The City of Terror

Chapter 344 - Barbecued Meat Congee with Pickled Vegetables Infused with Yin Energy

Chapter 344: Chapter 344 – Barbecued Meat Congee with Pickled Vegetables Infused with Yin Energy

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

It must be known that after the Fortune Tea was infused with the local god’s divine power, it would become a rare quality good. Whether it was for increasing luck, or helping the Fledgling Life Altar evolve, it had great effects and benefits.

In the Local God Temple, Wei Xiao Bei’s every movement would not escape the local god’s eyes.

However, when the local god saw that Wei Xiao Bei stored the tea into his Small Holding Bag, he could not help but worry that the boy would ask for another cup.

The local god himself did not have much of this Fortune Tea.

Luckily, Wei Xiao Bei did not make such an unreasonable request. He instead let the small ghost pour him normal tea, and after taking a few sips began to question the local god’s prior words.

The local god did not have any reason to hide the truth from him as he explained, “Friend Wei, do you know what this thing is?”

“I know. It’s Secondary Spring Water of Youth. It’s something left behind by the Norse Gods.”

Wei Xiao Bei did not hide it as he could understand that the local god knew what it was from his expression.

“Right. This is a type of divine object. It did not count as much in the past, but now, it is very valuable. If monsters or evil spirits were to feel the divine aura around it, things would become troublesome for you.”

Revealing that, the local god sized up Wei Xiao Bei, causing him to feel his blood run cold.

Wei Xiao Bei knew that the local god could see things that he himself could not see.

Could it be that the evil possession has once again attached itself to my body?


He began to harbor suspicion that his body has the legendary constitution of attracting ghosts!

The local god closed his eyes and did not move the discussion toward evil possessions. He only warned Wei Xiao Bei to not let the spring water evaporate too much.

As for the previous ten drops, the local god naturally placed it away with a face full of smiles. There was no doubt that the spring water was a very difficult treasure to encounter.

Wei Xiao Bei immediately let the local god take a look at him to see if there was an evil possession on him. In the end, the local god only said that the small pig on his shoulder was interesting.

It appeared that the local god was actually looking at the small pig and not some evil possession.

Although the joke had been played and Wei Xiao Bei’s face had become heated, the worry in his heart disappeared.

Everything was good as long as there was no evil possession on him. He had already started to completely loathe it.

Afterward, Wei Xiao Bei suggested borrowing the local god’s kitchen so he can cook for him.

Hearing Wei Xiao Bei boast about his cooking skills, the local god did not cry aloud his disbelief, but it could be seen from his expression.

The Local God Temple truly had a kitchen, and there was even a complete stove in it. Although it did not have things like LPG, it was burning with a flame that did not need firewood.

In truth, once Wei Xiao Bei entered the kitchen, he felt the coldness of yin energy around him.

Once the local god gave him an explanation, Wei Xiao Bei finally understood that the kitchen was not the place where the local god made his food.

Land gods normally did not need to eat food. The kitchen was the place where the small ghosts made their food. The food that they made contained yin energy, and the flames of the stove were so-called yin flames. This was why normal people entering the place would feel unwell.

People like Wei Xiao Bei who could feel and tell that it was yin energy were already considered as having a good disposition.

Although the place was different from the real world, Wei Xiao Bei did not pay attention to it. He only wanted to confirm his plans and thoughts.

He took out a few pieces of barbecued Dang Kang meat that were just high-quality and not rare quality.

When the local god saw the barbecue, he asked for a piece from Wei Xiao Bei and bit into it. Probably because he believed that the taste was not bad, he had confirmed that Wei Xiao Bei could cook. He immediately told the small ghost working at the back to bring a jar of pickled vegetables and a sack of spirit rice from the warehouse.

Wei Xiao Bei had already heard about spirit rice, but it was the first time he saw the pickled vegetables.

Inside the jar, there were pickled pepper, ginger, radish, and other vegetables mixed together.

Seeing that Wei Xiao Bei was interested, the local god explained it to him.

It appeared that the spirit rice and the pickled vegetables were different. The spirit rice was grown from the Ground Suppression Center, which gave it spirit energy, while on the other hand, the vegetables were grown at the back of the Local God Temple. However, their growth was slower, causing the spirit energy inside them to closely match that of the spirit rice. After being pickled in the earthen jar, the energy had been amplified.

Wei Xiao Bei began to busy himself.

Although the variety of ingredients in his hands was not great, he was still a chef with perfection in his [Cooking] skill, so it was not impossible to make it work.

He took a pot and boiled the spirit rice, and then took the barbecue and cut it into small grain-sized pieces. He also did the same to the pickled vegetables.

After ten minutes, the spirit rice was completely bubbling so he immediately placed the chopped meat and vegetables inside. Then, he added more water and increased the intensity of the flames until the water spread, closing the lid and weakening the flames.

In less than twenty minutes, a faint fragrance filled the air, causing the small ghosts to gather at the kitchen door and poke their heads in with saliva dripping from their mouths.

As for the local god, he was much calmer as he stood motionless beside Wei Xiao Bei. The only thing he did was stare at the hole on the lid as though he was looking into something.

After half an hour, Wei Xiao Bei opened the lid, causing the fragrance in the kitchen to thicken by ten times and spread everywhere in the temple.

A congee dish that looked and smelled great was taken off the stove.

Wei Xiao Bei immediately used [Status Appraisal] on it, causing new information to appear in his head.

Name: Barbecued Meat Congee with Pickled Vegetables Infused with Yin Energy (Rare Quality)

Description: This dish was created by the [Cooking] skill. Main Ingredients: Spirit Rice. Auxiliary ingredients: Dang Kang Barbecue, Local God’s Pickled Vegetables. Cooked under Yin Flames.

Effect 1: Fragrance and taste increase by 100%.

Effect 2: Small increase in stamina and mental strength.

Effect 3: Eating this will temporarily increase awareness by 5 points and intelligence by 2 points.

Effect 4: Due to being cooked using yin flames, if a yin attributed god ate this, it would allow them to quickly gather yin energy to form their bodies.

Effect 5: Due to being cooked using yin flames, if a normal creature ate this, they would be poisoned by the yin energy and receive negative effects.

Effect 6: This dish can be divided into 20 portions.


This was something Wei Xiao Bei did not expect. Cooking one dish was equivalent to 20 portions!

It could be said that the effects of the dish were not bad.

Fragrance and taste could be left undiscussed as they were only external things.

The increase in stamina and mental strength, as well as the temporary increase in awareness and intelligence, were all not bad effects.

Wei Xiao Bei immediately tried a bowl.


This was the first thing he felt when it entered his mouth.

Wei Xiao Bei felt as if he was drinking down a bowl of ice-cold water. It immediately flowed down his throat and into his stomach, making him feel as though his organs were bathed in cold water. The feeling disappeared after a while.

There was no doubt that what he felt was not an illusion. This was the fifth effect of the congee.

Luckily, Wei Xiao Bei had a high vitality that was able to resist it.

Based on what he felt, if a normal person drank it, they might have frozen to the point that they stopped breathing.

It was simply an elixir for killing people!

The congee might appear hot and boiling, but if it was drunk with the belief that it was hot, the other party would have died.

After the fifth effect disappeared, the deliciousness of the congee flared up. He could taste the freshness of the pickles, the fattiness of the barbecue, and the sweetness of the spirit rice. These three had been beautifully combined, making him feel as if his taste buds were popping with happiness.

Afterward, Wei Xiao Bei felt his physical and mental fatigue being swept away by a warm flow.

Is this the increase in stamina and mental strength?

Wei Xiao Bei felt that he was almost fooled by the text description of the effect. A single bowl of the congee had restored more than forty percent of his stamina and mental strength.

After feeling the effects of the congee, he was very satisfied. As for the temporary increase in attributes, they would be useful when a crucial time comes!

On the contrary, the local god had also taken a bowl for a taste, and his once calm expression had become filled with incomparable happiness. He did not look like the prudent local god anymore and instead looked like a landlord that had picked up a treasure.

“This congee is good! Very good!”

After mulling over it, the excited local god spat out these two sentences.

Afterward, Wei Xiao Bei understood that the effects of the congee were a lot more effective towards yin attributed gods like the local god.

The reason was the fourth effect.

The effect of allowing yin attributed gods to condense yin energy faster.

There was no doubt that the local god was a yin-attributed god.

The so-called yin attributed god referred to ghosts that had been conferred the title of god after their death. In essence, the bodies of yin attributed gods were close to that of the small ghosts but much more solid.

If a yin attributed god wanted to level up, they needed to condense yin energy to form their body, making it a fully normal body.

In however many years, the local god being able to unfalteringly manage the Local God Temple was already not bad, but he did not have time to ponder the question of condensing his body.

But now, just a single drink of the congee was enough to make him condense his body significantly. However, if he wanted to fully condense it, he would have to drink more than a hundred bowls of it, only then would this dream come true.

Hearing the local god’s mumbling, Wei Xiao Bei did not know whether to laugh or cry.

When he had wanted to borrow the kitchen, the local god did not believe in his skills, but now he was asking for more.

However, Wei Xiao Bei was still happy with the local god’s request.

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