The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 900: Tian Gang Kingdom, Yongan City

Chapter 900: Tian Gang Kingdom, Yongan City

Of course, with Hexi’s cultivation level, she would not fall to death or freeze to death, but she will definitely suffer some damage.

Hexi grabbed his warm and wide palm, gently rubbed the thin rough skin in his palm, and said in a low voice, “I’m thinking about many things. I’m thinking about our first encounter when I first came to this world; thinking about my past experiences in the Jing Ling Kingdom… this is my first time leaving the Jin Ling Kingdom.”

“Are you reluctant?” The low male voice was soft and tolerant.

Hexi shook her head and smiled lightly, “The people I care about are all by my side, and everything I cherish has not been lost. My future lies in the wider world. The little Jin Ling Kingdom can’t trap me forever. So, I’m not reluctant!”


Hexi turned sideways slightly, looked up at the man’s handsome facial features and affectionate eyes. She said in a low voice, “I just wish that such happiness and peaceful years will never leave me. “

“Silly girl! Of course. Because I will always guard you and everything you cherish.”

“Me too.”

Nangong Yu lowered his head and gently kissed the girl’s soft lips.

The outside of flying boat was cold and windy, but inside the flying boat was warm like spring, stable and happy.

The Star Ocean Boat was flying toward the distant Tian Gang Kingdom and also the distant turbulent future.


After 3 days of flying, Hexi and others finally arrived at Yongan City in the Tian Gang Kingdom.

The Tian Gang Kingdom was the largest country in Miluo Continent second only to Cang Ming Kingdom. Therefore, although this Yongan City was only a small and remote city, its scale and prosperity were far better than the capital city of Jin Ling Kingdom, Yanjing.

The Star Ocean Boat landed in the suburbs not far from Yongan City. Hexi and the others said goodbye to Ouyang Haoxuan who was heading to the Thousands Years Flame Cave, then they entered Yongan City on foot. They were quickly attracted by the bustling scene.

The streets of the town were intertwined. There were shops on both sides of the street. Pedestrians on the road were like a river, but the whole street looked very clean and tidy.

Listening to the calls of various vendors and stores, even Hexi became interested.

The place where she stayed the most after coming to ancient times was Yanjing City, and the decoration styles of some stores in Yongan City were slightly different from those of Yanjing City.

Many of the things sold on both sides of the street have not been seen in Yanjing City.

The little ones were the most happiest. They each transformed into cute little spiritual beasts and lie on Xiao Chi excitedly, chattering nonstop.

When they saw anything they liked, they would just grab it. Especially Little Egg, he kept stuffing foods into his mouth, then his greasy hands would grab the beautiful jewelry.

This gave trouble to Gu Liufeng and Bai Hu who were following these little ones all the way. They had to clean up the mess the little ons caused.

Nangong Yu naturally stayed beside Hexi all the way.

He himself didn’t like such a crowded place, but as long as Hexi liked, he was willing to accompany her.

When there was a crowded crowd, he also used spiritual power to separate the crowd from time to time, so as not to bump into Hexi.

However, the only thing that made Nangong Yu upset was that he tried to hold Hexi’s hand or hold her in his arms several times, but Hexi relentlessly refused.

Every time Nangong Yu stretched out his hand, Hexi glared at him.

Don’t be kidding, I’m now dressed in man’s clothing. How can 2 men cuddle on the street?

TL: The vendors would be terrified by the little ones xD…

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