The Cursed Prince

Chapter 583 - Gewen Finds A Way To Make Money

Gewen decided to go back to his accommodation and calm himself down. The man paced back and forth in his chamber, trying to think of a solution. Gah... his grumbling tummy made him unable to concentrate.

What to do now? He didn't know anyone in this stupid city and he was also broke. He couldn't even afford to buy a meal.



All right. There's no other way.

He must find work!

But where? What could he do? He didn't even speak the language here. Would anyone give him work to make money for food??

Sigh...maybe he could ask the innkeeper to point him in the right direction to get a job?

It would be hella embarrassing though... 

Only last night, Gewen acted like a generous wealthy merchant by tipping so much money to the innkeeper and the servant, but this morning he was begging for work?

Where should he hide his face?


Finally, between hunger and honor, Gewen decided to ask the innkeeper for a job. If people from back home found out he died of starvation in a foreign country, he would lose whatever honor he had anyway.

With that in mind, Gewen steeled his heart and came down from his chamber to see the innkeeper. When he arrived in the lobby, Gewen found the man was leisurely sitting on the chair, counting money. 

"Ahem..." Gewen cleared his throat to get the innkeeper's attention.

"Oh, hello, Milord... how are you doing today? Have you eaten breakfast in Berns? How was it? It's good, wasn't it?" The innkeeper looked up from his money, and when he saw Gewen, he asked the handsome man cheerfully.

Gewen pursed his lips. His face flushed red with embarrassment because he had to ask for a job. However, he was reminded of his hunger when his tummy grumbled again.

Damn. How could he do his mission if he was hungry? 

The innkeeper furrowed his brows when Gewen didn't say anything for a good five minutes. He thought this handsome lord must have a lot in his mind, so he didn't hear his question earlier. He thought Gewen looked absent-minded.

"Yes, milord?" Finally, the innkeeper changed his question. "What can I do to help you?"

Gewen was moved from his reverie and opened his mouth. He wanted to ask for the man's advice on finding a job in Castilse to make money for food. However, at the last second, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

This was really embarrassing, he thought bitterly.

No! He would rather die hungry than losing his honor.

"Nothing," Gewen said then turned around to go back to his chamber.

"Huh?" The innkeeper scratched his head, seeing Gewen's reaction. He didn't understand what this handsome guest wanted. He looked so weird.

Meanwhile, Gewen entered his chamber and closed the door behind him, almost slamming it. He was very upset. At the last minute, he decided he wouldn't lower himself to ask the innkeeper for a job.

Who knew what kind of job that man would offer?

Didn't the innkeeper offer a male-whore last night to accompany Gewen sleep, saying that 'we in Castilse are quite progressive about it'?

Progressive my foot!

No. Gewen would rather sell his new clothes to buy food and think about his next step, than sell his body. He could always wear his old clothes after washing them in the river.

Yeah... that's better. He rubbed his chin. He turned to look at the stack of his old clothes, and then looked down at the new clothes that he was wearing now.

Gewen decided to take his old clothes from the corner of the room to wash them in the river and get them to dry. Once they were dry, he could wear them again and he would just sell the new ones. Even if he only got little money for them, it was better than none.

Desperate times needed desperate measures.

When Gewen was putting the dirty clothes into his bag, his eyes suddenly caught sight of his bow and arrows next to them, and realization suddenly dawned on him.

Shit! How could he forget that he was such a great archer? Gewen could just go hunt for game in the forest to eat. Perhaps, he could even capture more animals and sell his prey to the market.

Problem solved!

His heart suddenly felt so light and Gewen could even smile. He tossed his dirty clothes back on the floor and instead he took his bow and quiver filled with arrows.

He would borrow a horse from the innkeeper and go to the nearest forest to hunt. He should be able to get food soon.


This time, his grumbling tummy sounded so happy.

"Hey.. can you lend me a horse for half a day?" Gewen asked the innkeeper as soon as he came down to the ground floor. Before the innkeeper could say yes or no, Gewen added, "I will pay for the horse later. I am in a hurry and don't have time to get my money."

The innkeeper's eyes lit up. He knew how generous this handsome young man was. So, he bobbed his head and motioned Gewen to follow him.

"Sure, milord. Follow me. You can use my horse for however long you want."

Gewen followed the innkeeper to the side of the building. There were several horses in the stable, lazying around.

"Are these all yours?" Gewen asked. He liked a big brown horse among the other four horses there and hoped he could rent that one. 

The innkeeper nodded. "Yes, milord. You can choose whichever one you like."

"Great. I want the brown one," Gewen said.

The innkeeper smiled and nodded. "Good choice. This one is Masai. He is a good-tempered horse. Very easy to handle. You can use him."

The innkeeper went inside the stable and put the saddle and reins on the horse he called Masai and brought him out to show Gewen.

"This is perfect," Gewen muttered in satisfaction. He jumped on the horse's back and asked the innkeeper for the direction to the nearest forest. "I want to hunt some animals. Which way should I go to?"

"Ohh... you can just ride north and go straight after you leave the city. You will find the Grey Forest," the innkeeper explained. "It's only an hour away from here."

Gewen was so relieved. He could hold his hunger for one or two hours. He mouthed his thank you to the innkeeper and rode off.

"Just call me Sam, milord," said the innkeeper with a big smile. He stood in his place, watching Gewen and Masai until they disappeared from view.


Gewen finally arrived in the Grey Forest and immediately prepared his bow and arrow. Fortunately, the weather was nice and everything around him was bright. He could see the animals better and hunt them more easily.

"Come on... give me fat and juicy deer..." he muttered to himself. "Where are youuuu, cute little deers...? Come to daddy....!"


Gewen immediately turned his horse around when his ears caught the sound of movement from the bushes behind him.

With such a high speed and precision, he had raised his bow and arrow and immediately took his shot when he caught sight of a doe running from the bush.

The arrow hit the doe's neck and immediately paralyzed it. He was really such a great archer.

Gewen subconsciously licked his lips when he came near his prey. He couldn't wait to eat grilled venison.




Did anyone of you guess that Gewen would make money from hunting? I know most of us would love to see Gewen sell his body for money... I'm sorry to disappoint you. XD

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