The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2327 - Enemy’s Attack (3)

Chapter 2327: Enemy’s Attack (3)

Mo Yuxun’s strength was comparable to that of Lan Fengli. Even Yazi had been suppressed by Lan Fengli,

so Bian alone could not be an opponent for Mo Yuxun at all.

To be sure, Shen Yanxiao could only let the Dragon God and Bian deal with Mo Yuxun together.

“Just a mixed-race experimental body and you want me to deal with him alongside Bian?” The Dragon God

was a little dissatised.

“To tell you the truth, I am not sure how much strength Mo Yuxun has. He is on a par with Little Feng, but

Little Feng only used his full strength during the beast tide, and I did not see it at that time. Bian’s brother

is also a powerful magical beast, but he is not Little Feng’s opponent. Dragon God, I know you are very

strong, but listen to me, being careful can let you sail a ship for a thousand years. Do not look down on

him just because he’s an experimental body, especially since he’s an experimental body fused with the

characteristics of seven races. Xiu once said that the experimental body of eight races could surpass an

ordinary superior god; Mo Yuxun only lacks the blood of gods, and you are not at the peak strength of a

superior god. I want you and Bian to deal with him because I don’t want you to have any accidents.” Shen

Yanxiao looked at the Dragon God carefully.

The Dragon God merely moved the corners of his lips and didn’t argue any more.

Even Xiu acknowledged his power. What else could he say?

“Nazhi, you go with Vermillion Bird; Taotie and Little Fire will come with me to protect the other dwarves.

Don’t let the other party take any of them.” In fact, the most suitable for dealing with Mo Yuxun was the

re elemental spirit. However, although the re elemental spirit was extremely powerful, because it had

just been born, it had never participated in any battle, so Shen Yanxiao simply did not trust him to deal

with Mo Yuxun alone.

As for Xiu, Shen Yanxiao did not intend to let him appear directly, because she had to take into account

the existence of Satan.

Satan planted the dark devil seed on Mengmeng Qi, and she could not guarantee that he was no longer in

the Storm Continent. If Satan appeared this time, Xiu would be the only bargaining chip against him.

Xiu was very strong, but his every battle would cause him to lose a part of his strength. These forces were

directly related to his future revival, so unless there was no other choice, Shen Yanxiao did not want Xiu to

take action.

“The dwarves took good care of me; I naturally won’t watch them being bullied by those bastards.” Tang

Nazhi smiled and touched the sacred tool on his nger. “Besides, I’d love to see how eective my sacred

tool is in actual combat.”

“I advise you to give up the use of the weapon form of the sacred tool.” Shen Yanxiao said.

“Ah? Why?”

“The sacred tool is too powerful. If you unleash it in the square, there are too many dwarves around you,

and your sword is so destructive that it is likely to hurt other dwarves. It will be dicult to control, so you

can only use the armor form of the sacred tool and continue to use your original heavy sword.” Shen

Yanxiao also had to consider the safety of the dwarves here.

“All right.” Tang Nazhi nodded sadly; he was very regretful.

“Vermillion Bird, survey in the air and be ready to rescue anyone. Taotie, just open your mouth and eat.”

Shen Yanxiao smilingly said.



The two little ones, who were completely ignored by Shen Yanxiao, suddenly jumped on Vermillion Bird’s


Shen Yanxiao smiled at Little Phoenix and Mini Dragon. They had not changed during this period of time,

but psychologically, they had gotten rid of the ignorance of young children. They looked very excited; it

was clear that they also wanted to join the battle!

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