The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1572 - Small Vermillion Bird (5)

Chapter 1572 – Small Vermillion Bird (5)

Vermillion Bird did not regret anything he had done that day. If he were the one who had been left alive on that day,

he would not have been able to face the death of Shen Yanxiao.

“There will be no such thing happening again in the future.” Shen Yanxiao embraced Vermillion Bird. She vowed

that she would make herself and the people around her stronger, so as to not let the tragedy of the beast tide happen

ever again.

Vermillion Bird nodded silently.

Vermillion Bird had now awakened, and there was nothing wrong with his memory, either. It was just that he was

smaller than before. He now belonged to the category of cute little boys who could arouse the maternal love within

countless young ladies, to the point where it would burst forth.

Vermillion Bird felt peaceful in the environment filled with love between him and Shen Yanxiao, but then, the

corner of his eyes spotted a wretched figure slowly moving toward the bun that he had thrown on the ground.

After he was done being curious about Vermilion Bird’s situation, Taotie began to think about eating again. When

everyone was not paying attention to him, he stepped forward little by little and then rushed toward the bun that had

been nibbled on by Vermillion Bird and left on the ground!

Bun ~ bun ~ bun!!!


Before Taotie could even touch it, the poor bun was burned down to ashes by a small fireball Vermillion Bird spat


“…” Taotie was completely dumbfounded, his bun…

That was his last bun…

“Humph.” Vermillion Bird turned his head in satisfaction and continued to exchange feelings with Shen Yanxiao.

Taotie continued to cry in the corner…

Shen Yanxiao looked at the intact Vermillion Bird and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at Xiu standing

on the side and suddenly thought of a very serious question!

Even she could see that Vermillion Bird was acting; was it really possible for this wise and powerful Xiu to not

discover it?

“Xiu.” Shen Yanxiao narrowed her eyes at the expressionless Great God.


“Did you already discover at an earlier time that Vermillion Bird hadn’t really lost his memory?” If he dared to say

no, she… she was going to show him disdain!

“Yes.” Contrary to her expectation, Xiu’s answer was smooth and clean.

“Then why didn’t you tell me?” Shen Yanxiao asked.

Xiu looked at Shen Yanxiao and slowly answered, “I thought it’s good.”

“Mommy”, “Daddy”, Xiu was very satisfied with such harmonious terms.

The way Vermillion Bird called them actually pleased this Great God very much.

“…” Shen Yanxiao could only face the sky, speechless. Did Xiu really want to be a father that much?!

Wasn’t the relationship between Xiu and Vermillion Bird always not harmonious? How come it suddenly became so


“Little Xiao.” Xiu looked at Shen Yanxiao’s ashamed and resentful expression and softly sighed.

“What?” Shen Yanxiao gave him a lukewarm glance.

“You don’t have to be so nervous.”

“What should I be nervous about?” Shen Yanxiao suddenly behaved like a “tsundere”.



“In my current situation, even if I want to, I don’t have enough strength.” Xiu thought that it was better to appease

the little girl.

“…” Shen Yanxiao’s face turned red with a bang.

“You…you… you are too impure!!”

Xiu did not respond and merely looked at the incomparably shy Shen Yanxiao with a smile, yet not a smile.

“I won’t talk about this with you again! Let’s go to Lan Yue Dynasty, I’m going to give their king a beating.” In

order to cover up her shyness, Shen Yanxiao just decided to find troubles for the king of the Lan Yue Dynasty.

Someone from the far away Lan Yue Dynasty suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He still didn’t know that a matter unrelated to him was about to lead to his tragic fate.

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