The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2105 - Fengling’s Choice (3)

Chapter 2105: Fengling’s Choice (3)

The smile on Nock’s face froze directly…

Shen Yanxiao raised the corners of her lips slightly and turned to Nock, whose face was twitching.

“Master Nock, I am really sorry. It seems that Fengling doesn’t want to leave our Flaming Red Squad.

However, Master Nock is indeed a great master deserving of being a royal teacher. You knew that

Fengling might be unwilling to go with you, so you have repeatedly declared that you won’t obstruct his

Who would have known that Fengling would refuse to go with him?

He thought that Fengling’s sorry sentence was for Shen Yanxiao!

Nock had never dreamed that his full condence would be shattered directly by Fengling.

“Fengling… Are you serious?” Nock clenched his teeth so as to stop his anger from erupting.

Fengling lowered his head and dared not look at Nock.


“Good! Very good! You really have spread your wings! Then stay wherever you like to stay!” Nock was

really furious. He did not think that Fengling would refuse him, and his refusal undoubtedly made his

previous self-condence look like a joke.

Fengling kept silent, silently bearing the anger of Nock.

“Truly an ungrateful child! All the plans I’ve made for you is in vain, you can stay here as you like! From

now on, don’t ever mention that you are a student of the Royal Academy! The Royal Academy has no such

treacherous student as you!” Nock shivered with anger. Not only because Fengling’s refusal made him

embarrassed, but also because he took a lot of trouble over this with Yan Di and had been condent that

Fengling’s answer would slap Shen Yanxiao in the face.

Nock could truly not bear such humiliation!

“If Master Nock has nothing else to say, we’ll continue our training.” Shen Yanxiao smiled as she looked at

the raging Nock.

Nock was really the representative of the so-called double standard. When Fengling chose to leave the

Flaming Red Squad, it was a matter of course. But when he instead chose to leave the Royal Academy, it

was treason.

And don’t even mention who had put Fengling in this position in the rst place.

He said it was all for Fengling’s sake, but how could Shen Yanxiao not know Nock’s careful thinking? Be it

Sal or Fengling, for Nock, they were just props to stabilize his position in the Howling Abyss.

Now that the prop was being disobedient, Nock could not accept it and ew into a rage.

“Humph!” Nock coldly harrumphed and left the training ground without turning his head back.

It was not until Nock left that Fengling raised his head with a pale face and looked sadly at Nock’s

gradually retreating back.

“Reluctant?” Shen Yanxiao looked at Fengling, who was in a depressed mood.

Fengling smiled bitterly and said, “Master Nock has been very kind to me.”

“I can see that.” Shen Yanxiao responded.

“But… I like it here, I like my current companions.” Fengling secretly shook his st. At the Royal Academy,

Nock gave him absolute preference. But it was only because of this preference that he got along well with

other students. Although he was the captain of the team, the students in the team obeyed him not

because of his own merits; they gave in to him because of Nock.

Fengling was unwilling to be a fox exploiting the tiger’s might.

“It’s good that you like it here. Let’s quickly go and continue training, I think that group of boys over there

are already anxious.” Shen Yanxiao laughed at the young people who were hiding to the side.

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