The Mech Touch

Chapter 3006 - Common Interests Of Humanity

When Ves heard how hard it was to integrate different resonating exotics into a single mech frame, he became worried that Master Willix would refuse to extend her services to make the Superior Mother's incarnation compatible with the core mech of the Chimera Project.

Though it was not impossible for Ves to find another consultant to do this job, he would definitely have to pay a bigger price for worse service.

Out of every mech designer that he could solicit for this job, Master Willix was by far the best and most competent choice! She would do a far better job at preserving the mounted wargear's existing strengths while adding additional power in the form of resonating abilities.

Fortunately, she acquiesced to his demand even if it didn't technically fall into the scope of their original agreement. She was only really obligated to design the core mech, which in this case was the hero expert mech that Venerable Joshua was supposed to pilot.

Now that he obtained her promise, he didn't have to worry about screwing up the first incarnation. If he was designing a normal mech, then he wouldn't have to bother with this, but since he was working on an expert mech, it was best if he could gain the cooperation of the best professional he could find.

Ves was quite happy that he was able to obtain what he wanted so easily, but he momentarily forgot that Master Willix wasn't so easy to deal with. She might be generous sometimes, but she was never the sort of person who allowed others to take advantage of her without paying something in return.

"Mr. Larkinson, to be honest, I did not take the initiative to contact you in order to discuss your expert mech design projects." She stated. "There are more important matters on my agenda."

Naturally, contributing to the design of a handful of second-class expert mechs was just a minor chore for her. All of the difficulties that Ves and Gloriana had to overcome was nothing more than a breeze to a Master Mech Designer.

"I don't see how that is my business, ma'am."

"Are you sure about that?" The projection of her eyes seemed to penetrate through his mind! "Let me ask you frankly, then. Do you have any relations to the Crown Uprising that is sweeping across human space?"

"What? No!" Ves immediately replied and adopted the most helpless expression that he could manage. "Why would you think that? I'm just a mech designer! I'm an honest businessman! I'm anything but a thief!"

"Did you happen to pick up any crown-shaped objects on Prosperous Hill VI or anywhere else by any chance?"

"No." Ves emphatically answered. "I'm pretty sure I did not. I can't fully account for the actions of my subordinates, but I think if they obtained a fancy crown from somewhere, our people would have noticed. I am absolutely sure that we are not connected to those stupid terrorists. We are merely their victims just like all of the other people who have suffered from their random acts of violence."

Though Master Willix continued to stare deeper into Ves' eyes, she eventually retracted her presence. "I believe you, Mr. Larkinson. It is indeed unlikely that you have any relations to the supposed crown that the terrorists are demanding back. The galaxy is immense and it could be anywhere."

"Then why did you ask me this question as if there is a realistic chance that I might have taken this crown?"

"Some of our intelligence sources suggest that the crown may have fallen on this side of the galaxy." She casually said. "We are not quite clear about this, to be honest. Do not be surprised if you witness much greater activity from all of the nearby branches of our Association."


Ves was starting to have a bad feeling about this. Even though he was pretty certain that he and his clan did not pick up a suspicion crown, he did have several dealings with the Five Scrolls Compact in the past. If the crown the terrorists were yelling about was a symbol for something else, then he might be in more trouble than he realized!

Though he grew slightly more nervous, he quickly forced himself to relax. His biggest offense to the Five Scrolls Compact aside from possessing their precious Sacred Scroll was helping his mother banish this temple protector fellow into the higher dimensions.

That was already ancient history to Ves. The impulsive and unplanned Crown Uprising should have erupted right after the end of the Battle of the Abyss if that was the case.

Since it was highly unlikely that these two events were related, Ves did not have to bear any suspicion.

For some reason, Master Willix looked disappointed for a moment. It was as if she judged that Ves was definitely involved for some reason!

This was unfair! This was naked discrimination! Ves was not some kind of repeat offender who screwed up every place he visited! It was purely a coincidence that Uranus activated and almost wiped out an entire metropolis!

"Is that all you wanted to ask?" Ves asked while he defensively crossed his arms. "Seeing that this crown business has affected the upper ranks of the first-rate superstates, it is way too big for me to get involved. I don't want anything to do with this conflict. I just want to get to the Red Ocean and start a new life for myself and my clan."

"I am not stopping you from pursuing your dreams, Mr. Larkinson. Yet it is impossible for any human to remain uninvolved. The Crown Uprising affects us all. We must each do our duty in order to quell this galaxy-wide rebellion before it breaks the long centuries of stability that we have always enjoyed."

Ves furrowed his brows. "Why do you call it a rebellion? Isn't this uprising just a simple temper tantrum from some massive organization?"

"This 'massive organization' you are referring to is our greatest enemy. It is one of the most potent hidden dangers of our society. Make no mistake, Mr. Larkinson. This is but the first step to a greater plan to dislocate the mechanisms that keep us united and together. The days of constant peace and quiet reconstruction have come to an end."

"Forgive me for being blunt, but aren't you exaggerating a bit, ma'am? There are only so many brainwashed terrorists in existence. These guys are dying by the trillions. Sooner or later there will be no terrorists left because the previous ones have already blown themselves up. We don't have anything to fear after that."

"You are being too naive." Willix shook her head. "It is.. difficult to convey my perspective of this epochal shift to you without breaching confidentiality rules. Let me just state in general terms that the enemy that is undermining our society should never be underestimated. There are more ways to damage humanity's institutions aside from launching indiscriminate suicide attacks."

"If that's the case, then I'm glad that I am leaving the Milky Way. There are lots of old powers and old states here that must have been fertile ground for this great enemy. The Red Ocean is still pristine and the pioneers who are doing business over there are all extensively vetted. Don't have to worry too much about this hidden enemy in the new dwarf galaxy."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Mr. Larkinson. Our enemy greatly values phasewater for many of the same reasons that we do. It is a substance that allows for large-scale space manipulation. Building beyonder gates and equipping mechs with FTL-capable minidrives is the least of what it can do. It is the key material that is needed to push our civilization to the next level."


"Perhaps you will find out in a couple of centuries." Willix smiled in an intriguing fashion. "There are grand and ambitious plans in the making. Our Association hasn't been sitting still all of this time. The difficulty we face is that our hidden enemy will not allow us to strengthen all of humanity. We have always waged a war in the shadows, but the outbreak of the Crown Uprising marks the first true turning point where our greatest foe has decided to take a step into the light. This is rather concerning to us because the darkness has always been their home."

Was she implying that the Five Scrolls Compact was about to make itself known?

"Whoever is in charge of public relations over there should be fired." Ves snorted. "The Crown Uprising is one of the worst marketing campaigns that I have ever seen. I don't think that any human will look kindly to the source of all of the terrorist attacks."

Pretty much everyone hated the crown terrorists! Ves could not conceive of a reason why anyone would voluntarily join their ranks, but apparently he was wrong.

"I told you not to underestimate our hidden enemy. Their intelligence and decisiveness are considerable, and they are able to offer unique rewards that will tempt any human no matter their rank or station. All you see is a large number of terrorists losing their lives. What you don't know is that this hidden organization has always been good at enticing more fools to join its ranks. You should take great care when you are approached by one of their recruiters. Do not act clever and think you can take advantage of this situation."

"It would help me if you can name this mysterious organization. I get invitations to join all sorts of clubs and associations every day. I can tell my assistant to block any letters that come from this great enemy."


"Oh well. It was worth a try."

He could infer that Master Willix had good intentions in mind. She avoided saying more not just because of confidentiality rules, but also to protect Ves from the Compact.

It was quite terrible to attract their attention. Fortunately, Journeyman Mech Designers did not register on their radar at all. Not even Senior Mech Designers were impressive enough to get noticed.

"You are short on merits, are you not?"

"Uhm. Yes."

"Then it's your lucky day today." She directed a mild grin towards him. "I happen to have a small assignment for you that can net you 2 to 5 million MTA merits depending on your results."

The mention of MTA merits instantly made him more excited, but his common sense quickly reasserted itself.

Ves knew exactly how difficult it was to earn so many merits at once! The MTA always aimed to make profitable transactions. It was practically their nature as a trade association. Therefore, if they promised to reward someone with a hefty chunk of merits, then the job in question must definitely be difficult!"

"I'm not interested." He immediately replied. "I have already used up my danger quota for the year. I just want to sit back and design my mechs in peace. I don't want anything to do with the Crown Uprising."

"We are at war, Mr. Larkinson. As a mech designer and a member of humanity, it is your duty to contribute to the safety and continuation of our society. We cannot allow malcontents to put an end to our golden age."

"Uhm, that sounds noble and all, but—"

"Would you rather subject yourself to a targeted inspection by our Compliance Department in order to determine what exactly you have gained from your visit to Prosperous Hill VI?" Willix pinned Ves with an impatient glance.

"—I would be glad to do my duty and serve the common interests of humanity!" Ves finished with a beaming smile. "Of course, I don't mind earning a couple of million merits while I am doing my part in ending the Crown Uprising. As a descendant of a long line of dedicated soldiers, I am eager to fight for a righteous cause! Please instruct me, Master."

A nervous atmosphere descended upon the communication chamber. Ves had shown exceptional skill at turning around his attitude, but that did not hide the fact that he really didn't want the MTA snooping too closely in his own affairs!

Fortunately, Master Willix was willing to let this slide. She slowly nodded in satisfaction.

"That is exactly the answer I wish to hear. Let me proceed with explaining what I expect from you. I have been covering for you for quite some time. It is only fair for you to assist me in solving a small issue."

Ves already dreaded what this 'small issue' might be. He didn't believe it was as trivial as she made it sound!

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