone can become as powerful as an expert pilot merely by wishing really hard, there are far more possibilities available to you than before. There are certain laws and limitations that restrict us, but nothing is infallible. Compared to the obstacles that our reality tries to impose upon us, humans possess endless potential. Never stop believing that you are capable of doing more. If my terminally ill grandfather can be cured from disability and break through to become a powerful expert pilot once again, anyone can turn from a zero to a hero. Just keep your mind open and be receptive to any possibility."

As Ves continued to clarify his thoughts, the battle involving the Pellicky Praetorians continued to deteriorate by the second.

"Yuri! Pilot Yuri Enfame! Answer me! Why have you ceased all activity?! I know you are still awake! The readings transmitted by your Ultimatum tells me that you are still in fighting condition. I don't know whether you have given up or not, but get back in the fight or I will pry you out of the cockpit of your mech and pilot it myself!"

Commander Andrea Pellicky's fell on deaf ears as the heavy artillery mech pilot was off in his own world, or more precisely, his living mech's world.

His connection to his body and all of his usual senses disappeared.

For whatever reason, it felt as if his consciousness fell into a pit that led right to the heart of his living mech.

The active man-machine connection allowed Yuri to 'perceive' his Ultimatum that his limited condition interpreted as a flaming ball of energy.

He was not sure whether other mech pilots would perceive a living mech in the same way, but to Yuri, the Ultimatum was like a burning star that constantly radiated power.

Now that Yuri was able to perceive his living mech in such an intimate manner, he already felt alot closer to this machine.

This was why he felt more depressed and disappointed in himself. He could feel the clear and obvious rejection from his machine.

When he attempted to 'move' closer to his living mech, the flaming ball blocked his advance and pushed him back!

"Give me a chance! I can do better! The battle is not over yet. I still have a chance!"

Yuri was not quite certain how he was able to convey his words without a mouth, but he still felt that his Ultimatum received his message.

The machine just wasn't receptive to his pleas.

"Why bring me here if you don't want me another?" Yuri asked as despair threatened to overtake his mind.

"Your living mech did not pull you into this space. It is incapable of doing so. I am responsible for pulling you here." An unfamiliar female voice spoke.

"Who!? Where?"

"Over here."

Yuri directed his attention 'downwards' and suddenly discovered there was a cat in the vicinity!

The translucent cat possessed a striking appearance. An enormous seed of power was buried within. The power of destruction suffused her body to such a degree that even her fur evoked illusions of calamities!

The mech pilot immediately froze when he realized who had just addressed him. Though the cat was a lot smaller than how she appeared in the battle footage, the Herald of Destruction was the avatar of one of the most powerful mech pilots in the Red Ocean!

"Your Divinity! My apologies for not recognizing you. It... it is an honor to be graced by your presence!"

The cat stared at Yuri with a judgemental expression but did not deign to respond to his words. Her only visible action was to swish her tail.

The silent treatment caused Yuri to grow uncertain.

"...Are you here... to tell us that you are about to save us all?" The mech pilot hesitantly asked.

"I cannot save you." The cat replied. "I am stationed several zones away. It is impossible for my Ragnarok to arrive in time to save you and your fellow mercenaries."

"Then... is it possible for you to channel your will through my Ultimatum?"

The Herald of Destruction shook her feline head. "I can do much, but channeling my power across light-years is not my expertise. Only a small fraction of my power ties me to your living mech. This anchor is too small and weak for me to do anything more than communicate with you. The moment I try to exert my power, this channel will snap and break. You should dispense with your unrealistic fantasies."

Yuri's hopes fell. He thought that since the Destroyer of Worlds deigned to reach him, she would surely take action to save his life and the lives of his fellow Praetorians.

He did not blame her for her inability to intervene. The Ultimatum already gave him a priceless opportunity to make contact with a powerful god pilot. He just wished that he wouldn't have met her when he was on the cusp of death.

"Why... are you here, if not to rescue us? Are you here to record my last words?"

The flaming cat began to move. She began to circle around Yuri's intangible form and looked as if she was scrutinizing him carefully.

"You are not special." She declared. "You used to be a serving soldier, but you resigned because you felt that you deserved more. Your skills are decent, but they are not solid. If your fundamentals were stronger, you wouldn't have missed as many shots with the Onyx Cannon. If a more talented and strong-willed mech pilot was in your place, he would have broken through more likely than not. While a single case of forced resonance is unlikely to turn the battle around, it can at least inspire others into fighting harder. A more exemplary mech pilot would have never allowed himself to enter into a spiral of doubt and self-defeat. Only heroes have the capacity to step up when they are subjected to adversity. You... are the opposite."

The cat's words struck Yuri like hammer blows. The much more inferior mech pilot developed an even greater loathing for himself!

The judgment of the Destroyer of Worlds was as truthful as it could get. There was no way for Yuri to deny the words of one of the eight gods of the piloting profession!

"If... if I am such a letdown as a pilot, what have I done to deserve your personal attention?"

The cat stopped her motion and stared straight into Yuri.

"Do you know how many situations like yours that I have experienced through the Ultimatum design? Ever since that brat turned me into a 'design spirit', I have come into touch with a rapidly expanding pool of mech pilots. Most of them are adequate, as it is unlikely for unqualified mech pilots to be assigned to an Ultimatum mech. Even so, not all pilots are able to respond better than you if they were placed in the same circumstances. It is difficult to cling to hope when all of the odds are stacked against you. It is only in the direst of circumstances when one's true character comes to light."

"Then I..."

The cat shook her head. "Yours is not that good. No one is perfect, but there are still hundreds of Ultimatum pilots that have earned my admiration for one reason or another. They are heroes in the making who have the greatest chance of activating their potential. You... are decidedly more average."

Yuri felt hurt and puzzled. It was always painful to hear the ugly truth, but to have a god pilot extend her attention to him just so that he could disparage his qualities as a mech pilot was excessive!

"Are you going to keep insulting me until I die?! If you keep talking to me like this, then I would rather prefer it if you bother another mech pilot!"

The cat finally showed her first sign of approval. "Ah, you are beginning to assert yourself. That is the spirit! A mech pilot must always be proud. Let me tell you the truth, then. A long time ago, I did not consider myself to be special, even if I had already managed to accrue a small measure of strength back then. Once I was placed in a comparable situation as yours, I doubt I would have been able to survive this predicament by relying on my own power."

"Yet you managed to survive anyway."

"I had help." The cat wistfully smiled as if she was recalling her old memories. "This is a secret that I have never shared with anyone. Back then, someone came and decided to extend a helping hand to me. I do not know why I of all people received this help, but it has changed my life ever since. Nowadays, I find myself in a position where I can potentially act in a similar capacity. It is not a question whether I can do it, but whether it is right for me to interfere with the natural course of events. God pilots are not supposed to hold people's hands. They need to learn how to stand up on their own. Everything else will lead to excessive dependencies."

Yuri felt less confident about himself. "I... think I understand."

"I do not think you do. You see, my considerations are different. The rules that I am expected to abide by compel me to maintain my distance from you. If you are meant to fail and perish without my involvement, then so be it. Any intervention on my part will change the future and lead to unintended consequences."

"These are good points." Yuri acknowledged.

The cat snorted. "They are not! Why must I care about these rules and conventions? What is so dangerous about changing the future? Back when he changed my life by bestowing me with his boon, I doubt he respected the rules. He came in touch with me and gave me a chance regardless of how deserving I am. I still do not quite understand why I received his boon despite reaching my ultimate goal. Now that I have placed myself in his perspective, I think I understand a part of his considerations."

"And those are...?"

"Screw the rules." The cat contemptuously said. "How dare the future dictate my actions? If anything, it is my right to shape the future! The actions of a single individual have eventually led to my ultimate ascension. I am curious... if I bestow my assistance to seemingly ordinary mech pilot such as yourself, will I be able to replicate his contribution to society? It is worth exploring. Besides, I hate cosmopolitans. Helping you may cause them to suffer a setback. That is another reason I want to intervene."

Yuri suddenly grew a lot more hopeful! He did not dare to harbor too many thoughts, but he couldn't help but look forward to what kind of help he could receive from the Destroyer of Worlds.

"What should I expect?"

"There can be no rebirth without destruction." The flaming cat said as she suddenly became more menacing. "I cannot make you stronger without unmaking you first. Get ready, because this will be painful! Miew!"

Before Yuri could think about anything else, the flaming cat jumped straight at Yuri before inflicting pain to his very soul!

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