The Mech Touch

Chapter 3020 - Tomb Of Saint Hemmington Cross

Ves never saw an ace mech or ace pilot in the flesh.

What he knew about them was mostly theory and second-hand information. It was hard to know what was actually true about them because ace pilots were too distant from the general population.

It didn't appear the MTA was too keen on teaching everyone what ace pilots and ace mechs were actually capable of. They just allowed entertainment companies to publish action-packed dramas that were filled with wildly-unrealistic battles and depictions of mech pilots.

The only facts that Ves knew for certain was that ace pilots were much stronger than expert pilots and that they all had the opportunity to advance to god pilot.

That was it. Everything else he knew came from unreliable or uncertain sources.

For example, while James Ylvaine once told him that ace pilots depended much less on their spirituality and much more on their willpower, how could Ves know that this was actually the case?

It sounded rather far-fetched that mech pilots or any person could sustain their existence by relying on a different extraordinary characteristic. It was like saying that humans could keep themselves hydrated by drinking oil!

However, after sensing the remnants of a will that was more powerful than anything that Ves had ever encountered, he felt that James might actually be on to something.

Patriarch Reginald stood still and allowed Ves to behold this broken mech finger for as long as he wanted.

Everyone who viewed this surviving remnant had a similar reaction. Ace pilots were surrounded with mystique and it was too difficult for most people to get close to them when they were alive.

"What a shame." Ves whispered. "I would gladly kill to gain the opportunity to see your father's ace mech when it was still whole. I bet it is at least a thousand times more impactful than viewing this sorry detached finger."

"We sacrificed a lot of good men to sneak away this finger while there were still hostile ace mechs on the battlefield. We could not allow my father to die without leaving a trace behind for us. He is still our greatest leader even in death."

Ves furrowed his brows for a moment. "How did you get back his body if it was already difficult for your clan to retrieve this single piece?"

"The traitors passed my father's corpse to us on their own accord. They had already acted disgracefully by deceiving and stabbing a Saint in the back. The Praetor and Planat Clan had to make large gestures in order to limit the damage and salvage what scraps of honor they could still cling to. Giving us back his body is a relatively cheap and easy way for them to regain some goodwill. The cockpits of ace pilots are extremely well-protected so it is not that difficult to retrieve a relatively intact body after defeating an ace mech."

"I see."

Ves found this story to be very questionable at certain points. He would be seeing the ace pilot's deceased body soon enough, so he'll be able to verify his guesses at that time.

He focused instead on the extraordinary characteristics of this broken remnant.

The impression he got was.. rather disappointing to him. It was like looking at a sand depression of a massive whale that had beached onto the shore. He could sense several signs that something powerful had once occupied the finger. All of that was gone now, and the only traces left were merely echoes of what had once infused this mech finger.

He still managed to sense a spiritual remnant that was stubbornly clinging to the object. This remnant, while small in quantity, was still a lot more potent than Ves was accustomed to. He could also sense a lingering will that was still clinging to life within the object.


"What's the matter, Ves?"

"It's nothing, Reginald."

Ves received a painful shock as soon as he attempted to examine this remnant willpower more deeply!

It wasn't exactly alive as far as he could tell, but it was extremely strong and territorial for its size and shabby state.

Even in death, the remnant of Saint Hemmington did not allow for others to intrude upon its space!

If this little remnant was already as strong as this, a true ace pilot should be a lot more powerful. Ves mentally shuddered at the thought of receiving a backlash for attempting to poke their minds while they were still in their prime!

Ves had the sense that ace pilots were just as strong as the dark gods, but developed their powers in a different direction.

This was just a vague guess of his, but one that he instinctively felt was right. When the remnant of Saint Hemmington shocked him, Ves briefly felt the same degree of threat and apprehension as that of the Blinding One or the Unending One!

It seemed that humans did have a way of matching the combat prowess of a dark god. The Battle against the Abyss could have taken a completely different turn if the Larkison Clan was able to field ace mechs!

Of course, this was just an extravagant fantasy. The Larkinson Clan was nowhere close to hosting its own ace pilot. The expert pilots under his care didn't even receive their expert mechs as of yet! Thinking about anything beyond this point was completely pointless!

"How strong was his ace mech?" Ves softly asked as his mind recovered from the sting it just received.

"How can I possibly describe my father's war steed with any accuracy? It is a great work designed by some of the most renowned Masters of the Garlen Empire. As soon as my father advanced to ace pilot, five great Masters all offered to provide him with an ace mech for free."

"Huh? Your clan actually didn't pay anything to obtain such a powerful machine?!"

"Ace pilots are people who stand at the top of the Garlen Empire. My father has gained so much power and status that plenty of Masters are more than willing to fund the development of an ace mech out of their own pockets!"

Ves could imagine that this was the case. Working on an expert mech was already exciting and challenging to him. Ace mechs were so much greater that each of them were probably the greatest individual works that mech designers had ever completed! Such impressive machines were fully qualified to become the crowning achievements of their long careers!

He noticed something odd about his explanation.

"These Masters… I take it they don't owe any fealty to the Cross Clan."

"That's correct." Reginald nodded. "The greatest and most experienced Masters of our state offer their services to all ace pilots regardless of which tribe or clan they belong to. They have even supplied the ace mechs to the enemies who defeated us battle."


"And you guys are okay with that?"

"It is a long-standing tradition in the Garlen Empire, Ves. It is not that we are short of Master Mech Designers. There are plenty of them in our state. The issue is that ace pilots should receive the best ace mechs possible. While any Master can design an ace mech, there are still differences between the works of a younger one and an older one. It is unconscionable for us to turn to lesser Masters for a solution."

Ves had several issues with this 'tradition'! As a professional mech designer, he valued the benefits of competition. Just like expert mechs, ace mechs should be designed by different groups of mech designers. This not only meant that they were diverse in terms of design choices, but also ensured that many more Masters possessed the knowledge and experience of working on ace mechs.

"Let me get this straight. The process of developing an ace pilot is concentrated in the hands of just a small group of Master Mech Designers, is that right?"

"Yes. This 'small group' you are referring to is an extremely prestigious gathering. Hardly anyone is ever able to pass through its demanding tests. This ensures that everyone who is a part of it is good enough to carry the responsibility of designing the most important combat partner of an ace pilot!"

This was an interesting arrangement, to say the least. It was yet another example of the backwardness of the Garlen Empire. Their mech industry could have become a lot more vigorous at the top if more Masters gained the opportunity to work on ace mechs themselves!

Well, it wasn't his business. Their fleet was constantly moving away from that corner of space so he didn't have to be bothered by how the Garleners managed their mech industry.

"I've seen enough. Please bring me to his body."

"Very well." Patriarch Reginald solemnly nodded. "Please remain respectful in front of his presence. This is the second time I have brought someone other than a Crosser in front of his tomb."

"Who is the first one?"

"Professor Benedict, of course. He deserved to pay tribute to my father for all of the contributions he has made to our clan. He told me he had become quite inspired after his visit."

Anticipation welled up inside Ves. Perhaps he might be able to gain some inspiration as well. Knowing what ace mechs and ace pilots were truly like would help him know what he was working towards.

They moved past the central display and passed through a broad hall that finally led to an enlarged chamber.

The tomb space looked suitably grand. The bare metal walls were covered by golden filigree that showcased more-than-human displays of the Saint and his ace pilot accomplishing unimaginably powerful feats.

From slaughtering a dozen expert mechs over the course of a battle to dealing the deathblow against over five-hundred mechs at once, Saint Hemmington Cross fully showcased the terror of an ace pilot in battle!

Yet these stylized depictions paled in comparison to the grand coffin that lay in the center.

Surrounded by torches that would never snuff out, the body of the once-powerful ace pilot laid in dignity in a coffin made out of rich and rare crystal materials.

The top of the crystal tomb was transparent, allowing those outside to see the preserved body of Saint Hemmington in full clarity.

Ves didn't know how the man eventually died, but evidently his enemies did not hack his body to pieces. It looked remarkably intact and completely undamaged at first glance. Of course, the full dress uniform adorning the body also did a good job at hiding any injuries on his body. The impressive array of medals pinned to the ace pilot's chest only served to complement the Saint's incredibly important identity.

As Ves solemnly followed Patriarch Reginald, he slowly approached the large and massive tomb. When they finally stopped in front of it, the son of the deceased ace pilot did not bow or show any sign of respect.

Instead, the expert pilot's eyes burned with desire and ambition. He followed his own words by not giving in to the awe of a more powerful mech pilot. He wanted to match and surpass the accomplishments of his father!

"One day, I will fully inherit his mantle." Reginald vowed. "I shall lead the Cross Clan to greater heights and make sure my father's legacy will not be forgotten."

That was interesting and all, but as soon as Ves began to look past the impressive tomb and decorations, he became distracted by a surprising finding.

Even though Saint Hemmington Cross had died years ago, his body used to be a vessel of one of the more powerful extraordinary existences in the galaxy.

Traces of the Saint's incredibly powerful force of will should have lingered! At the very least, the remnant that was left in his body should have been stronger than the lingering will that was locked inside the giant ace mech finger!

Yet instead of perceiving all of that, Ves only felt.. hollowness.

Only a small trace of strong willpower still clung to the body, but Ves had a lot of doubts about that. It was concentrated on a very small part of his head. The rest of the ace pilot's corpse didn't seem to mesh with it that well.

Ves began to develop a dreadful suspicion.

Was he looking at the body of a clone?

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