The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 629: Terror in Fone Kingdom: Collapse I

Chapter 629: Terror in Fone Kingdom: Collapse I

Drami turned around and looked at the nobles. She swept her eyes across their faces and slowly said, “If you want to survive prepare yourself to fight. I know some of you brought capable people so don’t expect anything from us. We’re not here to protect you, we’re here to eliminate the Red Matter Association.”

There were some One Shackle Realm experts here like her. They couldn’t hide under her senses.

Some people wanted to say something but they didn’t have the courage to stand in front of Drami. They could only stare at her and listen to her words.

“I’ll fill you in. A terrorist organization sneaked inside your kingdom in the form of Third Prince’s backer. They are called Red Matter Association.”

Sekmet stepped forward and explained. They didn’t need to keep it a secret since everyone would realize it sooner or later.

“Even if you don’t want to fight, I think that all of you will be forced to fight soon. After all, we already disturbed the bee’s nest. They will flock to us until one of our group dies. They will massacre this entire kingdom.”

She paused and her tone turned serious.

“I know that some of you are blaming us for confronting the Red Matter Association and you are out of this matter. You are wrong, the Red Matter is helping the Third Prince succeed the throne so I think you guys should realize what will happen once they succeeded.”

“Red Matter is an organization that burned dozens of kingdoms. We, the Athen’s Champion, will eliminate them at all costs. We failed before so we will not make the same mistake.”

Sekmet’s voice grew louder as she took out an emblem from her pocket.

It was the emblem of Athen’s Champion.

“We’re not forcing you to fight. Just prepare yourself in case someone from the Red Matter attacked you.”

“A-Athen’s Champion!!”

The nobles were shocked to hear that they were from Athen’s Champion. Athen’s Champion was a huge organization backed by a god-level existence. It was an unimaginable power for them.

And Athen’s Champion was just one of the organizations in Olympus.

Olympus was one of the most powerful groups on the entire continent.


Red energy light flashed out from the vajra sword. It collided with a huge shield causing a powerful explosion.

‘It’s tough…’ Souta said inwardly.

He was surrounded by the experts from Red Matter and all of them were One Shackle Realm.

In front of him was a man carrying a huge silver-colored shield.

From their exchange of blows, Souta knew that this man was tougher than Manduk. A person that specialized in defense, completely different from Manduk.

This shielder was tanking all the attacks coming from him to protect his teammates.

‘Defense is high but his attack power isn’t that much.’

Souta glanced at his left side.

A woman with a long spear was looking at him fiercely. This woman had high attack power and it was incomparable to the shielder.

On his right side, there was a man holding a black sword. He also had high attack power.

Several dozens of meters behind the shielder was another woman. The woman was holding a golden sphere.

She was a support-type mage and it was really troublesome as she was casting debuff and buff spells on him and her teammates.

All four of them were at One Shackle Realm.

“I guess I should take it seriously.”

Souta muttered. A huge amount of energy gathered on the blade of his sword. A dark red aura slowly enveloped it, giving off a dangerous vibe.

At the same time, he activated [Triple Muscle Strengthening], [Cat’s Speed], [Night Overlord’s Aura], [Shadow Cloak], [Shadow Steps], [Agility Boost], and [Strength Boost].

His aura rose several times and darkness spread from his feet enveloping an area of several hundreds of meters. Coming out of the darkness were ominous black tentacles.

[Shadow Bind] and [Dark Cloud Hunting].


Ten black spheres emerged around him and they scattered around the area. In the next moment, another ten black spheres formed on his back and they spun indefinitely.

[Shadow Ball] and [Gravitational Ball].

This was what Saya called his Second Mode. It was when he realized that he couldn’t defeat his opponent using his base power alone.

It was a time when he had to use his combat arts and spells.

“Ever since I evolve I haven’t fought anyone that could let me go all out! So let me enjoy this a little bit!”

Souta grinned widely as he dashed towards the spear woman. The moment he made a move, the shielder charged at him to block his path while the swordsman slashed his sword in his direction.

[Crimson Moon]!

He quickly turned around and used one of his skills.


Both energy blades collided resulting in a powerful explosion.

This gives the shielder a time to catch up to him. The shielder charged a huge amount of energy and bashed his shield at him.

Souta raised his other hand and a gravitational field formed around it.


The attack was blocked but Souta was pushed away several meters. He quickly pressed his hand down as intense gravity bore down on the four members of the Red Matter Association.

At this moment, Souta shifted his body to the side.

“You think that I couldn’t sense you…”

A smirk formed on his face as he slashed his sword.


Blood spurted in the mid-air and a man materialized with a dumbfounded look.


The man was holding a pair of daggers with a huge cut on his shoulder. He was an assassin of the Red Matter Association.

He thought that his stealth was perfect but he didn’t think that the monster before him could see through his perfect concealment. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, or else that slash would’ve hit his vital parts.

Souta looked at the assassin with a faint smile on his face.

“Wondering why? It’s simple. You have blood flowing in your veins. You can say that I can detect all creatures within my range as long as they had blood in their bodies.”

He explained his ability nonchalantly. As for whether they could counter it or not doesn’t matter to him. Well, it’s impossible for these people to remove their blood as they will die in the process of doing so.

The [Crimson Perception] was a perfect counter for human and demis assassins. Even if Souta couldn’t sense their energy as long as they had blood, they wouldn’t be able to escape his perception.

Even Isabella’s perfect concealment didn’t work at him.


The assassin was speechless. Even if he knew how Souta’s ability works, there’s no way to counter it. If he wanted to move undetected then he had to remove all of his blood. It’s the same as him being dead.

This monster is an anti-assassin.

The bane of assassins like him.

“If assassination wouldn’t work then I just have to kill you head-on.”

The assassin gritted his teeth as violent waves of lightning burst out of his body.

[Elemental Drive: Lightning Force]!

“That’s it! Let me feel it! Use everything that you’ve got!”

Souta laughed as the assassin dashed at him with heavy killing intent.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shielder, spear woman, and the swordsman joined the battle. It was a four versus one situation but Souta was holding his own against powerful One Shackle Realm experts.

Not really a four versus one situation. It was a five versus one as there was one person that didn’t join the battle. It was the support. She was assisting the people that Souta was fighting by healing them and giving them buffs.

Boom! Boom!

The black tentacles moved but it was easily destroyed by the members of Red Matter. It was a low-tier spell, after all. Even with several boosts of energy damage and elemental damage, it couldn’t do anything against the Shackled Realm experts.

But it a useful to buy some time and distract his opponents.


Souta’s body flew like a meteor before crashing on the ground causing a massive earthquake.

Hundreds of infrastructure were destroyed in just one minute of battling. The whole area turned into ruins and hundreds of innocent people died from their battle.

Those people couldn’t escape on time. The energy alone from several Shackled Realm experts and a fourth stage monster was enough to suffocate ordinary people to death. It was much worse as the aftershocks didn’t leave their bodies intact. It was scattered all over the place.


Souta stood up and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. It was impossible for him to escape unscathed while fighting four One Shackle Realm experts alone.

He was at disadvantage. He could barely attack them when all four of them rushed at him. Defense was the only thing that he could do.

It was a good thing as he wanted to test his limit.

His wounds didn’t regenerate as he wanted them to accumulate to boost his fighting prowess.

“I wanted to test something but that support mage is giving me trouble. Should I cut her down first?”

Souta muttered as he glanced at the support-type made. The only problem was that these four people wouldn’t let him about her easily.

Right now, the assassin and shielder have used their [Elemental Drive]. The other three still haven’t used their [Elemental Drive].

“Should I force them?”

Souta smiled as black and white energy exploded within his body.

[Dual Element Drive: Dark and Light Force]!

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