The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2348 - You Have to Pay Back Sooner or Later (5) 

Chapter 2348: You Have to Pay Back Sooner or Later (5) 

“I choose to believe you again. You should know that as long as you are branded by our elemental marks,

you will never escape us.” The water elemental spirit hesitated for a moment before accepting Shen

Yanxiao’s oer.

But at this moment, the re elemental spirit on one side suddenly jumped out.

“You’re not allowed to do that!” It agitatedly stood in front of Shen Yanxiao, not allowing the other

elemental spirits to approach her half a step.

“Fire! Wake up, she already admitted that she stole you. Why do you still… ” The lightning elemental spirit

was exasperated at the behavior of the re elemental spirit. But the re elemental spirit was their

youngest brother; in the face of its stubbornness, they were helpless.

“Little Fire, they’re right. They’re your companions.” Shen Yanxiao looked at the re elemental spirit and

smiled gently.

This cute little guy, it was really to her liking.

The re elemental spirit shook its head and said, “I know they are my companions, but you are also my

companion, and I will not let you get hurt.” Having said that, it turned to the other elemental spirits and

said, “What you are angry about is that Little Xiao stole me, right? But let me tell you now that she did not

steal me at all, it is I who wanted to go with her myself. She’s innocent. Don’t blame her!”


This appalling speech not only made the ve elemental spirits dumbfounded, even Shen Yanxiao was

shocked silly.

“Fire… You…” The water elemental spirit was speechless.

“That’s what happened! You mustn’t bully Little Xiao! Otherwise… I won’t be your companion anymore!”

The simple re elemental spirit directly used the method children used in their quarrel.

Not to mention, this trick actually worked.

“Fire! Take it easy!”

“Fire! We’ll listen to you, alright!”

“We won’t bully her, we won’t bully her anymore. You’re our companion, how can you leave us?”

“Can you not do what you just said?”

“Fire, you have to calm down!”

The ve elemental spirits were thoroughly shaken by this one threat. They were so powerful that there

was nothing in the world that could frighten them; the only thing that could bring them to their knees was

the acknowledgement of their companions.

The elemental spirits were really lonely. They cherished every companion, not to mention the re

elemental spirit they had guarded for so many years. How could they accept parting ways with the re

elemental spirit?

The several elemental spirits, who were originally angry at Shen Yanxiao, immediately surrounded the re

elemental spirit, coaxing it like a child.

“Humph!” The re elemental spirit, imitating the tsundere appearance of Vermillion Bird, crossed its arms

over its chest and harrumphed with a twist of its head.

Looking at the few ustered elemental spirits, Tang Nazhi could not help laughing. No matter how much

more ferocious this group of terrifying creatures could be, this temperament was clearly that of children.

Although these few elemental spirits were very powerful, they were still considered youngsters amongst

elemental spirits. Their experiences were still very few and far between, and so they continued to have a

childlike innocence.

“Dwarf, we will no longer make things dicult for you.” After dropping such a sentence at Shen Yanxiao,

the water elemental spirit continued to bombard the re elemental spirit.

Even Shen Yanxiao was unable to react to such a plot development.

She had been prepared to die, but the outcome was actually so unexpected…

“The old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best. Little thief, you actually stole yourself a gold

medallion to save yourself from death.” Tang Nazhi smiled evilly and patted Shen Yanxiao on the head.

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