The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2094 - Life of a Bystander (3)

Chapter 2094: Life of a Bystander (3)

“Boss, we almost died worrying about you! These past few days we didn’t have any appetite, and we

couldn’t even sleep soundly…” Shile brazenly clung to his mentor and complained tearfully about how

very worried they had been during this period.

Kehr stood on the sideline, and the more he listened, the more his expression twitched. During Yan Di’s

absence, he trained the Flaming Red Squad. He hadn’t cried yet about reducing himself from the

“Boss, you’re not leaving us, are you? If… If you’re leaving, take us with you!!!”

“Ao, ao. Boss, we won’t let you go. Take us with you if you want to go!”

“Can we go to the Lord as a group and ask him to keep us as well? We are very obedient, we don’t eat that

much, and we can sleep on the oor. We are absolutely more sensible than those skeletons. More

importantly, we can also guard the palace by the way without charging any payment!”

When talking about integrity, the Flaming Red Squad had already lost it some time ago.

Fengling, who had just joined the Flaming Red Squad for a short time, stood aside with a scared

expression. He didn’t know whether to go up as well or not. He could only stand there with sti hands and

feet and stare blankly.

Asking him to pounce on someone and hug their thigh…

Too shameful ah!

Shen Yanxiao felt as though her head would explode because of a group of naughty brats making a

racket. She didn’t realize that this group of brats had such deep feelings for her. They hadn’t seen her for

just a few days, yet they were already this agitated.

If she had gone to other continents, would they not have choked to death?

“Calm down, you guys.” Shen Yanxiao let out a sigh, but her heart was lled with warmth.

To have people that cared about you felt really good.

At Shen Yanxiao’s behest, the group of teenagers that lacked morals immediately let go, and in a second

they lined up orderly in front of Shen Yanxiao.

Each of their vibrant faces held a brilliant smile, their mood was so obvious that even if they tried, it

couldn’t be hidden.

The whole Flaming Red Squad had nally calmed down; Kehr could only shake his head.

“Fortunately you and I know each other, otherwise, I can’t imagine what I’d have done to them after

seeing the behavior of this group of stinky boys.” Kehr felt stied. During this period, it could be said that

his attitude towards the Flaming Red Squad was as gentle as the spring breeze. He did not dare to bring

out his iron hand that he used in the army. After all, these were Shen Yanxiao’s students, so he was not

too harsh on them.

But that was it. After seeing their mentor, these naughty brats immediately patted their buttocks and

hugged her thigh without hesitation.

Kehr had a deep sense of frustration.

Shen Yanxiao couldn’t help laughing. The members of the Flaming Red Squad scratched their heads


“Mentor Kehr, we’re thankful that you were not harsh with us during this period. We’re really just a bit too

excited, seeing the boss again.” Zhanye smiled and opened his mouth. Ever since Yan Di was left at the

side of the Ancestor of the Undead on that day, they had been worried. They had vaguely felt that the

Ancestor was not friendly towards their boss, so it was impossible for them to think positively about her

staying behind.

“You boys are already big, yet don’t have any self-control at all.” Kehr shook his head and laughed.

Unlike the soldiers he had been in contact with before, the Flaming Red Squad was more energetic and

full of youthful energy. Staying with them, Kehr felt that he was a little younger.

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