The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2374 - A Free Man (1)

Chapter 2374: A Free Man (1)

After a while, Tang Nazhi nally saw Shen Yanxiao and the others coming back.

“How did it go?” Tang Nazhi went up and asked.

Shen Yanxiao’s expression did not look good. The Dragon God and the others also had an emaciated look

on their faces.

“You’re awake? How does your body feel?” Shen Yanxiao asked, looking at Mo Yuxun on one side.

Mo Yuxun replied, “Much better. Thank you for saving my life.”

Shen Yanxiao shrugged her shoulders, “Don’t thank me. If it hadn’t been for your leniency to me all this

time, I would have died long ago.”

“That’s dierent.” Mo Yuxun frowned slightly. Shen Yanxiao had saved his life, therefore not killing her asrepayment was just right.

“It’s no dierent. Everyone has only one life.” Shen Yanxiao did not feel that Mo Yuxun owed her anything.

Even if this body had saved him in the past, it was also something that the Shen Yanxiao before had done

and had nothing to do with the her of right now.

“Anyway, since you saved me, my life is now yours.” Mo Yuxun looked at Shen Yanxiao with rm eyes.

Shen Yanxiao was a little stupeed. She now seemed to understand Mo Yuxun’s character.

Just like Tang Nazhi’s judgment, Mo Yuxun was single-minded. He believed that it was just natural for his

life to now belong to Shen Yanxiao because she had saved him. Just like his thought when he was under

Ouyang Huanyu’s hands; only, Ouyang Huanyu kept him alive because he was of use to him.

This strange thinking pattern really made Shen Yanxiao very helpless.

“You said your life is now mine?” Shen Yanxiao looked at Mo Yuxun.


“Then you will follow all my orders?” Shen Yanxiao asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

Shen Yanxiao’s question caused Tang Nazhi at the side to wonder. This little girl was not really going to

enslave Mo Yuxun, right? This Mo Yuxun was born similarly to Lan Fengli, but one was a little brother

while the other was going to be a slave? Such a huge gap in treatment ah.

“Yes.” Mo Yuxun answered without hesitation.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and said, “Then the rst order I give you is that starting from now, you don’t have to

listen to anyone. Your fate is in your own hands. You’ve already died once, and everything you owe me

and Ouyang Huanyu have already been paid back in full. From now on, you have to live the life you want,

you don’t have to listen to anyone anymore.”

“What?” Mo Yuxun looked at Shen Yanxiao in surprise. He did not expect that Shen Yanxiao would say

such things.

“What? Didn’t you say you will follow my order? You are now a free man.” Shen Yanxiao smiled at Mo

Yuxun. She really did not need an obedient slave; there would never be slaves by her side. Around her,

there would only be companions.

Mo Yuxun looked at Shen Yanxiao; he opened his mouth, but ultimately failed to say anything.

A free man?

Mo Yuxun never thought that this word would one day be applied to him. From the moment he started to

understand things, his words and deeds had been carried out in accordance with the requirements of

Ouyang Huanyu. His own thinking and his own propositions were all disallowed. Mo Yuxun had long been

used to all this. The only command of Ouyang Huanyu that he had struggled with was the matter that

involved Shen Yanxiao. Even if his soul was already numb, after meeting Shen Yanxiao, he was still

somewhat clear-headed. He didn’t want to hurt his savior at all.

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