The Mech Touch

Chapter 4410 Power Dynamics

Chapter 4410 Power Dynamics

The leaders of the Golden Skull Alliance held a short meeting in order to discuss the matter of responding to the Gemini Family's invitation.

Ves, Marshal Ariadne Wodin and Master Benedict Cortez held a quick virtual meeting to discuss their stance on the matter.

Properly speaking, Patriarch Reginald Cross should be the person attending this meeting on behalf of his clan, but the ace pilot had become more aloof towards any chores he considered mundane.

He found it much better and more convenient to push forth a proper thinker such as Master Benedict to handle the more administrative and political affairs.

That was probably one of the smarter decisions that Patriarch Reginald had made.

The three leaders immediately went to business as soon as they entered the virtual conference room.

Each of them already spent a bit of time on learning more about the Gemini Family. Their understanding of this successful pioneering group might not be as thorough as they liked, but they learned enough to make a preliminary judgment.

"The offer should be sincere." Master Benedict began. "We judge that this offer is unlikely to be a trap, simply because the Gemini Saints would never allow for such duplicity. All of the sources that we have references so far have painted them in an upright and honorable light. The Gemini Family has also maintained a relatively clean track record. Their greatest strength is their focus towards family, though some might argue that it is their greatest weakness as well."

That was an understatement.

The Gemini Family resembled a warped version of the Larkinson Clan. Ves saw many parallels of his own clan in that of this twisted family.

Both groups were quirky and eccentric.

Both groups preferred to remain independent.

Both groups tried to uphold a good reputation.

Both groups valued honor and integrity.

Both groups put a great emphasis on developing their mech pilots.

Yet for all of their similarities, they were nothing alike in many other matters.

For example, the Larkinson Clan was primarily oriented towards mech design and selling mechs.

The Gemini Family followed a more traditional route and invested much of its resources into building up a planetary colony, though it also happened to do well in the biotech industry.

It did not surprise anyone that the Gemini Family actually ran a highly successful human genetics company.

Although the Gemini Family was ultimately not the same as the Larkinson Family, Ves could still take advantage of the many similarities to read the other pioneering group.

He rubbed his smooth-shaven chin. "It is clear that the Gemini Family really wants to break open and plunder the alien asteroid base. There has to be enough spoils in there to make it worthwhile to assault defenses that are strong enough to be able to repel two ace mechs. While I am sure that the Geminis will attempt to form a profit-sharing agreement with the pioneering groups that have accepted their invitation, I can't help but feel there may be a tricky angle to this operation."

Marshal Ariadne Wodin did not view the Gemini Family in a good light. "I also have my suspicions about the Geminis. They are unlikely to plot against us, but they will not have as much scruples in trying to exploit us. Given the opposition that we might face, there is a great chance that we will suffer considerably more damage than we can make up with our share of spoils. We need to ask for assurances that we will eventually be better off than we were before, and even then there is still a chance that the Geminis may have hidden a greater secret."

Though the leader of the Glory Seekers utilized reasonable words,Ves could tell that the woman did not bother to hide her inward disgust at the Gemini Family.

Hexers and Geminis possessed radically different views about family. The two groups would probably not be able to get along well if they were put together in the same room!

Fortunately, a bit of the Larkinson Clan had rubbed off on the Glory Seekers, so Marshal Ariadne was able to exert enough control over herself to be open to the idea of cooperation.

Clinging too hard to morality and ideology had a tendency to get people killed in a place like the Red Ocean.

Only power and interests could help the pioneers survive this unforgiving early period.

"I think it is best to remind ourselves that we are not obliged to help the Gemini Family raid this supposed alien pirate den." Master Benedict astutely said. "There are far more opportunities to plunder alien riches in other star systems and regions, and we don't necessarily have to share in order to do so. Working together alongside powerful strangers introduces many complications that we may not be ready to handle."

Ves looked intrigued. "Does that mean your Cross Clan is disinclined to explore the Gemini Family's offer?"

The Master Mech Designer looked resigned. "If I had a choice, then I would have voted to stay our course and follow our original plan. Patriarch Reginald has other ideas."

Since Patriarch Reginald possessed the biggest fist in the Golden Skull Alliance, it was extremely difficult for anyone to go against his wishes!

Everyone in the virtual conference room exchanged knowing glances.

They all knew that if the only ace pilot of the expeditionary fleet was dead set on fighting alongside the Gemini Saints, there was little they could do to change his course.

It was best if the Golden Skull Alliance could obtain additional concessions from the Gemini Family in exchange for providing muscle for this major operation.

"To be honest, I am not that opposed to teaming up with the Geminis, but it has to be worth it." Ves decisively said. "I have many concerns about this raid, one of which is how every participant is supposed to split the spoils. Although I don't think we may get betrayed, I am acutely aware that if we have won the battle, it will be relatively easier for other participating pioneering groups to bully us into accepting the less desirable spoils. If we want to ensure that we won't suffer any setbacks during this crucial time, then we better hope that our possible teammates will be manageable."

Marshal Ariadne snorted. "Hope is fleeting when you consider the Gemini Family has two ace mechs at its disposal. Not only that, but the Gemini Saints have literally grown up and become stronger together. Their teamwork should be so impeccably good that their synergy must have reached an unspeakable height. Fighting against the two of them may have the same effect as fighting against three more ordinary ace mechs. This is most definitely their greatest source of leverage and their primary means to keep the rest of us in line."

The power dynamic of the coalition that the Gemini Family attempted to build was an important source of uncertainty.

The Golden Skull Alliance had little idea on what sort of combined force the Geminis wanted to gather for their upcoming operation.

All sorts of mixed groups could gather together in a single place. The Geminis would have their hands full in trying to prevent quarrels and make sure that everyone performed earnestly on the battlefield.

Ves did not really look forward to combining forces with not so trustworthy pioneering groups.

At least the parties he was familiar with such as the Cross Clan and the Hexers had proven themselves worthy of trust after fighting alongside his clan during many difficult battles. The bond they forged during these trying times went beyond transactions and moved into genuine friendship territory.

There was no way to forge anything close to such an intimate bond after meeting a bunch of strangers for the first time.

It was already a certainty that the other invited pioneers would bring their own ace pilots as well, or else they simply wouldn't be worth much in an offensive operation of this scope.

The three leaders continued to exchange their thoughts and explore each other's willingness to go along with the Gemini Family.

"I'm open to participating in it as long as the price is right." Ves announced.

Marshal Ariadne Wodin sighed. "Our Glory Seekers are not greedy for alien treasures, but we will accompany you and Madame Gloriana everywhere you go. If you believe this operation is of benefit to you, then we will be there to protect you against the dangers that your own clansmen cannot handle themselves."

As for Master Benedict, his answer had already been set before this meeting had even started.

"Patriarch Reginald is not an ace pilot that is content with hiding his edge. He thinks that long-term stagnancy will only dull it instead. As long as the Gemini Family's operation is not a trap or a deliberate attempt to damage our interests, Reginald will not want to miss the opportunity to fight alongside his peers."

Now that they set the stance of the Golden Skull Alliance, Ves pulled out of the virtual setting and transmitted a message to Minister Shederin Purnesse to proceed with opening up a dialogue with the Gemini Family.

Jobs like these were best left to the professionals and Shederin Purnesse was by far the most qualified diplomat in the entire Golden Skull Alliance.

It did not surprise Ves that the talks proceeded at a rapid pace. Minister Shederin apparently only needed less than two hours to form a preliminary agreement with his Gemini counterpart.

As Ves puzzled over the design of the Dullahan Project, he was interrupted by another priority call.

"So what do you have, Shederin?"

? "The Gemini Family has been fairly accommodating to our needs." Shederin immediately reported. "While we have yet to obtain too many details about the target the Geminis intend to hit, they have been much more forthcoming about providing the assurances that we have requested."

That sounded hopeful. Ves looked intrigued. "You've talked with the Geminis for a while. What is your overall impression of them? What is their attitude towards us? Do they see us as expendable mercenaries or do they value our strength?"

These were difficult questions to answer given that Minister Shederin only established limited contact with the Gemini Family. The older man had to take a moment to collect his thoughts.

"I cannot say this with any certainty, but my impression of the other party is that we may be able to play an important part in their battle plan. The discussion we held leads me to believe that the Geminis have studied our public battle footage extensively and have taken notice of the lethality of our battle formations."

It did not take much guessing what the Geminis wanted from the Larkinson Clan.

"They want us to employ our infamous death battle formations to bypass the defenses of a heavily fortified asteroid base and snuff out all alien life huddling inside, is that correct?"

"That is my judgment as well, sir. They also wish to borrow the firepower of an incredibly destructive ace hybrid mech in the form of the Mars. The Gemini Family has already confirmed to us that the alien pirate base is home to many warships, although most of them are fairly small and not as intimidating as they sound. The Mars with its ARCEUS System is well suited to cripple or break open the defenses of the weaker warships in quick succession."

This was exactly the kind of stage where the Mars could perform at its peak. The ace hybrid mech possessed the firepower to pummel warships and the mobility to take advantage of the cover of nearby asteroids.

"Do the alien defenders also make use of small craft that are more appropriate for ordinary mechs to fight against?" Ves asked.

"That depends on the composition of alien races and groups." Shederin replied. "There are aliens that make use of them, and they are likely more prevalent among pirate fleets due to their lower costs and logistical requirements. Our mechs will have plenty to do if we decide to take part in this operation."

Ves had always been curious to see how his mechs fared against alien small craft. Such a confrontation would represent a true clash of civilizations!

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