The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 117 - A Talent for Name-calling

Chapter 117 A Talent for Name-calling

Tang Rou and Liu Xin were frightened to see that Chen Yuting was so cruel and broke a man’s neck.

Moreover, he even ordered his men to feed the dead man to Blackie. Though Tang Rou and Liu Xin did not know what Blackie was, they could tell that Blackie was terrifying because it ate human flesh.

“Miss Tang, let me ask you again. Do you want to have a romantic relationship with me?” Chen Yuting grinned, which caused several pimples on his face to burst. Purulent fluid flew down his face, looking extremely disgusting.

Tang Rou looked away in disgust and could not bear to look at his face.

Liu Xin felt even sicker. Her throat moved, and she vomited but threw up nothing.

They never judged others by their appearances. However, Chen Yuting simply looked too disgusting. His face was as terrible as a car accident on the highway, yet he put on an act to look like an elegant gentleman.

Chen Yuting looked solemn when he saw the reactions of Tang Rou and Liu Xin. He showed his chilling white teeth, and his eyes glittered coldly as he said in an icy tone, “Do the two of you dislike me?”

Tang Rou and Liu Xin clung together and trembled. Chen Yuting had just killed a man, so how could they not feel frightened?

“No, we don’t,” Tang Rou said in a trembling voice. She suppressed the disgust and forced herself to look at Chen Yuting, trying to prove that they didn’t dislike him.

The moment Tang Rou turned her head, something touched her face. It was the ancient jade earrings that Chu Xun gave her.

The earring on her left ear had a Defense Enchantment while the earring on her right ear had a Killing Enchantment.

Tang Rou’s eyes lit up. She took the earring on her left ear off and threw it on the ground suddenly while uttering some unintelligible words that Chu Xun taught her.


The moment the earring touched the ground, it exploded and gave off bright light.

A shining formation appeared and covered Tang Rou and Liu Xin, protecting them.

Chen Yuting widened his eyes with curiosity and wondered why an earring became like a huge bell jar, and there seemed to be light flowing on its transparent shell of the jar.

Out of curiosity, he stretched out a finger to poke the transparent shell. With a dull sound, the shell started to shine, and he grimaced in pain and almost broke his finger, feeling as if he had poked iron.

Though he suffered the pain, he looked happy as if he had found something funny. He looked at Tang Rou, who was in the formation, and asked, “What’s this?”

Tang Rou remained silent, but she felt overjoyed inside. Chu Xun saved her again and was indeed her god of protection. She smiled happily and ignored Chen Yuting.

Liu Xin looked at the formation curiously. She had never seen such a thing before, but she was not in a mood to laugh. “Could this glass-like jar protect us?” she wondered.

Chen Yuting was stunned by Tang Rou’s smile, but soon, his eyes became gloomy because he realized her bright smile was not for him.

“Do you really think this piece of trash could protect you?” Chen Yuting asked in a mocking tone with disdain in his eyes.

“Yes,” this time, Tang Rou finally replied, but only said one word. She believed this formation could protect them because it was given by Chu Xun. When thinking of Chu Xun, she smiled brightly again.

Chen Yuting snorted coldly and almost went crazy because of jealousy. He said with a frosty smile, “I’ll let you know soon how fragile this piece of trash is.”

He took a few steps backward, ran up, and suddenly leaped forward. Then, he punched the formation heavily from above, demonstrating his power of the third level of the Acquired Realm.


The dull bang sounded like someone beating a drum.


Chen Yuting screamed miserably and was sent flying away. He bumped onto a wooden pillar that two people could just get their arms around hand in hand, causing the wooden house to shake as if it would collapse.


Chen Yuting fell onto the ground like a dead dog, lying still for a long time.

Tang Rou blinked her beautiful and cheerful eyes. She knew that the earring Chu Xun gave her was not an ordinary thing.

Liu Xin was dumbfounded and rubbed her eyes, looking at Chen Yuting in astonishment. She then looked at the formation and then Tang Rou, whispering, “What kind of high technology is this? It’s amazing! When I get out of here, I’ll buy one to protect myself as well.”

Tang Rou was in a good mood. Knowing that Chen Yuting could not get into the formation, she flicked Liu Xin on the forehead and said with a sweet smile, “Well, forget about it. You can’t buy it with money because it’s given by my Brother Chu Xun.”

Liu Xin was stunned for a moment. Looking at the cheerful Tang Rou, she teased her intentionally. “Brother Chu Xun...Wow, how intimately you called him.”

“How annoying you’re! You actually laughed at me. Look how I will punish you.” Tang Rou tickled Liu Xin.

The two of them seemed to have forgotten that they were kidnapped and started to play with each other. They even forgot that Chen Yuting was also in the room.

After playing for a while, they got tired and stopped playing.

Liu Xin broke off a banana on the table, peeled it, and handed it to Tang Rou. Tang Rou shook her head, indicating that she did not want to eat. Then, Liu Xin started to eat the banana herself.

“If only this jar can move,” Liu Xin said in an ambiguous tone.

Tang Rou looked at Chen Yuting, who lay unconscious on the ground, and said to Liu Xin in a low voice, “Do you think that he really passed out? We can be saved if we can get his cell phone.”

In fact, they were not silly at all. They had been keeping an eye on Chen Yuting, suspecting that he was pretending to faint.

“Let me try to wake him up.” Liu Xin threw away the banana peel and strode to Chen Yuting. Knowing that the formation was very solid, she acted fearlessly.

“Hey, stop pretending. I’ve seen through your trick. Wanna draw us out? No way!” Liu Xin yelled.

After waiting for a while, she saw no reaction from Chen Yuting.

“It seemed that he really fainted,” Liu Xin looked back and said to Tang Rou, “remove this formation, and I’ll go out to get his cell phone.”

Tang Rou still felt worried. Besides, she doubted that Chen Yuting had a cell phone with him, considering his dressing style.

“Let’s check on him again.”

“How?” Liu Xin asked.

Tang Rou thought for a moment, and her eyes suddenly lit up. According to her observation about Chen Yuting, she figured that he hated others talking about his appearance. She told Liu Xin her speculation.

Liu Xin found the speculation reasonable, so she replied, “Then, I’ll try it again.”

She walked over and shouted at Chen Yuting, “Hey, you ugly, and hideous guy, you have such a rough face. Tell me the truth, are you a potato demon? If you’re not, then your parents must be very careless when they bred. I feel deep pity for you. Our country owes your parents a condom...”

Before Liu Xin could finish her words, Chen Yuting suddenly rose to his feet and looked at Liu Xin with chilling eyes and a twisted expression.

Liu Xin was scared and lost her balance when she stepped backward.

Tang Rou hurried to help her up.

Liu Xin gradually calmed down for she remembered that Chen Yuting could not get in. She became bold again and glared at Chen Yuting.

Tang Rou looked at Liu Xin with a weird expression.

Liu Xin spotted the expression and looked at her, asking, “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve never seen you call others names before. How did you learn that?” Tang Rou was really amazed by Liu Xin’s cursing words, which were harsh and cut Chen Yuting in the heart. Not to mention that Chen Yuting was just pretending to faint, even if he were dead, he would open his eyes in anger after hearing Liu Xin’s words.

“Do we even need to learn that?” Liu Xin was amazed. She shook her head and continued, “Never mind. I have a gift for that, but considering your character, you won’t be able to master it for the rest of your life.”

Tang Rou was speechless, but it was true that she did not have any gift for calling others names.

Chen Yuting looked miserable, and his ugly face twisted with anger, looking even more terrifying and disgusting.

His right arm hung down weakly. He got his right arm broken when he punched the formation. It was like he shot himself in the foot.

His eyes gloomy, his expression twisted, he gnashed his chilling white teeth, making creaking sounds, as if he would charge at Tang Rou and Liu Xin and bite them at any time.

“Well, are you seriously snarling learning from a dog?” Liu Xin suddenly said.

Chen Yuting’s hideous expression froze for a moment, and he looked at Liu Xin in confusion.

“Why are you gnashing your teeth if you’re not learning from a dog? I don’t have any bone for you.” Liu Xin said akimbo, looking extremely overbearing.


Chen Yuting gnashed his teeth even louder.

“Do you know how I’ll punish you?” Chen Yuting stared at Liu Xin viciously and continued, “I’ll make you mate with Blackie and give birth to a child. Then, I’ll torture you to death.”

Liu Xin was frightened by Chen Yuting’s ferocious and terrifying expression, and her face looked pale.

“Tut...” Ignoring his broken arm, Chen Yuting stared at Liu Xin and laughed evilly before saying, “Do you know who is Blackie?” After that, he whistled.


A black shadow rushed in.

Tang Rou and Liu Xin looked at the shadow, and their expressions suddenly changed. Blackie turned out to be a huge panther.

“Blackie, come and have a look. She is yours,” Chen Yuting pointed at Liu Xin and said in a malicious tone.

The panther’s fur was as dark and smooth as black silk. On hearing Chen Yuting’s words, it really looked at Liu Xin with its amber eyes, showing its two buckteeth, with bloodstains at the corner of its mouth. The two girls immediately recalled the man whose neck was broken by Chen Yuting, and when they saw the bloodstains on the panther’s mouth and realized they were the blood of that dead man, they were so frightened that their legs went soft and they could not help trembling.

What was more, when the panther looked at Liu Xin, its penis stretched out under its belly.

Chen Yuting laughed weirdly, showing his chilling white teeth. He stared at Liu Xin and said with a grin, “Look, it seems that Blackie is interested in you.”

Liu Xin was so frightened that she looked ghastly pale. She felt both disgusted and terrified, and she could not help but tremble more violently.

“Don’t be scared. They can’t get in,” Tang Rou comforted Liu Xin in a soft voice.

Chen Yuting had sharp ears. On hearing Tang Rou’s words, he laughed and said, “Miss Tang, I treated you sincerely, but you are so superficial and only care about people’s appearances just like other women... Since you’re such a superficial woman, I’ll wait for you to come out yourself and make you a plaything of mine, and when I become bored with you, I’ll scratch your face and make you the ugliest woman in the world...”

“You’re so disgusting. Keep dreaming!” Tang Rou was not good at calling others names and trembled all over with anger.

“Am I dreaming?” Chen Yuting laughed weirdly and continued, “I don’t know how many days more you can survive with those fruits. When you run out of food, I’ll see how you can still hide in it.”

Tang Rou’s expression suddenly changed. She looked at the fruits on the plate on the table and realized they might not be able to hold on even one day with them. Liu Xin looked at the fruits as well, with a pale face.

“Am I right? Do you feel desperate? Haha...” Chen Yuting laughed arrogantly and did not stop until a while later. “I’ll give you a chance. If you walk out now, I’ll consider dealing with you leniently.”

“No way!” Tang Rou wore an expression of disgust and her voice was trembling.

“You do have a strong personality. You deserve my affection.” Chen Yuting grinned and showed a chilling smile. “I really want to see how long the two of you can hold on.”

After saying that, he patted the panther on the head and said, “Blackie, if you want to mate, keep an eye on them.”


The panther roared and then lay on its belly, staring at Tang Rou and Liu Xin.

Chen Yuting gave Tang Rou a frightening smile and then walked away laughing crazily.

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