The Divine Healer Gets a Divorce after Reincarnating!

Chapter 501 - Chapter 501: Next Time

Chapter 501: Next Time

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation      Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wu Shu approached Jiang Lu with a limp, speaking in a grievance-filled voice, “Brother Jiang Lu, why did you come so late? You didn’t see how I was almost bullied just now.”

Jiang Lu slightly sidestepped, avoiding Wu Shu’s approaching figure.

“Since there’s nothing more to do here, you guys go ahead to Dongxing Pavilion. Haozi has reserved a private room, go there and rest first,” Jiang Lu said. Then, he gestured towards a woman in a plain shirt, “Jiang Tong, take good care of Wu Shu, don’t let her get hurt again.”

Jiang Tong immediately understood Jiang Lu’s intention, “Brother, don’t worry, we’ll go to Dongxing Pavilion and wait for you.”

Wu Shu called out twice but couldn’t get Jiang Lu to return. She stomped her foot in anger, “Why is Brother Jiang Lu chasing after that woman?”

“It took me so much effort to find him, and he just leaves me for such a woman!”

Jiang Tong was also unclear about why Jiang Lu valued that woman so much. However, since Jiang Lu was always firm with his words, Jiang Tong naturally didn’t dare to neglect his instructions.

“Let’s go! We’ll wait for him at Dongxing Pavilion.” Jiang Tong said, reaching out to help Wu Shu, “You can ask him later.”

Although Wu Shu was unwilling, they were strangers in this town and had no idea how to follow Jiang Lu.

“Xia Wan! Wait!” Jiang Lu ran a few steps and caught up with Xia Wan, who had just left the bookstore.

Xia Wan stopped and turned around with a cold expression, “What is it?”

“I want to apologize on behalf of my sister and her friends for their behavior just now,” Jiang Lu said earnestly, “I’ve reserved a private room at Dongxing Pavilion, I wonder if you two would do me the honor…”

Jiang Lu was interrupted mid-sentence by Xia Wan, “We aren’t familiar, and your sister and her friends have already apologized.”

Jiang Lu, of course, was not willing to be rejected so easily. When Xia Wan turned to leave, he stepped in front of her again, “We seem to have a destiny.

Since you probably haven’t had lunch after school, why not…”

“No need! We have someone else to meet! ” Xia Wan refused bluntly.

Liu Hua was taken aback.

Jiang Lu noticed Liu Hua’s reaction.

“Since you have a friend to meet, let’s make it another time!” Jiang Lu smiled lightly.

He took a few steps, then turned back to Xia Wan, “It’s a promise! Next time!”

Xia Wan opened her mouth to reply, but Jiang Lu had already run off. Xia Wan could only bite her lip in frustration and muttered, “Crazy!” Liu Hua looked at Xia Wan, “Did you arrange to meet someone else?”

Xia Wan shook her head, “No, I lied to him!”

Xia Wan, holding Liu Hua’s arm, walked back towards the bookstore, “Let’s go!

Our mood was spoiled by that mad dog, let’s continue picking books!”

Liu Hua, who always enjoyed reading, had limited opportunities due to her family’s previous financial situation, only occasionally managing to borrow books from the school and town library.

But the library’s collection was not comprehensive, and many books couldn’t be found there.

Entering the bookstore again, Liu Hua quickly forgot the unpleasant incident and excitedly started selecting books from the shelves.

Xia Wan also headed towards the shelves displaying various art albums and design books.

Even with Zhou En’s help, if she wanted to create more and better designs, Xia Wan knew she had to work hard to improve herself.

She had thought about finding a teacher to learn the craft, but resources in the county town she lived in were limited.

Moreover, good teachers were hard to come by.

So, she decided to start by studying some books and materials herself, hoping to find a suitable opportunity to learn from a master later.

Xia Wan looked at a row of excellent domestic and international design albums and professional books on the shelf, casually flipping through a few.

While they were quite good, in her experience with a more colorful world, these designs seemed somewhat limited.

Just as she was about to put down an album with a bit of regret, a voice suddenly rang out beside her, “What? Doesn’t this book meet your standards either?”

Xia Wan instinctively leaned away, not realizing the person was speaking to her.

When she glanced towards the other bookshelf, the voice spoke up again, “The designs on that row should be more in line with current trends.”

The person stretched out a hand in front of Xia Wan, pointing her in the right direction..

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