The Mech Touch

Chapter 5359 The Evolution Witch

Chapter 5359 The Evolution Witch

The aliens had their gods, and so did the humans.

The natives of the Red Ocean worshiped phase lords and phase leaders for a long time because their size and strength exceeded every limit!

In front of an organism that could grow as large as a moon and bend the very fabric of space, how could they not associate such an immense being to a god?

Just the titanic body unveiled by the orven greater phase lord known as the Darkstar King caused the orven soldiers on the battlefield to fight with fanatical fervor, the appearance of a god mech caused every human to have unflinching confidence in their victory!

Even the members of the Red Fleet cheered the arrival of one of the strongest war machines of a rival organization!

It was not without merit that the emergence of a single god mech inspired so much faith and confidence!

Ever since god mechs came about, they had become practically undefeatable in combat!

Few if any measures of the Seven Apex Races of the Milky Way Galaxy could stand a chance against the unreasonable might of a god mech.

These were unstoppable machines, fueled by the strongest wills of the human race. Each one of them broke the limits of the laws of physics to such an absurdly strong extent that people couldn't help but recognize god pilots as literal deities!

The name recognition of god pilots and god mechs was nearly universal in human society.

Ever since the Age of Mechs came about, the Mech Trade Association made sure to integrate mechs deep into the lives of every person.

Even ordinary civilians who never came close to actual mechs in their lives still became affected by their existence through the media and the culture of their states!

The Evolution Witch was a relatively new name in the mech community. She was only 170 years old and already made a reputation for herself in her infrequent but high-profile deployment against the aliens of both the Milky Way and the Red Ocean.

As her title suggested, the Evolution Witch always changed and improved the way she fought.

One of her more notable properties that caused her to stand out from the rest of her colleagues was that she pursued a double career as a mech pilot and a biotech researcher since the beginning!

Many mech pilots had to spend all of their available time on training and improving their piloting skills.

Doing less than their best effort often caused them to fail to draw out their full potential, thereby limiting their advancement opportunities.

The Evolution Witch was different.

As one of the rare potentates whose genetic aptitude reached as high as A+, piloting mechs came natural to Lucie Miyazaki!

Piloting had become so easy to her that she sought an additional challenge.

She decided to not only specialize in piloting the more complicated and less popular biomechs, but also decided to study biotechnology!

As a mecher that was born and raised in the MTA, she did not lack for excellent augmentations and learning opportunities.

Her astonishingly high genetic aptitude alone ensured that the Association did not skimp on fulfilling her needs.

To her credit, Lucie Miyazaki managed to live up to the most optimistic expectations of her family, her teachers, her patrons, her faction and humanity as a whole.

While she did not become a brilliant biotech researcher before she ascended to the rank of god pilot, her scientific knowledge synergized well with the constantly changing biomechs she piloted in the past.

However, it was not until the Transhumanist Faction especially designed and growed the Geneforger for her that her strength shot up like a rocket!

This was especially once her intelligence and learning ability reached a whole new level after merging with her god biomech!

The Geneforger excellently complimented her domain, her abilities, her approach towards combat and most importantly her expertise in biotechnology.

While her organic god machine possessed a large amount of diverse and constantly evolving abilities, there were a few iconic traits that were well-known to any well-informed mech insider.

First, the Geneforger possessed the ability to rapidly devour any form of biomass.

Second, the Geneforger possessed a large pocket space that was especially set up to store biomass in a way that preserved all of their advantageous properties.

Third, the Geneforger was able to regenerate damage to its biological frame at a rapid speed, especially when it drew from its large biomass reserves.

Fourth and perhaps the most important one, the Geneforger was named this way because it could assimilate, synthesize or draw out any form of alien or artificial biotissue in a short amount of time.

Fifth, the Geneforger was able to produce entire organisms out of any form of biomass it controlled.

It was not hard for biomech designers with access to ample resources to design an organic mech that possessed one or several of these properties.

It was a lot harder to stuff them all into a single organic frame that was only moderately larger than a typical mech!

The Star Designers responsible for the Geneforger's development had somehow managed to do it while also ensuring that the biomachine was strong enough to fight at the highest level.

The organic grand work turned out to be such a miracle of human creation that Lucie Miyazaki instantly fell in love with her dream machine!

Its strength and unmatched capabilities complemented the highly talented biomech pilot so well that she completed the ultimate leap and broke through at a fairly young age!

If not for the absurd record set by the Chosen Human, the Evolution Witch would have definitely become known as one of the fastest prodigies to transcend into a god pilot!

Everything changed now that the Evolution Witch merged with her ultimate biomech. They had perfectly combined their greatest advantages in a singular god-like existence, allowing them to become a god in will and a god in body at the same time!

"How glorious." Ves couldn't help but utter.

He was able to appreciate the insane craftsmanship and ingenuity of the Geneforger a bit more because of his shallow accumulation in biotechnology.

Ves couldn't help but think of his frivolous idea of trying to design a god biomachine based on the pattern of a phase lord.

He suddenly felt that his daydream was far too inadequate compared to a true work of excellence like the Geneforger!

In any case, the Evolution Witch hadn't actually showed up in public all that much in the last few years.

People were generally aware that she had accepted a posting in the Red Ocean, but few people knew what kind of missions she had been running during this period.

Her high profile appearance during Operation Night Jazz therefore produced a noticeably greater impact among the humans who fervently watched the unfolding battles on the simultaneous live feeds!

Previously, whatever recording systems were responsible for broadcasting the battle over the Tenth Tide Station had to back off and zoom out by a huge extent in order to properly capture the titanic body of the Darkstar King.

Compared to the 350-kilometer long body of the orven phase lord, the 15-kilometer long hull of the Throne of Lies looked like a needle in proportion!

As for the Geneforger, its organic frame was so small that it was practically impossible to see with the naked eye from the previous camera perspective.

Yet despite the fact that its frame was so proportionately tiny, its aura and presence exceeded that of every other existence on the battlefield!

No ace mech, no dreadnought, no phase whale and no phase lord could cause an entire section of the battlefield to stop and fall silent!

This was not just because of the immensely high reputation and intimidation factor of a god mech.

Part of the reason why the Geneforger had such an exaggerated effect on so many people was due to her God Kingdom!

Many mech insiders considered Saint Kingdoms to be the prototypical forms of God Kingdoms.

The former might be a big deal to many people, but the true insiders understood that only God Kingdoms had the power to cement mechs as the ultimate war weapons of the human race!

The range of a typical Saint Kingdom was enough to give ace mechs an advantage in melee combat, but it was normally not that helpful in ranged combat.

It was different for a God Kingdom. Without a comparable domain that was strong enough to resist its expansion, it could stretch out across an entire battlefield, an entire planet and in some extreme cases an entire star system!

Of course, even god pilots had their limits. They could not extend their God Kingdoms across an entire star system and expect to exert perfect control over what happened inside.

In practice, the strength, radius and other properties of a God Kingdom varied wildly from god pilot to god pilot.

Compared to the first-generation god pilots that had accumulated their strength over multiple centuries, the fairly young Evolution Witch still had a lot of room for growth.

Despite her lack of growth, her much more modern god biomech combined with her amazing expertise in biotechnology caused her to establish her credentials as an absolute powerhouse in her own right!

The Evolution Witch had once wiped out all life on an alien planet by extending her God Kingdom across the entire globe.

The Geneforger itself did not take any direction during this horrifying demonstration. The god pilot merely relied on her extreme domain field to mutate every organism, no matter whether it was a sentient life form or a simple plant!

Plants starved to death as they lost their photosynthesis ability.

Wild exobeasts began to grow tumors. Once these harmful growths exploded, they released spores that were lethal to many species upon inhalation.

The intelligent aliens who settled on the planet turned against each other as their alien hormones and brain activity became wildly skewed.

Mothers turned against their children. Siblings cannibalized each other. Soldiers fought amongst themselves.

In the end, the Evolution Witch exacted the ultimate punishment onto the sentient aliens caught within her God Kingdom.

The surviving aliens evolved in reverse. The alien population successively lost their ability to understand science, to read, to speak a coherent language, to farm, to create fire and to understand the very concept of self!

The fact that this total devolution took place in a matter of hours rather than years was the most horrifying part about this demonstration!

Many aliens of the Milky Way would rather choose to perish in an instant by having the Destroyer of Worlds blow up their planets in an instant than to lose all of their dignity in this horrifying manner!

It was only after the Evolution Witch had pulled off this iconic deed that she also became known as the Human Biodisaster.

If humanity literally revered god pilots as actual deities, then the Evolution Witch firmly cemented her place in the pantheon for evil gods!

Everywhere she fought, no alien could escape her punishment!

The Seven Apex Races had even begun to invest a lot more into automated and non-organic war weapons just to prevent the Human Biodisaster from exploiting any organic vulnerabilities!

Now, the Evolution Witch had finally showed up against what may be the largest organic alien life form that she had ever faced up to this point.

The Geneforger's God Domain spread so much that it not only enveloped a significant part of the enormous battlefield, but also pressed upon the titanic body of the Darkstar King!

The orven greater phase lord never expected to be confronted by the overwhelmingly domain field of a human god.

It not only suppressed the Darkstar King's control over the surrounding space, but also attempted to intrude into his very own body!

The powerful alien leader showed visible signs of discomfort as he tried to retain his sovereignty over his massive body.

As strong as it may be, he was already starting to lose this battle as his own strengths failed to compete against the supreme will of a god pilot.

Already, the enormously thick fur of the Darkstar King started to fall off his body, exposing ugly patches of skin that began to darken and necrotize at a worrying rate!

As the Evolution Witch continued to suppress the greater phase lord with her willpower alone, she uttered her first word since she appeared on the battlefield.


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