The Mech Touch

Chapter 4296 Fork Of Death

General Alisky Victrix grinned when she saw that the Larkinsons and the Glory Seekers finally made the moves that the Hexers had been waiting for all this time.

She began to look forward to a good show as the timing of this major step couldn’t have been better!

Though the Sundered Phalanx had succeeded in evacuating Saint Rebecca Andus from the battlefield, the Fridaymen mechs had lost a lot of cohesion as a result.

Even if the enemy mechs did their best to reform their battle lines and restore their formations, there were still tens of thousands of enemy machines that were awfully clumped together at the moment!

This was the best time to sweep large chunks of them with a couple of death waves!

General Alisky’s only regret was that the power to wipe out entire Fridayman mech regiments at once was not in the grasp of the Hex Army.

The Larkinson Clan never agreed to extend this secret power to the Hexers. This was a serious mistake in her opinion.

Others had different opinions about the obvious moves that the Penitent Sisters and the Glory Seekers were making.

Many people working for the Sundered Phalanx had paid constant attention to the movements of the mechs that were known to be able to launch battle formation attacks.

Now that large amounts of Valkyrie Redeemer Mark II’s and other variants of this model had taken action, the Gauge Dynasty entered into high alert!

No matter whether the Sundered Phalanx won or lost this battle, it could not afford to suffer a serious and humiliating blow like the last time it fought against the Larkinson Clan!

“Disperse! Disperse! Forget about reforming your formations again. Just split up and move as far away from everybody as possible!”

“Open fire on the designed Valkyrie mechs! We need to knock out as many of them as possible in order to weaken their super attacks. The more of them that we take down, the more friendly lives we’ll save!”

The enemy’s thorough planning and quick actions made people such as Ves speechless.

“These guys are truly traumatized.”

Nevertheless, even if the death energy waves were unable to take out as many mech pilots as he wished, thousands of Fridaymen mechs were bound to lose their pilots at once, which would deal a heavy blow against the morale of the Sundered Phalanx.

Numerous enemy expert mechs such as the Star of Liberation and other intact machines were doing their best to inhibit the Penitent Sisters and Glory Seekers from proceeding with their actions.

However, there were other powerful expert mechs such as the Amaranto and the Promethea that suppressed the enemy champions.

“We can’t stop them!” An officer of the Blackened Reapers exclaimed! “There are too many of them for us to stop!”

Other friendly Hexer and Golden Skuller mechs tried their best to escort the crucial mechs forward.

Under all of this protection, three separate battle formations were on the verge of savaging the Sundered Phalanx’s lines from three different angles!

In order to maximize the damage spread and minimize overlap as much as possible, the Larkinsons and Glory Seekers agreed to split up and prevent a strong response from the Sundered Phalanx to ruin all three attack waves at once.

The Penitent Sisters took over the responsibility of attacking the center of the Fridayman mech lines.

The Everchanger had already caught up to the Penitent Sisters after concluding its fight against the Rekkar and the Point Break.

The expert hero mech’s combat drive allowed it to reposition itself a lot faster than before. It quickly took up position at the center of the formation.

Though Venerable Joshua had already exhausted himself to an extent, he still possessed enough willpower left to help the Penitent Sisters focus and amplify their efforts.

The Everchanger looked awfully out of place among the Valkyrie Redeemer Mark II’s, but it soon changed its design spirit to Helena, which instantly caused it to gain a more gloomy vibe!

“Helena.” Joshua called. “Can you give us a hand?”

“Always.” A black-robed figure partially materialized inside the cockpit of the Everchanger. “The Hexers hate the Fridaymen so much that I have always wanted to snuff their souls more directly. I will make sure to kill as many of them as possible.”

Venerable Joshua didn’t exactly feel good when he heard that, but he did his best to suppress any distracting emotions. The best way to prevent his fellow Larkinsons from dying any further was to win this battle as quickly as possible. If that meant harvesting as many enemy lives as possible, then so be it. The Larkinson Army already suffered serious losses already.

While Venerable Joshua and the Penitent Sisters all formed a deep and profound connection to Helena, the Glory Seekers also prepared their separate attacks.

The Glory Seekers happened to field more Valkyrie mechs than the Larkinson Clan, so they had enough machines to launch two battle formation attacks at the same time.

Both the left and right wings of the enemy battle lines came under considerable danger.

Even though the concentration of enemy mechs weren’t as high at these places, the Glory Seekers sought to collapse the barriers the Fridaymen had put up and pave the way to roll up the center from two sides!

Two special expert mechs led each of the battle formations of Glory Seekers.

Each of them shared a large resemblance to the other Valkyrie mechs, but their designs were much more high-end and their auras were palpably strong.

If ordinary Valkyrie mechs were like stars, then these expert mechs were like moons!

Both of these expert marauder mechs were piloted by the Handmaidens of Death.

In the past, Venerable Olivia Remis and Venerable Eona Ballentine piloted different variants of the Valkyrie Redeemer.

In the present, they piloted their own expert mech variants of the mech model that they embraced the most.

When Ves and Gloriana designed the pair of expert mechs, they did not start from scratch but rather took the Valkyrie Brunhilds that the Handmaidens of Death had broken through with and upgraded them into expert mechs!

Though practically every part of the original Valkyrie Brunhilds had been swapped out for vastly superior components, their living characteristics still remained the same for the most part!

Each of the two Valkyrie Brunhilds had evolved into third order living mechs when their pilots experienced apotheosis, so Ves found it extremely important to retain this fantastic quality.

As such, both Handmaidens of Death were not only able to start off their careers as expert pilots on a stronger footing than usual, but also formed deeper bonds with them over the years.

At this time, the Valkyrie Handa and the Valkyrie Krista assumed similar roles as the Everchanger for their respective battle formations.

As the giant fork of death came closer and closer to poking the Fridayman mech lines, nothing else seemed to matter anymore as the dark cloud increasingly pressed upon everyone’s souls.

No matter whether they were Larkinsons, Glory Seekers, Crossers, Hexers or Gaugers, everyone on the battlefield seemed to pay attention to the three battle formations regardless of what they were doing.

This was strange as the battle hadn’t paused.

Ranged mechs were still firing their guns.

Melee mechs were still positioning themselves.

Support mechs were still facilitating other friendly machines.

At most, the mech pilots became more distracted and reined themselves in so that they did not expose their mechs as much anymore.

Helena’s presence became increasingly more oppressive across the battlefield.

Over 3,000 Valkyrie mechs offered formed channels to the Daughter of Death at the same time. There had never been a situation where a design spirit was able to descend upon the material realm to such an extent.

Though some design spirits would have struggled to support three battle networks at once, Helena possessed more than enough power to do so. Billions of Hexers already deified her and she had also experienced a lot of growth while fighting in the Nyxian Gap.

As the Valkyrie mechs led by the Everchanger, the Valkyrie Handa and the Valkyrie Krista all assumed V-shaped formations, the specter of death had never loomed closer to thousands of Fridayman mech pilots!

Three manifestations of Helena appeared at the same time.

The sight of the three identical gray-haired maidens caused every Hexer to grow more reverent towards their death goddess.




With the earnest support and worship of so many Hexer mech pilots and crew members, the manifestations of Helena all seemed to grow a little more solid.

The Helenas smirked and plucked the flower planted on their heads at the same time.

The Death Lotuses switched from their Flower Mode to their Pistol Mode.

Death energy surged inside the weapons before the Helenas simultaneously pulled the trigger!

“They’re coming!”

“Hold fast, men!”

“For the Gauge Dynasty!”

It didn’t matter too much whether the manifestations of Helena released their death energy attacks by waving their arms or firing their weapons.

The gigantic discharges of death energy released by the Death Lotuses soon expanded into enormous waves that were bound to sweep over entire mech companies at once!

Though a lot of Fridaymen mechs had already moved far away enough to put them into the safe zone, there were still plenty of other machines that were at great risk!

Just as thousands of Fridayman mech pilots were about to kiss their spiritualities goodbye, three bright and powerful projectiles shot out from a half-broken orbital space fortress from the Kosic Ring and intercepted the three death energy waves!

Three different energy explosions quickly erupted from those sites, causing numerous unlucky mech pilots who had strayed a bit too close to lose their lives.

However, the expanding death energy blasts all lost cohesion to the point where they quickly dispersed, preventing them from harming any further lives.

The Sundered Phalanx succeeded in blocking not one, but three infamously powerful battle formation attacks at the same time!



“This is impossible!”

Ves was shocked most of all! As the inventor of the battle network, he possessed a deep familiarity with its power.

Each successful battle formation allowed a design spirit to exert a portion of their power on the battlefield.

Though Helena wasn’t able to attack the Fridayman lines at full strength, even a fraction of her might could not be stopped by expert mechs.

“The only way the Gaugers could repel the battle formation attacks is to bring something stronger than an expert mech…”

An ace mech appeared on the battlefield.

It rose from the orbital space station where its initial strikes originated from and warp traveled to the center of the battlefield at a pace that could easily leave the Dark Zephyr in the dust!

At the same time the Fridayman ace mech advanced, the three dazzlingly silver mech swords that had just negated Helena’s powerful energy releases spontaneously flew back and reunited with their wielder.

The silver swords went on to circle around the ace mech as if they were planets orbiting a star.

The Neo Amadeus had come.

As the Fridayman mech pilots all gazed at the ace mech with admiration and worship, they completely forgot about all of the difficulties and hardships they suffered up to this point.

Each of them believed so much in their ace pilot and ace mech that they became convinced that their Saint would lead them to victory!




The Sundered Phalanx mech pilots never felt prouder to be a part of their service. To be able to fight alongside their ace pilot was an honor that they would cherish for the rest of their lives!

As Saint Jeremiah Gauge continued to announce his entry onto the battlefield, the enemies of the Gauge Dynasty all felt oppressed by the powerful enemy’s aura.

Yet just as Saint Jeremiah could continue to press down the mech pilots that had the temerity to attack Pima Prime, a powerful energy beam struck the Neo Amadeus’ Saint Kingdom!

Though the attack weakened considerably as it passed through Saint Jeremiah’s domain field, it still retained enough energy left to inflict a serious blow onto the ace mech’s armor.

Of course, it took a lot more attacks than that to damage the surface of the Neo Amadeus, but the power shown by this energy attack already forced Saint Jeremiah to take it seriously!

From the midst of the Cross Clan’s fleet, another ace mech emerged.

After so much waiting, the Mars finally debuted on the battlefield as well!

Patriarch Reginald Cross only had eyes for his sole worthy opponent. His battle fever rose by the second as he increasingly psyched himself up for a duel with his life on the line!

“I’ve been waiting for you, Jerry! It took you long enough to show yourself.”

“A homeless glory hound like you is a disgrace to your status as an ace pilot.” Saint Jeremiah Gauge contemptuously replied. “Instead of using your power to protect your own men, you willingly cast them into the meat grinder in order to obtain a chance to confront your peer. By helping the hateful Hexers commit their atrocities upon the innocent, you have cast aside your honor and dignity. Let me be the arbiter that shall punish you for your misdeeds!”

“Hah! There are no rights and wrongs on the battlefield. There are only winners and losers. History only glorifies the winners. Let us decide which of us shall serve as the stepping stone of the other today!”

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