The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 56 - Counter Strike Started!

Chapter 56 Counter Strike Started!

Grandmasters possessed extraordinary skills, and could wound others with a flower and a leaf, and could behead others from a hundred steps away.

In Huaxia Country, Grandmasters were highly respected. One could establish his own sect and make his name known all over the world after he reached the Grandmaster Realm.

“Big brother, are you really a Grandmaster?” Su Fan swallowed as he asked. He was known as a young genius among his families and had a great talent for practicing martial arts. Now, he was at the seventh level of the Innate Realm. However, Chu Xun, whose age was unknown, looked even younger than him and looked like a teenager, but Chu Xun’s cultivation was horrifying.

Chu Xun thought for a while and realized that according to what the old man said, he was indeed as powerful as a Grandmaster of Martial Tao.

“In my opinion, His Honor is stronger than ordinary Grandmasters.” The old man had a complicated expression in his eyes. It was rare to see such a young Grandmaster, and some people might not be able to reach the realm during their whole lives, including the old man.

“Oh my! Big brother, could it be that you’re a demon? You look so young just because you have a strong cultivation and take good care of your skin.” Su Fan yelled weirdly. He was looking forward to hearing Chu Xun say yes so that he could feel better. Otherwise, the facts were so frustrating.

“Su Fan, please speak cautiously.” Chen Hanlong pulled a long face. He was somewhat angry with Su Fan’s unresentful tone.

Chu Xun waved his hand, showing that it was okay. However, he agreed with Su Fan. If taking the three thousand years he spent in the other world into consideration, he was indeed a several-thousand-year old demon. Though three thousand years passed quickly in the other world, Chu Xun’s age made him feel embarrassed on earth.

With a proud look on his face, Su Fan made eyes at Chen Hanlong and said, “Big brother, it’s so boring to stay here. Let’s get our money and go for drinks.”

After that, he said to Hong Ling, “Give us our money.”

Hong Ling looked embarrassed because she did not have 20 billion yuan now. She, Bai Renxiong, and the scar-faced man jointly established this casino. She was responsible for introducing customers while Bai Renxiong and the scar-faced man were responsible for running the casino. They shared the profits every day. The casino did not have 200 million yuan, let alone 20 billion yuan.

“Is this casino an empty company with no assets? Are you guys trying to get something from nothing?” Su Fan shouted.

Hong Ling nodded unwillingly. Su Fan was right. Though there were chips from five hundred yuan to 10 million yuan, chips were just a pile of valueless plastics, and they could provide chips of 10 billion yuan if the customer wanted. With Manager Lei and the old man managing the casino, plus the gambling machines were specially set, it was hard for those customers to win money there, and even if they could win, they would win at most one million yuan.

In their eyes, Chu Xun was an unexpected event that came to their doors.

“Holy shit. No wonder an old saying says that there is no winner in a hundred of gambles. It turns out that we just won 20 billion of plastic chips.” Su Fan was very upset. After he came to this casino, he totally exchanged for 130 million chips. “Well, we can take back our initial stake, right?”

Hong Ling shook her head.

“What? You want to defraud us of our own money?” Su Fan shouted angrily.

“I’m so sorry, but every amount of money we got would be automatically saved in four bank accounts, namely my account, Manager Lei’s, the scar-faced man’s, and the account of Third Master of the Bai Family. I can return back the money I got from you,” Hong Ling said.

“How much do you got?” Su Fan asked.

“I have 20 percent of the shares of this casino, so I can return 26 million yuan to you.”

“How about you?” Su Fan asked Manager Lei.

“I only have 10 percent of the shares, so I can return 13 million yuan to you,” Manager Lei said.

“Damn. Are you saying that I can’t get the rest of my money back?” Su Fan looked depressed. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and turned to look at Chu Xun, saying, “Big brother, how much did you lost?” He estimated that Chu Xun at least lost 100 or 200 million yuan, no less than what he lost.

Spotting Su Fan’s gloating face, Chu Xun replied flatly, “Five hundred.”

“Wow, you’re so awesome, big brother. You won 20 billion yuan with five million yuan?”

“Idiot, can’t you hear it? He said he lost five hundred yuan, not five million yuan.” the female gambler sneered.

“Five hundred... yuan...” Su Fan was choked by his saliva. He stretched his neck and opened his mouth with his face full of shock.

Hong Ling, the old man, and Manager Lei was stunned as well. They could default on others’ money, but they dared not to default on Chu Xun’s. They had decided to pay Chu Xun’s money back even if they had to use their own money. However, now... they did not know what to say.

Su Fan lowered his head. It turned out that he was the one who suffered the most loss.

Even Chen Hanlong, the overlord of the Gujiang City, would be irritated if he lost so much money. However, Su Fan just looked depressed, from which others could tell Su Fan’s background was great.

“Who could tell me something about the scar-faced man?” Chu Xun asked.

Hong Ling and the old man exchanged a look. Then, Hong Ling said, “He is a morose and cruel man. He doesn’t talk much and has a ugly face, so others all stay away from him and know little about him. If you want to know more about him, you can consult Bai Renxiong. He and the scar-faced man found me to establish this casino.”

“I heard something about him from Bai Renxiong. The scar-faced man came from the capital. He was talented, so I would occasionally teach him something. That’s all I know about him,” the old man said with a bitter smile.

Chu Xun remained silent.

Hong Ling felt a little uneasy. She understood that what they said was useless. Suddenly, she thought of something, and her eyes lit up as she said, “The scar-faced man would save the profits he got in the bank account of a man named Liu Xiefei.”

“Liu Xiefei?” Chu Xun’s eyes glittered, and he had a different feeling in his heart.

Hong Ling nodded.

“Hanlong, tell all our men to investigate Liu Xiefei. No matter where he is, we must find him,” Chu Xun said in a deep voice.

“Don’t worry, I’m on it, sir.”

Chen Hanlong walked away and made a call.

“Big brother, are you looking for your parents? Tell me their names and what they look like, and I can help you look for them. My family know many powerful people. Many hands make light work,” said Su Fan.

Chu Xun was stunned. Su Fan’s words enlightened and reminded him. He had been looking for his parents secretly and cautiously, for fear that he would irritate the man behind this into hurting his parents. Now, he felt that his behaviors were so funny. His compromise would only make his enemy more arrogant. He thought it necessary to strike and warn his enemy so that his enemy would be in fear and dared not to act recklessly.

He did not mind to expose part of his power, and it would be great if he could force these evil criminals to come to light by doing so.

After making up his mind, Chu Xun thanked Su Fan sincerely.

“Chen Hanlong,” Chu Xun shouted.

Chen Hanlong just finished his call, so he ran over hurriedly.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“From this moment on, mobilize all our relations and look for my parents at all costs. Whoever provides us with clue will get 10 million to 100 million yuan. If someone finds my parents, I can meet any of his demands.” After saying this, Chu Xun spoke out all the information on his parents.

Chu Xun looked sober. His counter strike started.

After he received the order, Chen Hanlong started to make calls.

He believed that the whole Gujiang City would be in an uproar because of Chu Xun’s decision.

Chu Xun sighed slightly. He had thought that he would gain a lot this time; however, the trip turned out disappointing.

“Let’s go!”

Chu Xun waved at Chen Hanlong and was about to leave.

“Why are you following us?”

Chen Hanlong questioned in displeasure after seeing Su Fan follow them. Su Fan talked to Chu Xun in a disrespectful way many times, which annoyed Chen Hanlong very much.

“Don’t think so highly of yourself. Be careful that you will screw it up. Open your eyes! I’m following my big brother, not you! Don’t misunderstand it.” Su Fan never feared anyone in quarrelling.

Chen Hanlong was so angry that the corner of his mouth twisted. He glared at Su Fan and said, “I’ll slap you and throw you back into your mother’s womb if not considering that you’re just a wimpy kid.”

“Hump! Do you think you can overpower me?” Su Fan raised his head and continued disdainfully, “You’re over 40, yet your skin is fair and soft, and you don’t have any grey hair. Do you steal and apply your wife’s toning masks at home every day? You’re pretending to be young just like a yellow cucumber brushed with green lacquer, like a sissy.”

Chen Hanlong’s face darkened, and he gnashed his teeth as he said, “What do you know? I look so young because I have taken Immortal Water made by His Honor. This solution can cure all kinds of diseases and prolong one’s life. You said that must because you envy me. You’re so young yet have so many wrinkles. You’re aged when you’re still young. This is a disease, and you have to cure it.”

Su Fan glared at Chen Hanlong with his eyes bulged like that of goldfishes’. He did have wrinkles on his forehead, and he did when he was a boy. The wrinkles were not that obvious yet Chen Hanlong still laughed at him.

However, after hearing the effects of the Immortal Water, Su Fan asked with his eyes glittering, “Is that solution so amazing?”

“Believe what you want!” Chen Hanlong said in anger.

Su Fan turned his eyes, walked forward, and hugged Chen Hanlong’s shoulder warmly before saying with a smile, “Brother Chen, I believe you. Could you give me several bottles of Immortal Water? If the effect is really so amazing, I can advertise it for free.”

Chen Hanlong shook off Su Fan’s arms and sneered coldly before saying, “You’re really arrogant like a toad yawning. Several bottles? No way! I won’t give you even a drop of it. Immortal Water is a kind of magic solution, and it doesn’t need your advertisement.”

Su Fan was stunned and walked forward to hug Chen Hanlong’s neck with a playful smile. “Brother Chen, don’t be so mean! Let’s talk about it.”

This time, Su Fan hugged Chen Hanlong so tightly that Chen Hanlong could not break free even though he tried several times. Chen Hanlong was choked by Su Fan’s arms and rolled his eyes.

“Brother Chen, we can talk about it, right?” Su Fan tightened his arms and asked smilingly.

Mouth wide open, Chen Hanlong rolled his eyes. He waved his hands and moved his feet but still failed to break free from Su Fan’s grip.

Chu Xun shook his head with a smile. With Su Fan and Chen Hanlong these two funny guys, Chu Xun would not feel alone in the future.

The old man looked at Chu Xun, who was going away. His eyes glittered and seemed to have something to say. With a determined expression in his eyes, he stood up and ran away.

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing the old man, who stood in his way, Chu Xun asked flatly.

The old man hesitated for a moment before he knelt down on one knee.

“Isn’t it the posture of proposing?” Su Fan widened his eyes and murmured.

The old man blushed and glared at Su Fan. He then bowed his head toward Chu Xun and said, “If you don’t mind, sir, please allow me to follow you.”

“Why?” Chu Xun asked.

“Because I can get what I want by following you, sir.”

“Oh? What do you want then?”

“I want to reach the Grandmaster Realm.” The old man looked determined. He had a strong hunch that this was an opportunity and that he would regret it forever if he missed this opportunity.

“What benefits can I get from it?” Chu Xun asked calmly.

“Though I’m not very powerful, I can handle some troublesome guys for you. Please rest assured that I’ll obey every order of yours when I follow you. If you don’t believe me, sir, I can sign a blood contract with you.”

“Holy shit.” Su Fan could only use these two words to express his feeling.

“No need.” Chu Xun waved his hands. The old man could not help but feel anxious. He wanted to say something but was interrupted by Chu Xun, who said, “You’re a warrior, and I respect your pride. Rise up.”

A weird expression flashed within Chu Xun’s eyes. He happened to need experts like the old man. If he showed his power, the man behind all this would fight back. By then, the people who were close to him might be brought into danger. He needed someone to protect them.

He did not worry that the old man would betray him at all. As long as one stood high enough, his underlings would not dare to have any thought of betrayal. Absolute power could shatter conspiracy easily.

He knew this very well, and he believed that the old man knew this as well.

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