The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 669: War in Subterranean World: Leader of the Rebel Army

Chapter 669: War in Subterranean World: Leader of the Rebel Army

Souta gritted his teeth as the expert pounced on him. The expert thrust the golden spear in his hand.


Souta shifted his body to the side as he avoided the spear. Then, he took a step forward and opened his left palm.


Grabbing the expert in the face, he slammed him to the ground before swinging the vajra sword in his right hand.

[Crimson Moon]!!


An explosion occurred and smoke covered the area. A figure was blown away from the smoke like a cannonball before crashing on the nearby houses.


Souta groaned in pain as he felt some of his bones were broken in that short clash. Fighting Two Shackles Realm expert was really too much for his base form.

The enemy charged in his direction but walls of blood blocked his path. He swiftly destroyed the walls of blood with a few swings of his spear. It was easy considering his strength but someone intercepted him from going after Souta.

Bang! Bang!

It was a warrior. A Squad Leader from the Seventh Grain War.

When Souta saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to deal with a Two Shackles Realm expert with the current state of war. It will only exhaust his energy.

If he was going to fight, he should use it to create a bigger impact on the state of war.

“Ah~ damn…”

Souta stood up as he stretched his body. He looked at the battle between the Grain Leaders and the executive before he shook his head.


Speaking of the devil… A grin formed on his face.

“I’ll leave everything in this place to you guys…”

He flicked his finger and he vanished from his position.


A black sphere appeared in his position and it quickly formed a crack. After a few moments, the black sphere was shattered because of the aftershocks from the battles in the area.


Souta appeared on top of the huge building. He glanced at his left side and saw his doppelganger standing.

“You can disappear now.”

He stretched his hand and touched the doppelganger before it disintegrated. His other doppelgangers haven’t found anything yet. Well, the timing was right and he wanted to fight. He had been avoiding battle since he entered this place.

Dawn Kingdom, Cartel, and Kaetws Federation were the three nations. Previously, he was in the Kaetws Federation but after switching with his [Shadow Ball] that was carried by a doppelganger he arrived in Cartel.

Cartel, a nation as big as the Aekr Republic.

“Surprisingly, this place is closer to that elevated land.”

Souta muttered as he looked at the Aranhgrad. The energy fluctuations above it were stronger at his current position. It means that Chief Captain had started his fight against the founder of Red Matter.

“Well, I guess it’s my time.”

He smiled as he flicked his finger and his figure vanished once again.

“Dromas, this is the Palace of Greatness, the house of this nation’s leader.” A man with a pair of cat ears said.

“Is President Finn still here?” The man named Dromas said.

He was a two-and-a-half-meter-tall man with huge bulky muscles. He had pure red short hair and red eyes. His body was covered in golden armor.

“Oh, it seems that they are here…”

Dromas exclaimed when he saw three people coming out of the palace’s gate.

He grinned widely revealing his sharp fangs, “You finally decided to face your death, huh?”

“Dromas, I’m done with you. To think that you would cause this rebellion and help the terrorists in their plan.” A man wearing a dark blue robe said in a strong tone.

He was Finn, the President of Cartel.

One of the two people beside him stepped forward. He was a tall man wearing a full plate platinum-colored armor. He had a huge sword hanging on his back.

He was Boudo, the Guardian of the Palace.

“Enough with this, Dromas! You can still command your people to stop this and fight the terrorists!” Boudo said strongly.

Dromas ignored Boudo as he stared at the warrior behind President Finn. He slowly opened his mouth and said, “George, I’ll leave Boudo to you. I’ll handle Finn and the other guy.”

“I understand, Dromas.” The man with a pair of cat ears nodded. He stepped forward and faced Boudo who was larger than him.

“You!!” Boudo gritted his teeth. He turned to Finn and said, “President, these guys wouldn’t listen to us. They don’t want to talk. They will just kill everybody here.”

Finn exhaled. “I thought that we could change his mind but after seeing his eyes I realized that it was already too late.”

He then stared at Dromas.

“Dromas! You’re consumed by hatred! Your hatred will only cause a lot of deaths! You will become the one you hated the most!”

No matter what he said, it was useless. Dromas didn’t even show any reaction to his words. Realizing it, Finn could only blame himself.

Dromas was the previous Guardian of Palace of Cartel that was protecting this nation in the past. And, after that certain incident, everything changed.

The warrior behind Finn looked around. He could feel that a lot of people were fighting several kilometers away from this place. It seems that the rebels were blocking all the people that wanted to come here.

After a few moments, he turned to Finn and said, “There’s nothing you can do to change his mind. We need to act now and kill this man but that will be the hardest part. He’s undoubtedly a strong opponent.”

Finn clenched his fists tightly.

Dromas ignored Finn and he instead focused his attention on the warrior. “Hey, this is not your business. You should deal with those Red Matter guys.”

The warrior replied, “We need President Finn’s cooperation to save the civilians so it’s my business. Your group is problematic too since they are causing unnecessary trouble and we couldn’t focus our strength on Red Matter.”

“Then! I’ll kill you too!” Dromas said with a huge grin on his face.

Suddenly, they all turned their heads as they felt a presence coming in their direction.

Souta raised his hand and greeted the warrior beside President Finn. “It seems my timing is right, Grain Leader Darwin. I can assist you in dealing with this guy. If I’m not wrong, this guy is the leader of the rebels, right?”

“Yeah, Squad Leader Souta. His name is Dromas and undoubtedly the strongest expert in the three nations if we didn’t include the Red Matter and Athen’s Champion.” The warrior named Darwin said in response to his words.

“You! Who are you? How did you pass through my men?” Dromas asked in a loud voice.

Souta placed his finger and his lips. “Hmm… I switched with my shadows. Nevermind that, I came here because I want to stop all the rebels. By defeating you, the rebels will lose their morale and our warriors will be able to focus their fights on the Red Matter.”

“Ah, I’m done. I’ll just kill everyone here.” Dromas said with a blank look on his face.

“Souta!! Be careful!!” Darwin exclaimed.

Dromas vanished from his position and reappeared in front of Souta. He pulled back his hand and a huge amount of mana swirled around it.


Souta crouched down and the fist past above him. The buildings behind were obliterated effortlessly. He looked up and saw that Dromas was staring at him.

“God, those eyes are terrifying…”

He smiled to himself as he slashed the ground with his sword.

Dromas was confused but he suddenly felt someone slash his body. He didn’t know what happened but he knew that he had to eliminate this monster.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his side. Turning his head, he saw that it was the other warrior.


His body turned into streams of light as he penetrated several buildings.

Boom!! Boom!!

“Are you okay, Souta?” Darwin asked.

“Yeah, he almost got me there.” Souta nodded before he stood up.

Dromas would’ve hit him if he didn’t cut his shadow. His [Shadow Damager] spell was quite effective as it could damage his opponent by simply targeting their shadow.

“That one is strong. Are you sure that you could keep up?” Darwin asked him.

“Yep,” Souta smiled before he pointed his finger behind. “It seems that they don’t need my help there.”

Finn and Boudo were fighting George. George was the right-hand man of Dromas and he wasn’t a person that they could underestimate.

If they wanted to change the tide of war, first they need to eliminate the rebels. To weaken the rebels, they had to eliminate Dromas and George, the pillars of the rebel army.

“Okay, let’s do this.” Darwin took a deep breath as he fixed his posture. His energy slowly seeped out of his body.

“I’ll support you,” Souta said as his aura slowly rose. His Second Mode was activated.

Both of them were going to seriously fight the leader of the rebel army.

Dromas, the Red Guardian.

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