The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2366 - Battle (4)

Chapter 2366: Battle (4)

Shen Yanxiao’s experiment that made Mo Yuxun feel stinging all over was successful!

Mo Yuxun struggled inside. Meanwhile, the surrounding battleeld was in chaos. The Dragon God joined

the battle in the sky, successfully relieving most of the pressure for Vermillion Bird. He was the patron

saint of the dragons, and his dragon might had an insurmountable deterrent eect on the dragons. Those

experimental subjects in the sky were integrated with dragon blood, although they were not real dragons,

the advent of the Dragon God still slowed down their attacks a little bit.

Bian and Taotie, these two killing beasts, had joined forces, directly doubling their combat eectiveness.

Tang Nazhi nally completed his solo performance with satisfaction. Stepping on the bodies of a group of

experimental subjects, he called out Black Tortoise and put the whole battleeld under the control of

Shen Yanxiao.

Mo Yuxun’s eyes grew darker and darker. If this continued, once all the experimental subjects were

destroyed, others would be free to deal with him.

No matter how condent Mo Yuxun was, he had no condence that he could win with the joint eorts of

so many strong opponents.

“Sorry.” Mo Yuxun murmured, after which a strong momentum suddenly broke out of him, shattering all

the combined racial forces that Shen Yanxiao had attached to him!

Shen Yanxiao was surprised, seeing Mo Yuxun already rushing towards her. Instead of persistently

breaking free of the binding of the silver whip, he gave up his hold on the spear and charged forward.

In the blink of an eye, he had come to Shen Yanxiao. He raised his attened hand at lightning speed, and

swiped it into the back of Shen Yanxiao’s neck.

As soon as the hand-knife strike fell, Shen Yanxiao turned over and kicked Mo Yuxun in the waist,

escaping from his attack by impulse.

It was just a simple hand-knife strike, but Shen Yanxiao literally had a cold sweat.

Mo Yuxun was the fastest she had ever seen, aside from Xiu and Satan. In terms of speed alone, even Lan

Fengli was no match for him.

“Are you nally getting serious?” A smile rose from Shen Yanxiao’s mouth.

Mo Yuxun did not say a word. In a ash, his gure struck once again!

Shen Yanxiao narrowed her eyes. She never thought that she could be Mo Yuxun’s opponent, and she

was not arrogant enough to think that he was really afraid to kill her. She pushed the Dragon God and

Bian away in order to end the battle as soon as possible; as long as she could stall Mo Yuxun and let the

others free up their hands to clean up the experimental subjects, then it was she who would win in the


Mo Yuxun seemed to have completely let go of his kindness at this moment. His gure was as fast as

lightning, attacking Shen Yanxiao on fatal spots over and over again.

Throat, forehead, heart…

Mo Yuxun’s target was very clear. As long as it hit, Shen Yanxiao would die!

Shen Yanxiao did not dare to neglect and immediately turned her sacred tool into armor on her body. She

exerted 120 percent of her energy to deal with the attacks of Mo Yuxun.

As far as the current attack mode of Mo Yuxun was concerned, it could be said that it was almost the

same as Lan Fengli: all about killing with one blow!

Shen Yanxiao suddenly felt a chill coming from behind her; she immediately moved away from her

position, and the next second, Mo Yuxun appeared where she had been. The ve ngers of his right hand

were stuck together, just like a blade, and based on the position of his hand, it was clear that it was going

for Shen Yanxiao’s heart!

Mo Yuxun missed and saw Shen Yanxiao jump into mid-air. His foot ercely tapped on the ground and,

like an arrow from a bowstring, his gure went straight at Shen Yanxiao!

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