The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2399 - The Little Mermaid (1)

Chapter 2399: The Little Mermaid (1)

Satan’s method of unlocking a layer of the seal was not very gentle. Shen Yanxiao now realized how

painful it was when the rst layer of the seal was unlocked.

The pain she suered from unlocking the rst layer was almost the same as that of the last layer. She

fainted halfway, but Satan had no intention of stopping.

By the time Shen Yanxiao woke up again, Satan was already sitting in the room, looking at her collapsed

gure; a nasty smile hung on his mouth.

“Little fellow, have a good rest. I will prepare the most beautiful pearl dress for you.” After conrming that

Shen Yanxiao’s body had not suered any damage, Satan left this sentence and turned away.

Shen Yanxiao sat in the room, her nerves still tingling.

Along with the stabbing pain, Shen Yanxiao could sense a new feeling. She seemed to be able to feel the

subtle changes in the sea water, neither through hearing nor vision, but as if every pore of her skin could

detect the information from the sea water. This was the ability of the merfolk, the instinct to communicate

with the sea.

This instinct was not a force, so even though Shen Yanxiao was still restrained by the handcus, she could

still use it.

Shen Yanxiao closed her eyes and felt the uctuations in the sea water. Her perception in the sea water

was just enough to cover the whole palace.

Inside this range, she did not feel the existence of Satan. Obviously, Satan had begun to attack the other

merpeople in the hometown of the merfolk.

Shen Yanxiao tried hard to become familiar with this merfolk instinct. For at this time, any ability was

extremely precious.

All of a sudden, in the depths of the palace, she felt a slight uctuation. From there, she could feel the

transmission of life, so that she suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Shen Yanxiao swung her beautiful shtail and left the room to follow the source of the uctuation.

Through the long corridor, Shen Yanxiao stopped in front of a painting.

The painting in front of her showed a handsome man with long blue hair. He was holding the trident of


This was a portrait of Neptune. The painting covered the entire wall, and the slight uctuation Shen

Yanxiao felt came from behind this painting.

Was there a mechanism here?!

This was Shen Yanxiao’s rst thought. For a thief, it was easy for her to crack any mechanism. Soon, Shen

Yanxiao found the groove hidden in the frame.

Gently, the painting suddenly yet slowly opened, after which a neat room appeared in front of her.

The decorations inside the room were very simple, but the details were quite exquisite. At a glance, Shen

Yanxiao failed to nd any living being, but the message the sea water sent her was getting stronger and


There must be something in this room!

Shen Yanxiao swung her shtail and slowly entered.

After entering the room, she nally saw the tiny gure hiding on the edge of the entrance.

A young mermaid appeared in Shen Yanxiao’s sight; her long, light blue hair curled slightly all over her

body, fear was plastered on her little face, and her pair of eyes that were supposed to be glittering and

translucent were covered by a grayish blue color, lacking focus and spirit. The shtail, which was half

hidden under her long hair, had the same colorful scales as Shen Yanxiao’s.

Multicolored mermaid?

Shen Yanxiao looked at the little fellow curled up in the corner in surprise and couldn’t believe her eyes.

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