The City of Terror

Chapter 511 - Protoss Zealots

Chapter 511: Chapter 511 – Protoss Zealots

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The Zerglings that were incredibly difficult enemies to humans were easily massacred by the Zealots.

Every Zergling that charged at the Zealots would receive the Zealots’ attacks. Although the Zealots were not that fast when attacking, they would only need two cuts to kill a single Zergling.

Their attack power was simply stronger compared to the game.

If it was not because the Hydralisks continued to fire needles at them, then a hundred Zerglings would be quickly annihilated.

Naturally, it was not only the Zerg side that received damage.

The Zerglings appeared to have been injected with chicken blood. They crazily charged at he Zealots. As long as they got close to the Zealots, they would raise their sickle-like arms and cut at the Zealots.

Although the Zealots were covered with a formless force field that could block the Zerglings’ attacks, the Zerglings were simply too fast. One of the Zealots’ forcefield was soon on the verge of collapse from the constant attacks, and in the end, it was broken through.

Even if the force field was destroyed, it was still not that easy to put the Zealot down. The Zealot’s armor could still block tens of attacks from the Zerglings and even the needle from the Hydralisks.

Naturally, no matter how much the Zealot could defend, it was not impenetrable.

In the end, the Zealot was drowned by the Zerglings as blue-colored blood leaked out from its armor as it was torn to shreds.

Following the first Zealot, the situation of the remaining Zealots became worse.

This was especially true when the Hydralisks concentrated fire on one of the Zealots, making their situation dire.

Wei Xiao Bei did not make his move. This battle between the Zerg and Protoss did not matter to him. It allowed him to inspect the Zealot’s battle power.

After all, these Protoss were also one of his potential enemies.

Following the fall of the Zealots one by one, the battle was quickly reaching its end. When the last Zealot was torn to shreds, Wei Xiao Bei did not continue waiting and raised his great spear and charged forward.

After the Zergs had eliminated the Zealots, they were in a miserable state.

Killing ten Zealots cost them more than fifty Zerglings and one Hydralisk. The Hydralisk had been too slow and was killed when two Zealots launched desperate attacks.

Thus, When Wei Xiao Bei made his move, the Zerglings appeared to not have any strength left to resist.

The Zerglings all died in just one attack, while the Hysdralisks could still approach Wei Xiao Bei and fire their needles.

However, Wei Xiao Bei’s main target was the Hydralisks. After killing the Zerglings in his way, he thrust his spear at one of the Hydralisks. With a shake of his spear, the struggling Hydralisk was torn to shreds.

As for the remaining Hydralisk, he threw his spear at it. Without any chance to dodge, it was been pinned to the ground by the spear.

As for the remaining Zerglings, they did not cower at all as they threw themselves at him. However, though Wei Xiao Bei was unarmed, he still had his fists. His fists did not even need to touch them as the cosmic qi covering them sent the Zerglings flying in the air, close to death.

This close-quarters combat was something he had secretly craved. With every fist, the Zerglings would be sent flying or just blow up.

It could be said that after reaching the mid-stages of cosmic jing, the attack from his fists would trigger an effect, making his strike particularly heavy.

Naturally, he was still not used to these effects, thus compared to the Hard Metal Jing’s effects they were still inferior, but if he was given enough time, then surpassing the Hard Metal Jing would be easily done.

After sweeping the Zerg clean, Wei Xiao Bei returned to the squad’s hiding place.

Seeing the small spots of green liquid on Wei Xiao Bei’s body, Jessica was slightly startled, “You encountered the Zergs?”

“Yea. We continue our advance.”

Wei Xiao Bei nodded his head and did not say much.

When everyone reached the battlefield, they were dumbstruck.

Although they only had gauss guns in their hands, they would be able to kill these Zerglings without trouble in favorable terrain. However, they could see that these Zerglings were not killed by gauss guns, but with punches and kicks.

They discovered this because Wei Xiao Bei would punch the hard heads of the Zerglings. Although their heads were crushed, the print that was left could be seen.

“How is this possible!?”

As the hard-headed person in the squad, Vernon was the first to shout.

Although Wei Xiao Bei had astoundingly killed Zergs, he never used his fists and kicks to kill them.

For these so-called interstellar wanderers, their understanding of battle was to use various high tech weapons and equipment to kill the enemy.

As for someone who could fight with their fists and obliterate Zergs like this, they felt as if they were in the story of the Arabian Nights.

In simpler terms, it was like pre-WWII where battleships were the main force of power, but in the end, aircraft carriers became the kings of the battlefield, causing those old fossils who revered battleships to encounter an unimaginable new form of battle.

If these Marines were empty-handed and fought with the Zergs in close combat, then their necks would be immediately chopped off by their sickles without even being able to retaliate.

“What’s so strange about this? The traveler is truly awesome.”

One of the Marines became unhappy at Vernon’s expression.

In the following journey, Wei Xiao Bei’s group would occasionally encounter bits and pieces of the Zergs, and there were even rare sightings of the Protoss.

Tu Lang Village should be ahead.

Wei Xiao Bei looked at the tottering memorial arch of the village. The words on his mind had already disappeared.

“Everybody pay attention and stay guard here. I will go in first.”

There was nothing strange about Wei Xiao Bei’s instructions. After all, there was a huge possibility of hidden Zergs in a strange new place.

Naturally, for these interstellar wanderers, villages were only things that they had read about in history, and they had never actually seen one.

When Wei Xiao Bei first played StarCraft, he roughly understood the game’s background story.

In brief, the so-called human race were interstellar wanderers that had been exiled by their mother planet. They created the Terran Empire and used powerful cloning technology to create their army and colonize other celestial bodies. During this time, they entered a war with the Zergs and Protoss due to a fight over resources.

For these interstellar wanderers, they had not seen many things from Earth.

After entering the village, the squad including Jessica looked at the village with curiosity. They tried to guess the use of those ruined buildings.

“It should be an abandoned military camp!”

“Wrong, this place should be a workshop to produce food.”

“No, no, no. This might be a building of the Protoss.”

“But the Protoss guidebook did not describe such a building.”

“I feel that it should be ancient housings of the human race?”


Wei Xiao Bei did not worry about these soldiers’ discussion. He had already entered the village and easily found three of the missing villagers.

There were Zergs in the village but not many of them. There were around then of them, Moreover, they congregated near the three villagers.

Naturally, these Zerglings were not there to welcome the three villagers but to eat them.

The three villagers wielded rusted steel pipes and hid on the roof of a small building.

Luckily, these Zerglings’ jumping and climbing abilities were terrible, so they couldn’t reach them. Moreover, the building had a security door that was quite firm. Naturally, it might also be because the Zerglings did not know they could break doors to reach the roof.

However, even if that was so, the Zerglings below would let out low hisses, causing the three men to tremble in fear.

After killing the Zerglings, Wei Xiao Bei went up the building. The three people remained trembling as if they had not yet been saved.

This could not be blamed on how gutless these three people were. This simply could not be helped. They were raised in a peaceful environment, yet were suddenly thrust into this strange place. When they saw the ferocious Zerglings, how could they be courageous?

Those people who Wei Xiao Bei initially encountered in the Dust World had already been scared to death by the Zombies.

“What are your names? And where did the other three people go?”

Wei Xiao Bei was not lenient and slapped each of them in the face to sober them up before asking questions.

“I am Zhu Xiao Mao.”


After these three people sobered up and saw Wei Xiao Bei give them food, they felt a lot safer. They immediately recounted their experience.

It appeared that they had originally agreed to play computer games all night.

Nothing happened the entire night, but they never expected that at five in the morning, something unexpected happened. All six of them suddenly felt faint and were suddenly brought to this place.

When they arrived in this apocalyptic place, even if they were cowardly or brave, they had to inspect it.

In the end, they encountered the Zerglings and two of them were killed on the spot. Another one had been captured by the Zerglings while the remaining three had better luck. They were not noticed by the Zerglings and hid on the roof of the building.

However, their luck ran out and they were noticed by the Zerglings.

In the end, they stayed there in alarm until Wei Xiao Bei came to rescue them.

After listening to the three people’s chaotic replies, Wei Xiao Bei could not help but frown.

It was not strange for the people who entered to be killed by the Zergs. The Zergs dragging someone away was also not strange. After all, the Cerebrates of the Zerg loved to suck on human brains.

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