The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2362 - Three Meter Excavation (3)

Chapter 2362: Three Meter Excavation (3)

Red ames spread in the huge valley, the re reected the sky.

The temperature in the surroundings continued to rise.

At last, there was a trace of movement in the valley.

More than ten shadows suddenly ew up into the sky from the end of the valley, and amongst these

shadows, Shen Yanxiao saw the gure of Mo Yuxun under the light of the ames.

Mo Yuxun stepped on the burning ground and looked toward Shen Yanxiao’s calm face in the distance. He

then looked at the ames around him and raised his hand slightly, after which the group of experimental

subjects with dragon wings immediately stirred up their wings behind them and stabilized the spread of

ames in the valley with these strong winds.

“You’re here.” Mo Yuxun looked at Shen Yanxiao, as if he had guessed that Shen Yanxiao would nd this


“This place is owned by Lord Ouyang. Please leave quickly.” Mo Yuxun said.

Shen Yanxiao took a step forward. Although they were enemies, she did not have any bad feelings

towards Mo Yuxun at all. Mo Yuxun had been lenient towards her several times, leaving behind a deep

memory. If she were going to kill all the people responsible for bringing about the existence of

experimental subjects today, she would only spare Mo Yuxun.

“Since I have come, I never thought about leaving. Today’s battle is inevitable.” Shen Yanxiao did not give


Mo Yuxun’s eyes drooped and he sighed slightly, then the armlet on his arm transformed into a spear.

“Then ght!”

Mo Yuxun ercely stabbed the spear into the ground, and the ames spreading in the valley were

extinguished in an instant!

A large number of people in black poured out from behind Mo Yuxun; they would either spread their

wings and y into the air or stand behind him.

Shen Yanxiao’s eyes narrowed slightly. She knew they had to face a group of experimental subjects here,

but their main purpose for coming here was not them, but the people who had created them.

It was just that…

Looking at the numb look in the eyes of these experimental subjects, Shen Yanxiao became clear that

they had long lost their ability to think independently and were now a bunch of puppets who only knew to

obey orders.

“Leave Mo Yuxun; as for the rest… Kill them!” Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and said.

With a loud roar, Vermillion Bird, Taotie, Bian, Dragon God and Tang Nazhi rushed to the ranks of the

experimental subjects.

Shen Yanxiao raised her hand to Yu Lei, Little Phoenix, Mini Dragon, and several elemental spirits standing

at the end, casting a faint white light around them. It was a protective layer glistening with silver radiance,

isolating them from danger.

This was the divine power that Xiu had given to Shen Yanxiao. Under the guidance of Xiu, Shen Yanxiao

had been able to use it to form a small boundary. Even though the power of this boundary was not

comparable to that of Xiu’s, it was enough to provide some protection.

“My Lord!” Yu Lei watched as Shen Yanxiao was about to join the battleeld, and he suddenly made a


Shen Yanxiao turned to Yu Lei. Yu Lei swallowed his saliva and said while clenching the sts at his sides,

“You are the pride of Radiance Continent; I thank you on behalf of the people who are still being held in

the lab.”

Shen Yanxiao smiled, turned her head and stepped onto the battleeld without hesitation.

“Please take care of yourselves.” Yu Lei prayed in a low voice and looked at the people in black who kept

pouring out of the ground. He was already frightened.

The strength of six people against the strength of thousands of enemies. The gap in numbers alone was

simply very huge!

Yu Lei could only pray for the blessing of the goddess of victory.

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