The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2136 - Invader (1)

Chapter 2136: Invader (1)

Compared with the Dragon God and Bian, Vermillion Bird and Taotie were like sh in water. The tiny

tables, chairs and stools here were just the right size for them.

“Master, are you really going to be the leader of this dwarf tribe?” Taotie, sitting at the table, blinked his

eyes at Shen Yanxiao.

“What’s the matter?” Shen Yanxiao was sitting to the side. Looking at her little hands, she really wanted to


“I think… I think they’re interesting, that duel… I want to play it too.” Taotie turned his gaze at Little

Phoenix and Mini Dragon that had been playing for half a day. Unfortunately, the two stued toys did not

intend to play with him. Meanwhile, Vermillion Bird only looked at him contemptuously. He could not nd

anyone to play with.

“…” Shen Yanxiao looked at Taotie in disdain. Indeed, with his temperament, Taotie and that group of

foolish dwarves really t together!

“Anyway, why did you suddenly change your mind and accept the position?” The Dragon God crouched at

one corner; there was no need to mention how awkward his appearance was. At the beginning, they all

Was it possible that Shen Yanxiao’s love for cute things had grown to such a level of inhumanity?

Shen Yanxiao told Xiu’s words to the Dragon God and others. Xiu had maintained his physical form for

quite a long time, and Shen Yanxiao was worried that he would consume too much power, so she would

try to keep Xiu in her own body and let him continue to recuperate while they were in the Storm


“So… You are the chieftain just for the sake of convenience?” The corner of the Dragon God’s mouth

couldn’t help but twitch slightly. This was the most irresponsible reason he had ever heard in his life.

“Yeah.” Shen Yanxiao, however, had a calm face, and did not feel in the least that her practice was


The Dragon God was thoroughly speechless.

“Actually, I have one more thing to ask the dwarves.” Shen Yanxiao stroked her chin. There was still a

question in her heart that hadn’t been answered yet.

“What is it?” The Dragon God asked.

“When we rst arrived here at Storm Continent, weren’t Momo Li’s group ghting a black-clad teenager? I

know that black-clad teenager, he’s one of Ouyang Huanyu’s experimental bodies, and his personal

strength is very formidable. His body was fused with at least the power of seven major races. I’ve seen

him before in the Broken Star Palace, but then he suddenly left and I never saw him again after that. Why

and how did he suddenly appear in the Storm Continent?” Shen Yanxiao thought that the appearance of

Mo Yuxun was very suspicious. She could feel that there was something hidden behind it.

“When that little fellow named Momo Li comes back, ask him yourself.” The Dragon God felt a little dizzy

listening to Shen Yanxiao. What Mo Yuxun? What Broken Star Palace? What Ouyang Huanyu? He knew

nothing, alright!!!

Shortly afterwards, several dwarves came in with trays full of fresh fruits. They looked at Shen Yanxiao

respectfully and eagerly, ignoring all the other “creatures” inside the room.

“Call Momo Li over, I have something to ask him.” Shen Yanxiao told one of the dwarves.

It was a female dwarf, with an innocent smile blooming on her young and tender little face as she looked

at Shen Yanxiao with her sparkling eyes.

“Yes, chieftain! I’ll call Momo Li over!”

After responding, the little fellow ran out excitedly at once. As a result, after she ran two steps, she directly

fell to the ground. Shen Yanxiao just thought of getting up to help her when several other dwarves rushed

to the ground and lifted the fallen dwarf up. Then, they quickly left while shouting, “Chieftain, we are

going to call Momo Li now.”

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