The First Hunter

Chapter 125 - Judgment Day, Part I

Chapter 125: Episode 125 – Judgment Day, Part I

Chapter 44. Judgment Day, Part I

Translator: Khan

Editor: RED


“Move it carefully!”

Just as the flowers bloomed on the spot where the typhoon passed, and the grass grew on the ground collapsed by the earthquake, vitality began to flow around the mid-slope of Mt. Halla in Jeju Island, where there was an unbelievable disaster.

“If you can retrieve a drop of blood, you’ll get it back!”

“The earth on the spot where the dragon was, dig it up to the end! Dig it all out!”

It was soldiers who were exuding the vigor. Uniformed soldiers were carrying the disassembled dragon carcass, like holding eggs to their chests, and descending the mountain. They were carefully digging up the soil soaked with the blood that had flowed from the dragon’s body, and carrying it in prepared plastic bags.

“That’s great, I can’t imagine how many great items will come out with this dragon.”

It was a job that only the hunters who succeeded in a hunt could enjoy, so all the soldiers who participated in the work were lively.

“I can’t imagine the master killed this crazy monster alone.”

Furthermore, the fact that this amazing achievement was accomplished by the man who protected them, not just anyone, fueled their vitality. It was the reason why everyone was smiling, and some of them were working without any complaints, even though it was difficult to climb and descend Mt. Halla.

“It seems that the world has changed since the soldiers are doing their best to participate in the work. Originally the soldiers were the men who swore when they were given work.”

Jang Sung-hoon, who was watching the scene, expressed his appreciation.

Kim Tae-hoon, standing next to him, tilted a mug in his hand instead of answering. Kim, savoring his coffee, watched the scene taking place slowly before his eyes.

“You’re here, boss. I thought you’d just run to Taiwan.” Jang asked. Of course, he waited after asking the question until he heard Kim swallowing. It was evidence that he was now used to the habits of a man named Kim Tae-hoon.

“There were Awakeners sent from Taiwan here.”

“Yes, I checked the dead bodies. Considering that they already sent a group of Awakeners to Jeju Island… I am sure you’re right. No, I guess they moved much faster than the boss expected.

“So the Six Snakes are likely to have figured out now that I killed the dragon.

“Then, you have to move earlier, don’t you?”

Jang knew the moment Kim killed the dragon faster than anyone else. There was nothing hard about it. He could always figure out the life and death of the dragon using Daedongyeojido. Of course, he contacted Busan Port as soon as the dark blue light disappeared from Jeju Island. There was nothing strange to say after that. However, when he arrived at Jeju Island, he had no choice but to question the moment he heard that Kim was still there.

“As you said, they’re starting to prepare, and it is the boss’s style to attack them first before that.”

Kim Tae-hoon said that Taiwan, the main body of the Six Snakes, would be next after the dragon.

If he had not been ill, he would have gone to Taiwan as soon as he killed the dragon. In fact, his original plan was to do so. He had a plan to move on Taiwan if he could afford to at the moment he killed the dragon, until he checked the Awakeners dispatched from Taiwan to wake up the dragon.

“No, there are no Six Snakes in Taiwan.”


“I honestly didn’t expect them to move so early.”

It was something Kim did not expect. The reason why Kim was in a hurry to hunt the dragon in the first place was to hide the whole process from the Six Snakes. However, the movements of the Six Snakes were much faster than his expectation.

“What does it matter?”

“It means that there is at least one person in the Six Snakes, who thinks like me and has the ability to put that idea into practice.” It meant that there was someone in the Six Snakes who was at least half a step ahead of Kim Tae-hoon.


“If I were the Six Snakes, I wouldn’t even think about fighting against a man who had killed the dragon alone.”


Kim was convinced that if the person had such judgment and behavior, he would surely think about what was best at this moment and put it into practice. That was the reason.

“Well, if I were your enemy, I wouldn’t stay in Taiwan, an island country where there is no place to run away.”

The reason why Kim stayed in Jeju Island was that the real Snakes that he wanted to catch right now ran away, so there was no reason to hurry.

“So are you going to leave Taiwan as it is?”

“No.” Of course, it did not mean not to attack Taiwan!

“Hey, boss, I don’t want to be surprised anymore, saying ‘Yes’ or ‘Ah’. Can you just summarize and tell me?”

At the words of Jang, Kim was silent with coffee. Gulp! After summarizing the words in his mind, he said, “The Six Snakes would have left Taiwan with important relics and Awakeners, but on the other hand, the Taiwanese authorities would have been left as they were.”

“Those remaining are bait.”

“The bait that attacked us, without any declaration of war, unilaterally, with inhumane values and ideologies.” With the words, Kim got up.

“Then I’ll have to let them pay for it.”

At that remark, Jang did not ask why Kim gave them time to prepare. He knew better than anyone that they could not stop Kim, no matter what they prepared for.

So, he prayed briefly instead of such a question, ‘The day the boss arrives in Taiwan will be Judgment Day.’ He prayed for those who were as good as dead now.


On December 2, 2017, snow was falling in the sky in Taiwan, which had entered winter. It was mysterious in Taiwan, it was hard to see because the temperature here stayed above zero degrees year-round.

But it was dangerous. In Taiwan, if the temperature dropped below five degrees Celsius, dozens or hundreds of people could freeze to death, and cold weather was a more frightening disaster than a storm.

They could not afford to appreciate the snow that fell on the Taiwanese. The same was true of the citizens of Taipei. Monsters that had appeared on December 31 last year took much from the Taiwanese. The raving monsters had crushed everything in Taiwan.

To counter such monsters, Taiwan had to unite around the military, and everyone who survived in the process had to give up their freedom and human rights to survive. Everything was centered around the military, and the Taiwanese fully cooperated with their military. That was why they couldn’t afford to look at the snow.

“Don’t play the wag!”

“The lazy cubs will be executed by firing squad!”

At the angry scolding of the soldier with a gun, the movements of people who clearing away the wreckage of the building became busier. Moreover, as soon as the snow began to fall in this sight, it was no longer the scene of Taiwan that the world remembered. It was a sight that was only seen in North Korea.

A man appeared at the scene. The man in black uniform was carrying two swords and a bag on his back. It was a heterogeneous dress.

“What is it?”

So, when the man appeared, some of the soldiers were willing to show interest in the man.

“You there! What the fuck are you doing?”

The man who appeared before the attention brought the loudspeaker in his right hand to his mouth. Then the man said through the loudspeaker, “From 2 PM. on December 2, 2017, the Republic of Korea will begin a war against Taiwan, and the Republic of Korea will wage a war with a fair and full force against Taiwan.”

The Chinese language spread through the loudspeaker was very awkward and uncolored, the mark of a person who did not know Chinese speaking with memorized words.

Of course, no one really accepted the man’s words. No one warned the man. The only reaction was that a soldier aimed at the man with a loudspeaker with his M4 carbine rifle.

Tutu! It was not long before the shooting surprised the neighborhood. Those who were work slowed down reflexively, as if they were familiar with the gunshots, and the soldiers also smiled reflexively, as if they were tired of the familiar situation.



But the crowd froze at the sight of the man who tore off the distorted bullet-heads from his cheek with his hand, rather than bleeding and screaming at being shot.

‘What, what?’ Everyone froze in front of this ridiculous sight.

In front of the scene, the man once again spoke to the loudspeaker. This time, it is fluent Korean, not awkward Chinese. “It’s 11:22 a.m., I’ll attack Taipei City at 2 PM. This is the last courtesy.”

At the end of the words, the man Kim Tae-hoon turned his back.

Kim later appeared at 2 PM.



This ability acquired through the dragon’s crystal was fearsome. As soon as the power of the dragon opened, his physical Defense was invulnerable to bullets, and his Mana resistance and tolerance to fear also rose very sharply.

At the same time, the basic ability was strengthened beyond the numerical representation. His Strength was at the level that he could carry a mid-size car like a shield, and the meaning Health was virtually eliminated.

There was only one constraint, that he could not use special abilities if he was in Draconian mode, and using the power of the dragon. Literally. In Draconian mode, he could not use special abilities. In other words, in Draconian mode, he could use any basic abilities and achieved abilities, except special abilities.


On December 2, at 2 PM, Taipei City, Kim Tae-hoon announced his appearance by throwing out huge flames. Of course, this fact did not matter to the Taiwanese soldiers who started fighting not just a battle against the enemy, but a war for their nation.



“Don’t stop and shoot!”


The important thing for the Taiwanese soldiers was that Kim Tae-hoon’s absurd physical Defense ignored the bullets, and his crazy Strength let him throw a bigger passenger car than the medium-sized car they using as cover at them.

Bang! It was a ridiculous sight.

“Crazy, crazy!” Even if they concentrated on the battle, their lives were in danger, but the soldiers who pulled the triggers forgot to shoot for a while at the sound. The sight of the Lexus LS flying towards a Toyota Camry was tremendous.

“Be, be careful!” When a Ford truck, not a small car, flew toward the soldiers who were shooting from the window of the building, there was virtually no one eager to fight anymore.

‘This is a ridiculous battle.’

‘It’s a monster that cannot compare with a monster!’

The rabbit’s front teeth were never eager to bite a lion.

‘I’m going to get out of here.’ Soldiers who lost their fighting spirit naturally wanted to escape from the fight. Several soldiers, not one, began to flee the battlefield, as if the platoons had made a mutual promise. It was true that fleeing during wartime would be judged by summary execution immediately. But no one judged them. It was because a lot of commanders who had to judge them also ran away!

The problem was that Kim Tae-hoon did not intend to allow them to escape. His vertical-split black eyes swept around. It was not the Eyes of the Black Snake, nor the Eyes of the White Snake.

The Eyes of the Dragon.

Everything was visible to the eyes of the predator who was at the peak. Each one of the fugitives was clearly visible; it was like looking at ants and identifying them one by one. Of course, it was pointless. When killing ants, it was not necessary to distinguish and identify the ants one by one.

All he needed was one method, overwhelming violence. Kim Tae-hoon used the violence at this moment. He raised his head and opened his mouth. His heart began to swell up. Soon he released it from his chest.

Keuaaa! The sound of a dragon’s roar shook Taipei City, a sound that could not be produced by a human voice. The legs and heads of the soldiers who ran or fought shook together.

“Khuck!” Those who fought fell down on the spot, and those who ran away crashed down as they were. Everyone began to tremble with fear.

Only one person, Kim Tae-hoon, who had created all of this fear, walked leisurely in the world where everyone else had collapsed. Walking casually, he showed a cold heart and determination that matched the war. Instead of punching the fallen soldiers in this situation, he showed the wisdom of using the guns the soldiers had.


So, the judgment day began.

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