The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2248 - King Kong Barbie (1) 

Chapter 2248: King Kong Barbie (1) 

Lala Duo opened the door and went in with Bobo Bi. The room was so dimly lit that he could only vaguely

see a petite gure sitting in a chair.

“Ehem, this is Bobo Bi… You can talk about the matter slowly. I’ll take my leave rst.” With his identity,

pulling the strings to make Bobo Bi meet this customer was already going against their High Clouds

Auction House’s rule; he did not want to add more violations just for staying here. If it were not because

he and Bobo Bi had known each other for a long time, he would never get himself dirty in this muddy


“Lala Duo, thank you.” Bobo Bi whispered his gratitude before Lala Duo left the room.

Lala Duo patted Bobo Bi on the shoulder, and then continued to leave the room, carefully closing the


Bobo Bi stood somewhat nervously in the room. There was only the dim light behind the other person

surrounding the room. Bobo Bi could not see the other person’s face against the light, but from her voice,

he could tell that the other party was a female dwarf and was around his own age.

“Please have a seat.” The sweet-sounding feminine voice sounded once again, Bobo Bi felt a bit uneasy before walking closer into the center of the room.

was only after getting a little closer that Bobo Bi nally saw what the other person looked like.

Yet that glance was enough to make him crazy.

In the chair sat a petite dwarf whose face was enough to drive Bobo Bi mad.

Resolute facial features, rough pointy eyebrows, and a ferocious scar from her eyebrow down to her


No matter how you looked at it, this face clearly looked like a middle-aged male dwarf!

That voice did not match at all!

Bobo B felt his heart broke to pieces and fell all over the oor. The fantasy of meeting a tender and

pleasant young female dwarf quickly evaporated to nothing. The one sitting before him denitely had the

face of a ferocious middle-aged man!

Bobo Bi was so stupeed that he was unable to react. Meanwhile the “middle-aged man” sitting on the

chair felt quite helpless.

Just now, Shen Yanxiao took the face mask that Lala Duo gave her and went straight to the room to

change her face, but when she nished changing her face and looked in the mirror, she nearly collapsed!

What Lala Duo gave her was clearly a face of an extremely ferocious male dwarf; as long as she held a

blade on her hand and went near the door of the action house, she would clearly be assumed as a bandit

with her appearance!

Shen Yanxiao felt like choking Lala Duo to death!

She could also be considered a fan of face-changing masks; men or women, human, elf or undead, when

did she not alter her appearance with face-changing masks?

However, this appearance was just too eye-catching; she had never truly tried such an appearance before.

To make matters worse, the voice of dwarves was completely dierent from that of other races; the voice

of a male and female were completely dierent from each other. Even if Shen Yanxiao tried to force or do

anything with her voice to change it, her vocal cords would remain completely uncooperative.

As a result, she had the face of a bandit and a voice of a melodious, young female!

That was why Bobo Bi’s strong reaction was not surprising to her at all. Anyone who saw such a face

would mostly likely not be able to connect it with her voice just now.

Shen Yanxiao completely felt like she was a mixture of King Kong and Barbie!

“Cough, take a seat rst.” Shen Yanxiao tried her best to make her voice deeper so as to at least make her

voice match her “appearance” even a bit and lessen the other person’s surprise.

Bobo Bi felt like his soul was about to y out of his body, while his two watery and huge gaping eyes

continued to look at Shen Yanxiao. He started wondering to himself whether he were dreaming or not.

Why was there a weird dwarf on the Storm Continent?

“Take a seat.” Shen Yanxiao patiently said once more.

Bobo Bi nally came back to his senses as he dragged his lost self into the chair and sat down.

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