The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1561 - New Challenges (2)

Chapter 1561 – New Challenges (2)

As for the Undead…

In the past, they were also included in the army of the Devil Race, ah!

When the Devil Race invaded the various continents, the Undead came out for the first time, but they stood on the

same side as the Devil Race.

It could be said that the relationship between the Undead and the Devil Race was very good. It was almost

impossible to make this race rise up against the Devil Race.

But without the help of the Undead… just relying on humans, merfolk, elves, dwarves and dragons felt a bit


Of the five major races, only the dragons could be regarded as a strong race, but the dragons had always been

scarce; at most, there were only millions of them. Compared with the tens of millions of human beings, it was really


The remaining four races were particularly vulnerable in front of the Devil Race.

“Even if it is hard, we have to give it a try. I believe that the other races will not sit idly by, knowing of the invasion

of the Devil Race.” Shen Yanxiao did not find it difficult to form an alliance with the other races. In the past, when

the Devil Race invaded, didn’t the six major races work together? The only problem was that the battle of that time

was led by the God Race.

Now that the God Race had perished, it was only a question of who would be gathering the five major races and

forming the alliance.

In terms of strength, the Dragon Race was the top among them, but…

The dragons were the standard example of ‘having well-developed limbs but a moronic head’. Letting them fight

and kill was not a problem, but letting them sit in the army camp and make plans to defend their land was an utter


After the dragons were the elves. The wisdom of the elves was not low, but their character showed that they could

not lead the overall situation.

No need to mention the dwarves. This was a race where every individual was immersed in their own thoughts all the

time. And apart from when they were displaying their long-time wisdom in forging, they were basically like time

bombs the rest of the time!


Shen Yanxiao supported her forehead. The merfolk had no bigger view of the general situation of the world than the


The ones who had the most combat experience were probably the humans. After all, human beings had been

fighting amongst themselves since the end of the war of the gods and devils. They were the ones who were baptized

the most by wars.


The other races’ evaluation of human beings could be said to be below the Devil Race and Undead. In the eyes of

other races, human beings were fragile and despicable. Trying to get that group of proud and arrogant beings to

accept the call of humans and form an alliance….

Why had she thought it was possible?

Thinking till here, Shen Yanxiao now wanted to cry. She could not wait to drag the leaders of the four countries out

and let them receive hundreds of slaps.

You dared to disgrace the Human Race!

A large part of the reason why human beings had fallen into such a sad reputation was because of the constant

mutual deception between the four countries.

Without foreign enemies, they quite happily fought amongst themselves.

In the eyes of other races, this was practically nothing short of a strange phenomenon.

If anyone among the elves dared to confront the Elf King, that individual would definitely be drowned by the spit of

all the elves of the Moon God Continent.

War had brought development and progress to mankind, but it had also caused the strength of Human Race to be

divided, and it became difficult for them to work together.

“I feel that if we really intend to cooperate with other races, the first thing we must solve is the infighting in the

Radiance Continent.” Qi Xia was also well aware of the extent to which the image of human beings in the eyes of

other races had become tragic.

“Don’t despair so much, at least we still have good news.” Shen Siyu said with a smile.

“What is it?” Shen Yanxiao asked curiously.

“Doesn’t the only god in the world today stand on the side of humanity?” Shen Siyu’s gaze shifted to the silent Xiu

sitting next to Shen Yanxiao.

Xiu raised his eyebrows.

[1] a person who is potentially dangerous and causes significant damage at a certain time

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