The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2043 - Shameless Team (4)

Chapter 2043: Shameless Team (4)

Zhanye’s constant running forced the students of Spectre College to maintain the frequency of their attacks. After half an hour, Zhanye retreated from the battleeld.

The non-stop attacks, after half an hour, forced the students of Spectre College to vomit some blood. Seeing Zhanye nally withdraw, they only breathed a sigh of relief. What they were waiting for was for the Flaming Red Squad to swarm forward in impatience, so that they could inict a heavy blow upon them.

Zhanye retreated to their ranks, and one could not see any damage on his whole body.

“So quick, you already had enough?” Shile looked at Zhanye and seemed to be laughing at his endurance.

Zhanye merely shot a glance at his poor friend and said nothing.

Shile exed his muscles and bones and then went up at once.

“Well, it’s my turn.”

After saying that, Shile rushed towards the students of Spectre College.

Another wave of attacks came. The students of Spectre College simply had the urge to die. Do you guys have to be so shameless? If you want to ght, go up together ah!

Letting one team member come each time, what does this mean!

The students of Spectre College desperately wanted to have a big confrontation with the members of Flaming Red Squad. They could also simply give up their attacks and let the little mouse continue  to circle them. However, as long as their attacks paused a little, Shile would quickly rushed forward and attack the outermost students. Several students were almost hit this way

Faced with such a situation, the students of Spectre College could only stick to attacking.

But everything that followed pushed them into the abyss.

Shile also retreated half an hour later, and before the students of the Spectre College could catch their breath, another member of the Flaming Red Squad rushed forward, still taking the same action of circling around them; his speed was no slower than the rst two

However swift and violent the artillery was, if it failed to take aim at the enemy’s position, then it was of no use.

Aside from the word “fast”, there was nothing else the Flaming Red Squad showed in front of them!

From top to bottom, no one in the whole team had fallen behind in speed. Round after round of this continued. The death energy in the bodies of the Spectre College students was constantly being depleted. The range and intensity of their attacks could no longer be compared to the beginning of the match.

Compared with the passivity of the Spectre College team, the Flaming Red Squ

ad was full of energy. Only one student went up and attacked at a time, and all of them relied on speed alone, without losing half of their death energy. Furthermore, as soon as a student returned to their ranks, they could then recover their strength immediately, which was simply shameless and maddening. Nevertheless, the formation of the Spectre College had been nalized by this time, and it was simply too late to change it.Visit our v website

It felt as though a bunch of cats were being played with by mice one after another.

They felt so stied from internal injuries.

After three hours of all kinds of “teasing”, the students of Spectre College could no longer support their formation, and there were constantly teenagers who could no longer keep up with the rhythm, failing to ll the gap in their attacks in time.

The members of the Flaming Red Squad immediately moved back .

“Zhanye, it’s time.” Shile squinted his eyes, and the playfulness on his face faded at this moment.

Zhanye nodded slightly and then raised his arm all of a sudden.

“Unload the weights!”

A shout rang through the sky.

Everyone else in the venue didn’t understand what Zhanye meant, but what happened next cause the whole venue to boil!

The one hundred members of the Flaming Red Squad, at the same time, removed the bags lled with iron sand tied to their limbs. The heavy sandbags were thrown out of the eld, hitting the ground heavily.

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