The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 521 - Improvement

Souta coated his sword with best feram and swung it on the A-rank on his left side.


Five A-rank experts rushed forward and blocked his attack with their combined strength. They even set up a barrier spell to weaken his momentum so that they could succeed in blocking his slash.

"These guys..."

He was surprised to see that these people had great teamwork even without communication. It's like they knew what their comrades were going to do.

They were good but Souta was used in fighting several people at the same time. In the game, a bunch of people surrounded him and tried to PK him several times. Even the top guilds cornered him and those people had almost perfect teamwork.

He even died to some of them because of their trap but he also learned a lot of things from him.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Souta clashed with a total of fourteen A-rank experts. Every time he tried to unleash a fatal attack, his opponents would work together so that no one could die among them. If one of them suffered an injury, the injured person will step back and drink a health potion to recover.

Still, Souta had the upper hand in the fight. It's just that he couldn't find an opportunity to kill one of them. They were passively defending against his attack waiting for him to return to his normal form. That's the basic tactics in subduing a third evolution monster.

"But do you think that it would work against me? An expert in monster subjugation quest!"

Souta stomped his left foot on the ground.

[Shadow Bind]! [Shadow Spike]!

It wasn't enough to damage an A-rank expert but it was enough to distract them.

The fourteen A-rank experts slashed the tentacles and spikes. Then, they sensed a huge amount of energy in front of them.

He pointed his sword ahead and casted [Dark Shooting Ray].


A dark beam shoots forward and the fourteen people jumped on the sides to avoid it. The beam exploded behind as it destroyed several pillars, walls, floors, and ceilings of the hidden base.

The entire place shook heavily as if it was going to collapse at any moment.

The fourteen people were now divided into two groups. One was on the left side and the other one was on the right side.

"Eh~ I got you now."

Souta charged on the left side as he pressed his hand downward causing a huge amount of best feram to bore down. It was followed by the pressure of heavy gravity.


The group on the left side tried to create a distance but they found that their feet were stuck on the ground. No, the ground turned into a pool of blood as sticky webs were wrapped around their toes.


Souta arrived in front of them and grinned widely.

The people on the right side wanted to help their comrades but then they've found that they were also stuck in a pool of mud with sticky webs around their toes. Then, black shadows rose from the ground and they wrapped around their bodies to prevent them from moving.

Souta wasn't finished. To make sure that they wouldn't be able to escape, he created a net of webs from above before he imbued it with his best feram so that it wouldn't snap easily.


He opened his mouth and a large concentration of energy spun around it. A red energy ball with black linings expanded before it shrunk.

The best feram in his monster orb and [Nebula Heart] quickly decreased at a fast rate as it gathered around his mouth.


A tremendous beam shoots from his mouth and it swallowed everything in front of him. It was a pure destructive attack that disintegrated the walls in an instant. The bodies of A-rank experts tried to resist the energy at first but it didn't last long before their defense was broken. First, their skins turned into ashes. Second, their muscles and meats. Lastly, their bones fall apart turning into tiny particles.

Souta then turned his head with the intention to annihilate the group on the right side. But the group broke free from their shackles as they swiftly moved their bodies to avoid the terrifying beam.

The people outside stopped fighting as the two mountains trembled as if it was afraid. Then, a powerful beam surged from the ground and it pierced the mountain before it exploded.

Amanda was shaken when she saw the enormous mountain was reduced into a pile of rubble. From what she knew, this mountain was one thousand five hundred meters above the surface level. It wasn't easy to destroy it but it seems that the red beam before didn't target the mountain. It just pierced the mountain and shoots through the sky directly dispersing all the clouds.

If it landed near them, then there's a probability that she would suffer heavy injuries to the point that she could die at any moment. And the people below her power level would directly die.


The group's expression turned serious. The monster in front of them was stronger than the info that they'd received. From the info, this monster was already strong as it could contend against two Annihilation Realm masters but it seems that they still underestimated this monster.

Of course, Souta was stronger than before. He gained [Nebula Heart] and it boosted his overall abilities. Also, he didn't need to worry about his best feram being drained.

"They got away..."

Souta muttered in disappointment. It was not bad considering that he managed to reduce their numbers in half. Fighting fourteen A-rank experts would be a problem but fighting seven A-rank experts was easier.

He had 2,900 best feram in his monster core and 1,000 best feram in his [Nebula Heart]. The difference was huge compared to the time when he fought in the auction house. At that time, he only had 2,000 best feram.

He bent his knees and charged towards the seven A-rank experts. He raised his sword above his head and swung it down.


Souta narrowed his eyes as a figure appeared in front of him. The figure used a halberd to block his sword attack.


The shockwaves caused by his attack made the whole place tremble.

"This time I will not retreat!"

Souta roared as he slashed his sword repeatedly. He was familiar with this man.

This man was the one who stopped him from exploring this hidden base before. He only thought that this man was just an A-rank but he didn't expect that this man had the power of a peak S-rank that could rival the woman that he fought in the auction house.

This is bad.

If he fought this man in this place then the whole hidden base will collapse just like what happened in the auction house. He couldn't let that happen until he explored this hidden base and discovered the information about the Witch Clan.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Both of them exchanged powerful and fierce blows. Cracks started to form around the ceiling, floors, and walls. It wouldn't last long before it collapsed.

His [Bestrou] dealt a considerable amount of damage to the hidden base, after all. It destroyed most of the pillars that supported the hidden base.

[Blessing of the God of Hunt]!

[Watching Prey]!


Souta used his aces and he slashed his sword horizontally.



The man was surprised as Souta's strength had suddenly increased. Suddenly, a giant hand grabbed his face and various spikes tried to pierce his skin.

Souta used every fiber of his muscles to throw the man on the ceiling.


The man crashed through the ceiling. His body caused spider web cracks on it. He looked ahead only to find that Souta was already in front of him.

"This monster...!"

Souta slashed his sword once again as a red blade of energy swallowed the man. Then, he pointed his finger and casted [Dark Shooting Ray].


A huge gaping hole appeared on the ceiling. Since the hidden base was beneath the two mountains, a hole appeared on one of the two mountains. No, the other mountain was demolished by his best feram before so only one mountain stood still in this place.


The man found that he was five hundred meters above the surface. He calmed himself as he wiped the blood on his mouth.

"Isn't this monster stronger than the report?!"

He was annoyed as he realized that the report given to him was false. The higher-ups clearly underestimated this monster and maybe that's the reason why this monster decided to return to this place.

He circulated his mana and looked up.

"What the hell is this?"

Dark clouds formed just right above him. The clouds were releasing a very oppressive aura and his instinct was telling him that it was dangerous.

[Archetype: Vajra Extremity]!

[First Form: Mahayana Tribulation]!

Black lightning rained down like a thousand arrows.. It enveloped and encompasses a wide area that made the man realize that it was impossible to escape its range.

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