The First Hunter

Chapter 76

76 – A Gamecock, Part II

Chapter 27. A Gamecock, Part II

Translator: Khan

Editor: RED


A conference room in the Bucheon City Council Hall…

“There is a blue-grade monster coming here.” The comment made by Jang Sung-hoon was shocking enough to snap up the eyes of everyone gathered there, which the key members of the Mac Guild used to share important stories.

“So let’s take the necessary supplies, and flee to Yeongjong Island.” Before their surprise was over, Jang came up with a plan to deal with the current situation.

Everyone’s faces began to change, as they had no idea what to do.

“Why Yeongjong Island?” Kim Su-ji was the first person in the situation to ask questions.

“First, it’s the furthest place we can run.”

“How about Seoul? The Capital Defense Command…”

“Currently, the only bridge that we can cross the Han River is Gimpo Bridge, but the only way to get there is not properly organized. On the other hand, the road to Yeongjong Island has been cleared.”

“Is Yeongjong Island safe?”

“It’s safer than here. Because it’s an island, there’s a low probability of a new monster entering.” Jang answered in the face of the emergency.

“Do we really have to abandon Bucheon?”

Jang, who used to speak fluently before this question, had to shut his mouth. The silence started. After a long silence, Jang managed to open his mouth. “We should throw it away.”


Until last year, Jang was in the military service in Bucheon. There wasn’t any big affection for him. But now Bucheon had become everything for him. He had risked his life to survive and to protect it. He had tried really hard. It was like his own child!

“The present world is like that, isn’t it? We should throw it away if necessary.”

How could anyone say that they would abandon such things easily? But that was also the reality that Jang saw. He did not turn away from reality. He looked at reality more clearly than anyone else.

“Can we get an answer when the master comes back?”

Of course, what everyone wanted at this moment was not reality. It was Kim Tae-hoon, the Guild Master, who they wanted to see at this moment. He was the only one who seemed to wake up from this ridiculous nightmare. The same was true of Jang, so, he had finished preparing for him.

“Yes, I have to let the Master know about this news.

“I’ll organize a special unit, and send it to Buyeo. We’ll send a total of ten teams.

“Only one of them needs to deliver this letter to the master.”


After reading the letter, Kim kept his mouth shut. The letter was clearly written about his worst-case scenario.

The story was that the blue-grade monster in Sejong City was rapidly approaching Bucheon, and that the Mac Guild had started evacuating to Yeongjong Island.

So far, it had been about reality.

[This is probably someone’s trick.]

What came out later was not reality, but Jang’s personal opinion. Jang was suspicious of something about the sudden arrival of a blue-grade monster in Bucheon. And even though Jang didn’t write it down, Jang, who wrote the letter, and Kim, who read the letter, knew who that someone was.

‘The Six Snakes.’ The mysterious force, which drove Kim to death later, had played a trick.

Of course, he did not know how. But the other one was definitely sure. ‘They’ve got a new relic.’

The value of a relic that could lure away a blue-grade monster was absolute. Luring includes attracting, as well as pulling away.

Of course, if they had had such a relic, the Six Snakes would have used it in the past. They even had the original edition of Daedongyeojido, which let them check the location of monsters. With the two relics combined, they would have already taken over the Capital Defense Command. But they hadn’t.

They were being nice? It couldn’t have been. This meant that they had recently acquired the relics that made it possible.

‘There is a group that gives out relics.’

His thinking proceeded that far. He couldn’t know more than that.

‘Four days ago.’ More importantly, the special forces moved to deliver this letter to him four days ago.

‘The blue-grade monster reached Bucheon two days ago.’ According to the letter, within two days of sending the letter, the monster would reach Bucheon. So now, a blue-grade monster might already be running wild in Bucheon. It couldn’t be worse.

But at this moment, he recalled the worst situation, rather than sticking his tongue to the worst. “If the purpose of the Six Snakes was to destroy the Mac Guild… they wouldn’t have allowed him to retreat to Yeongjong Island.”

The depth of human malice was unknown.

If the Six Snakes wanted to firmly crush the Mac Guild, it was likely that they had identified the Mac Guild’s escape to Yeongjong Island and blown up the only bridge currently capable of entering Yeongjong Island.

If he were in the position of the Six Snakes, he would do that. As soon as he imagined it, an unspeakable tragedy struck him. But he did not grieve.

It was not too late to grieve after seeing with his eyes what he had lost.

“You did a good job.” He thanked both of them for bringing him a letter.

“Oh, no.”

“We just did what we had to do.”

” I will head to Bucheon. Both of you will get back to Bucheon alive.”

And immediately he gave them a terrible notice.

They had lost countless colleagues to get here. If only the two of them were allowed to return, they would be dead. But the two were not discouraged by the fact.

“We’ll get back alive.”

“Don’t worry about us!” They did their job and made the sacrifice of their fellow workers into a stepping stone for hope, not a worthless dog’s death.

Kim clapped the shoulders of the two. At the same time, he promised. ‘I will take the price of this blood somehow. Somehow…’


“Hurry, load them in a hurry!”


Incheon Port…

After Busan port, there was a lot of cargo in Korea, but now the port, which had been silent for almost half a year, was so busy. People and things kept moving on the ship. Jang’s expression was tired of seeing this.

‘Damn it, damn it, damn it.’ He was scared and angry. ‘You son of a bitch.’

When he decided to abandon Bucheon and flee to Yeongjong Island, he felt like cutting bones.

For him, the sudden collapse of Incheon Bridge destroyed the heart, not the bones.

‘I’ll pay you back somehow.’ Of course, Incheon Bridge could not have collapsed suddenly. However, when the Incheon Bridge collapsed, his evacuation plan was inevitable. Everything on the way to the Incheon Bridge was returned to the port of Incheon, and he managed to find a boat and started to travel by boat.

However, the movement speed was in many ways slower than being on the road. Eventually, time was needed, and he had to force the sacrifice of someone in the Mac Guild to make it happen. This was why the Mac Guild soldiers and hunters had risked their lives against the blue-grade monster in Bucheon.

‘Fuck, damn it…’ Of course, the current battle situation and damage in Bucheon City were reported to Jang. It was the same again.

A man ran to Jang to report the situation. “Well, er, er…”

Beyond the urgency, Jang felt that someone had carved into his back with a sharp sword and cut him halfway through, all from the face of a man who had nearly run himself to death.

‘Maybe?’ He had a hunch about what the coming news would deliver, and what the secret information was.

“What’s going on?” So, the question Jang was now asking in a quiet manner was not a question to satisfy his curiosity. It was prayer. It was an earnest attempt to hope that his intuition was wrong.

“Bang Hyun-wook has been seriously injured.” But the reality had always been more brutal than Jang might think. At the cruelty, he covered his face with his hands.

“Well, um…” It was something that should never be shown. Even if others shouted for despair, he had to show his strength. But in the face of this miserable reality, he couldn’t help himself.

‘Boss…’ He really couldn’t help it. And it was the same for everyone there.


There was a ten-story building, and a huge mysterious bird was standing on it.

Chicken. It was definitely a chicken. But it was not possible to explain its presence with the concept of the word chicken. Its height from head to foot was over twenty meters, and the length of its body was well over fifteen meters.

Its black and red feathers were also strong. The two-colored feathers glistening with oil were so brilliant that they reminded people of a well-prepared blade. Just touching the chicken’s body seemed to cut through bones and flesh.

Its golden beak was also overwhelming. Anything, even steel, could be torn to paper. The chicken’s crest, which was made from flames burning atop it, was not only bizarre but also sacred. But most of all, the overwhelming thing were the blue eyes between the blazing chicken crest and the golden beak.

A Gamecock.

Something, which also had a long beak, attempted an attack on the monster, which was made for nothing but fighting.

Bang! The thing with a long beak was a K1 tank. The cannon from the tank shook the ground and headed for the Gamecock above the building.

Bang! The shell went into the Gamecock… but no one was happy with the fact.

“Hit! The faces of those who were on the tank were hardened in the report of the tank driver who said ‘hit’.

“We are just going to die.” Although a tank was a powerful weapon that a creature dared not fight against, at this moment tank soldiers did not have much inspiration at the power of the weapon. The reason why was shown by the monster they were facing.


A Gamecock on the top of the building, which was hit by the shell, crowed. It was not the death cry of an injured and dying animal, but the threat of an angry beast.

“Ugh!” The threat instantly distorted the faces of everyone in the tank.

“Ugh! Eyes, eyes…” Tears started to flow as the small veins of their eyes burst, and their eardrums burst and they could not hear anything.

Some people vomited blood. But the worst thing was that at that moment their bodies froze and wouldn’t move. There was not even a tremor. Everyone just stiffened up like mannequins. The tank stopped where it was.

The Gamecock began to run toward the tank. The Gamecock narrowed the distance of hundreds of meters with a single flap of its wings and a couple of runs, pecked down at the tank with its golden beak.

The tank’s armor began to tear like a sheet of paper. The Gamecock pecked again at a tank soldier who had been revealed.

Pook! The huge golden beak cut the upper body of a tank soldier in half. There was no scream. The fear of the Gamecock took away even the minimum right to scream in pain. In that ridiculous fear, the only thing that could move were Awakeners with a high Energy-rank.

“Come on, move quickly!” It was at that time that a group of Awakeners began to move. While a tank bought them a few minutes, a group of people went into the building.

“Here!” There were other groups inside the building that went in. At the center of the group was a man lying like a corpse. It was Bang Hyun-wook

“Hyun-wook!” It was Ahn Sun-mi, who still had freckles on her nose.

“He is not conscious.” Ahn’s cry was answered by someone else instead of Bang. Ahn confirmed the pupil response after forcing Bang’s eyelids open.

“He’s fainted. What’s the damage?”

“That monster grabbed Bang and threw him at the building. After hitting the wall, he fell from the fifth floor.

“How many recovery pills did you feed him?”

“Seven, we fed him everything we had.”

Ahn Sun-mi took the IV out of her bag right after the conversation. “Put it all in four limbs.”


Inside it was a liquid made from a glass of Therapy, a tube filled with the liquid.

The needle connected to the supply was plugged into Bang’s limbs. The injected healing fluid began to hover all over his body, mixing with Bang’s blood.

“With his Strength, Defense, and acquired abilities, he should recover in about three minutes.”

He started to recover at a tremendous speed, surprising the viewers. However, Ahn did not breathe out a sigh of relief. He would certainly recover. The crushed bones would harden, and the torn flesh would mend.

However, it would not be a miracle for him. The moment he recovered from his injury, he would fight in order to gain time against a crazy monster who turned a tank into a piece of paper.

There was no guarantee that he would survive the next time. Ahn Sun-mi felt miserable about this fact.

Ki-oh-oh-oh! At that moment, the Gamecock again crowed loudly throughout Bucheon.



Even though it was a sound spreading from a distance from the building with Bang and Ahn, and even though they were in the building, everyone fell to the floor, tottering. Only one person came alive at the sound.

“Ugh…” Bang, who looked like a corpse, opened his eyes. He came to his senses and immediately raised his upper body. At the same time, he checked the needles on his limbs.

“Sister Sun-mi, you are here.” At his words, she just blinked from the floor instead of answering.

He breathed a long sigh at the sight and got up from his seat, pulling out the healing needles stuck into his body.

Ppu-deu-deuk! There was an eerie sound from his body. He was attacked by horrible pain. However, instead of screaming at the pain, he looked for his weapon by turning his head.

After finding the Bell-tail of the Bell-tailed Rat, he took hold of it and turned to leave the building, leaving behind the people who had fallen on the floor.

Ahn shouted at the sight. ‘What are you doing?’ “Maaaa…” But her paralyzed tongue failed to cry out, and she could only make a pathetic gutter.

Nevertheless, he understood the nonsense, and said briefly, “I have to buy time until big brother gets here. If that monster goes to Incheon, it is over. I’ll try to lure it some way. It’s okay. I just got a rough feeling.”

The rough feeling came back, but it was not true. “The fifth batter and third pitcher of Bucheon High School, Bang Hyun-wook, is coming, you monster!”

It was the evidence that he, who knew the facts better than anyone, had brought up his fighting spirit once again. “Yiyaaaaaaaaaaap!” After lifting his fighting spirit once again, he stepped out of the building.

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