The Indomitable Master of Elixirs

Chapter 813

Chapter 813: Is This Hard Enough (3)

The mobilization of the Blood Tribe created a major commotion inside Fu Guang City. The residents had immediately rushed over to see what was going on.

They arrived only to see hundreds of Blood Tribe men surrounding a young girl and a dozen over unfamiliar men. The sight stunned the people.

“My goodness, what happened? Were these the people who had just entered the city today? How could they be going against Boss Meng and gang so soon?”

“They are so arrogant. Having the audacity to against the Blood Tribe. Are they tired of living?”

A crowd of onlookers had gathered and started murmuring amongst themselves. The Blood Tribe controlled the entire Fu Guang City and monopolized all economic activity within. Their impudent manner had incited much unhappiness among the people.

Those who escaped to Free Valley mostly held some capabilities and were notorious in their own ways. They wouldn’t be so easily oppressed by just anyone.

As a result, there had been several people who had tried to challenge the Blood Tribe’s authority. None of them succeeded, and they had hung their corpses in the courtyard of Fu Guang City. Exposed to the elements and wild beasts, their bare bones were still left in the yard.

It had been a long time since anyone dared to challenge the Blood Tribe again. In return for peace, the people chose to swallow their anger and pride.

Now, after so many years, there were once again some presumptuous folks who wished to go against the Blood Tribe. This was beyond everyone’s expectations. Moreover, they noticed that the people challenging the Blood Tribe numbered less than 20, including a delicate-looking young girl. The crowd felt the entire situation was absurd.

Meng Fusheng smirked as his men surrounded Ji Fengyan and company.

“Little girl, I want to see just how capable you are—if you can walk out of here alive.”

Ji Fengyan surveyed the ferocious and brawny men coldly, with not the least bit of fear or panic on her face. She completely ignored Meng Fusheng but called out to Linghe and gang.


Linghe gave a slight start. Ji Fengyan had always addressed him as “Brother Ling” and had never treated him as a subordinate. This was the first time Ji Fengyan had called him directly by name.

“At your command,” Linghe replied.

Ji Fengyan gave a vague smile but didn’t turn around to look at her men’s faces.

“You guys have suffered much hardships since you started following me. I know you all hold an extreme fear of bringing me more trouble.”

Her words shocked Linghe and company. Bitterness surfaced on their faces.

They had suffered little hardships. The one who had suffered the most was mistress herself.

She was the one who had to protect them day-in-day-out. She was the one who had spent huge amounts of time to create elixirs for their health, and even taught them the art of cultivation, so that they could become more powerful. But whenever there was any danger, Ji Fengyan was always the first to dash forward. She had never subjected them to any hardships.


Linghe and company couldn’t help feeling choked up.

Ji Fengyan still didn’t turn around. “But now, I want you all to remember one thing.”

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