The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2078 - Yaksha (1)

Chapter 2078: Yaksha (1)

Translator : Raz P., White Sky

All of a sudden, the locked door burst open, after which a suocating divine aura assaulted their senses, and the Asura’s Blade hanging above had once again strongly unleashed its radiance. Before the Ancestor of the Undead could respond, he felt a formidable force that he was born tonght y out.

While Shen Yanxiao, who had been restrained by him, was forcibly taken away by the source of that force. A ery red gure followed closely behind, and the tall gure, upon touching Shen Yanxiao, immediately sent her to the arms of the red fellow in the next moment.

“Vermillion Bird, make a boundary.” The cold voice was mixed with suppressed anger.

“Master!” The moment Vermillion Bird got hold of Shen Yanxiao, he formed a small boundary with his own ames, completely isolating Shen Yanxiao from the divine atmosphere of the outside world.

The severe pain of Shen Yanxiao’s body nally came to an end and she was now able to breathe. When Vermillion Bird saw the bone-deep wound on Shen Yanxiao’s chest, his pair of red eyes became bloodshot in an instant, as if his whole eyes were suused with blood.

“Save Taotie…” Shen Yanxiao gritted her teeth and said in a weak voice.

“Dragon God!” Vermillion Bird hugged Shen Yanxiao and roared.

The Dragon God hurriedly rushed to Taotie, who had already passed out. On the other side, the Ancestor of the Undead, who had been forcibly sent ying away, came back to his senses. When he saw the one who had attacked him in front of his eyes, his chilly eyes ashed with a ery light for the rst time.

“War God… You’re not dead… You really are alive! Hahaha! ” The Ancestor of the Undead, who had coughed up some blood, did not even bother to wipe the blood in his mouth. He merely stared at the gure standing in front of him.

That loftiness, that awe-inspiring aura, his entire being that exuded an indierence that forced everyone to remain at a respectful distance, with an incomparably nobility.

However, beneath that supercial indierence, the Ancestor of the Undead could also feel a fury that was being restrained with great eort.

Xiu coldly stood before the Ancestor of the Undead, his golden eyes narrowed slightly.

“I knew it… I knew you wouldn’t die so easily… Satan has reappeared in the world, so you must still be alive, and I was right, you really did appear.” There was a frenzied smile on the handsome face of the Ancestor of the Undead, and he didn’t seem to feel the killing intent of the other party at all.

“Yaksha, enough.” Xiu’s eyes were full of coldness as he looked at the Ancestor of the Undead, and a very strange name came out of his mouth. But as soon as this name was uttered, the smile on the face of the Ancestor of the Undead faded in an instant, replaced by a sinister anger!

“Yaksha? I’m not Yaksha anymore! How ridiculous, ah!” The Ancestor of the Undead grinned coldly, and the bottom of his eyes were lled with disgust at this one word.

“The Lord God, he deceived me! He said he would let me lead the Undead to follow the God Race! I am a God ah! I am also of the God Race ah! I obeyed the word of the Lord God, I voluntarily abandoned the body of a god and came to the Howling Abyss as the Ancestor of the Undead! But what did I get? The Lord God, he just lied to me! He abandoned the Undead! He banished me

forever to this desolate land!” The more the Ancestor of the Undead talked, the crazier he became. His eyes were lled with hatred. But what he said completely stunned the Dragon God who was saving Taotie. When he rst entered the God Race, he had heard of that name.


That year, he was born together with Asura in the God Race, his strength was second only to the formidable superior god Asura. Before, when the previous War God fell, Asura, also known as Di Xiu at that time, had competed with Yaksha for the position of War God.

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