The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 526: A Massacre for a Warmup, Violent Beast Zhan Ye

This kind of level increasing method was very dangerous, but it also brought Chu Mu enormous benefits. After all, right now Chu Mu needed Mo Xie’s mutation in order to have the ability to fight Xia Guanghan and the defector young woman puppet.

When Ye Qingzi heard Chu Mu tell her his method of increasing his strength, she looked at Chu Mu in shock for a long while.

Until now, although Ye Qingzi thought that Chu Mu’s White Nightmare was his most evil soul pet, and was the most dangerous one, to the White Nightmare species, it was probably an average soul pet.

She never expected that this White Nightmare was an abnormal soul pet that unexpectedly possessed the terrifying Cannibalism ability that allowed it to increase its own strength!

“But you strengthening the White Nightmare like this will lead to you heading towards your devil transformation. You’re playing with fire.” Ye Qingzi quickly pointed out a problem.

The White Nightmare’s strength increase meant that there was a higher chance of it consuming Chu Mu. But right now, the White Nightmare was listening to him more; nonetheless, it was innately hard to control. The moment its strength was increased too much, Chu Mu would be hard-pressed to escape the fate of the half devil transformation.

“But aren’t you still here? You can probably help me control my soul’s temperature, right?” asked Chu Mu.

“Although that is true, I’m afraid of the worst possible outcome.” Ye Qingzi said. As long as Chu Mu didn’t initiate the half devil transformation himself, Ye Qingzi still had the ability to control his soul temperature himself. The problem was that Chu Mu’s soul temperature was already very high, and aggravating the situation like this wasn’t particularly smart.

Chu Mu didn’t care too much about this, because once he reached the seventh remembrance, Mo Xie would be able to mutate and her mutation would also increase Chu Mu’s soul remembrance. It probably wouldn’t be too much of a problem.



Five hundred meters up in the air, Shang Heng watched Chu Mu and Ye Qingzi who were diverging from the path.

From high up, the divergent path was like winding ravine. It snaked around and there were also a few porks off the path that were hard to see.

Chu Mu and Ye Qingzi’s figures weren’t easy to see on the path. Only by using their soul remembrance to watch could they see.

“There seems to be a group of people to the west. It’s strange that they suddenly turned around to walk back?” Ting Lan pointed at the mountain back far away and asked.

Practically all the competitors and prisoners were walking up the mountain so the actions of these people were rather strange.

Li Hen quickly noticed this group of imposing competitors, and when he used soul remembrance to watch them, his brows creased.

“It’s Nightmare Palace’s people. The person leading them seems to be that brat, Lu Shanli.” said Li Hen.

“Lu Shanli? Isn’t that the third ranked person in Nightmare Palace?” Ting Lan asked in a bit of astonishment.

“Why do I feel like this fellow is heading for Chu Chen? Could it be that Xia Guanghan did something? He himself couldn’t take action so he had someone else?” said Shang Heng.

“Yes, you’re probably right. Lu Shanli, that brat, isn’t weak. He also brought three nightmare attendants. Chu Chen is in trouble.” Li Hen said.

They couldn’t interfere in between the fights of competitors, and could only watch from the sky and worry from Chu Mu there.


The three people were worrying as the group of Nightmare Palace experts headed towards Chu Mu. However, if Chu Mu knew that Lu Shanli was participating in the attack towards him, he would have definitely cracked a smile.

Chu Mu wanted to find Nightmare Palace experts, but never expected that the third ranked in Nightmare Palace Lu Shanli himself would come. This fit Chu Mu’s tastes.

Of course, Chu Mu didn’t know yet that Lu Shanli was waiting on the mountain path in front of him. He continued to climb the mountain with Ye Qingzi in search of the Nightmare Palace members.

There were about twenty Soul Palace experts that had entered the eighth realm. The Nightmare Palace members were probably about the same amount. The higher up they went, more competitors would get nearer to each other, and when that time came, the Nightmare Palace members would be greeted by the frenzied attack of a hungry Nightmare!


The laddered mountain had a total of a dozen levels. The lowest level was a expansive flatland and extended until the mountain paths. After passing through complex mountain paths and seeing this terrifying and high up flatland, one would have reached the halfway point on this Heavenly Life Mountain.

Further up the flatland would appear a clear mountain step composition, forming the mountain levels. The boundaries of each mountain level were not governed by any rules, and each step wasn’t particularly high up. Approximately each mountain step was twenty meters. To common folk who had never cultivated before, falling from this height was equivalent to falling from an overhanging cliff.

Right now, Nightmare Palace’s Lu Shanli was standing at the edge of the levelled mountain, staring at Chu Mu who was gradually nearing.

Lu Shanli and his Nightmare Attendants were actually not that far from Chu Mu. When Xia Guanghan had given the signal, they had turned around and quickly discovered Chu Mu and Ye Qingzi.

“Senior Lu, is it them?” asked the Nightmare Attendant wearing the white clothing.

Lu Shanli nodded his head. He recognized Chu Mu’s Devil Tree Battle Soldier, since its life force absorption ability was rather unique.

“Let this little one get rid of this person who stupidly showed his strength in the earlier realms, and didn’t hide his strength. Senior Lu doesn’t need to worry about this person.” the white clothed Nightmare Attendant differentially said.

“First attendant, don’t underestimate the enemy too much. Since he was able to enter the eighth realm, he has a bit of ability,” warned Lu Shanli.

The first attendant nodded his head, but seemed like he didn’t really pay attention to it. He had already heard of Soul Palace Chu Chen’s name before. Even if he killed Jiang Zhi in the fourth realm, Jiang Zhi wasn’t someone even deserving of carrying Lu Shanli’s shoes.

“The best is if he’s gathered a few prisoners’ rings, otherwise we’ll have wasted our time.” said the second attendant.

“That’s hard to say. Perhaps he doesn’t even know about the secret about the prisoners’ rings.” the third attendant laughed.


High up in the air, Shang Heng astonishedly remarked, “Lu Shanli decided to send his subordinates to fight for him?”. He never expected that Lu Shanli would underestimate Chu Mu this much.

“Then his subordinates are going to meet a calamity.” faintly laughed Ting Lan.

Shang Heng and Ting Lan had both seen Chu Mu’s “true” strength. If Lu Shangli were to personally fight along with his unordinary subordinates, they really would give Chu Mu a lot of trouble.

However, if he were to send his subordinates, that was just waiting to be slaughtered by Chu Mu’s soul pets.

“What? Chu Chen can deal with them?” Li Hen was a bit surprised as he asked. Li Hen had placed Chu Mu among the ranks of third grade members who were fighting a grade up.

“Of course. Didn’t Big Brother Li Hen just see the ninth rank prisoner Duan Xinze’s corpse?” said Shang Heng.

“Oh? That was Duan Xinze’s corpse. I really didn’t notice. So when the four of you killed him, Chu Chen contributed a lot?” Li Hen asked.

“He got rid of him by himself… and before that when the dozen prisoners were besieging us, it was him that slaughtered all the prisoners and saved Li Zhan.” Shang Heng said.

Li Hen was stunned, and his face slowly revealed a shocked expression. He never expected Chu Mu to have this strength!

Since Chu Mu was hiding his strength, Li Hen wanted to see how he would deal with Lu Shanli’s three Nightmare Attendants. Promptly, he directed his wing type soul pet to fly to a location where it was even easier to watch.

If he used soul remembrance, Li Hen was able to clearly see the fight. Right now, the three Nightmare Attendants were riding on their Gale Colts and were very close to Chu Mu.


On the levelled mountain, Chu Mu was riding on Zhan Ye, slowly heading upwards.

“Chu Mu, there are people approaching us.” Ye Qingzi was following beside Chu Mu and purposefully glanced up the levelled mountain.

“I know.” Chu Mu nodded his head, but it seemed that he didn’t really care.

“Then you’re still heading up?” said Ye Qingzi.

“Gale Colts. They’re Nightmare Palace people, and I happen to be looking for them. Wait for me here. I’ll deal with them quickly.” said Chu Mu. He patted Zhan Ye, indicating that Zhan Ye should head up the steps.

Each step on the mountain was composed of an expansive flat rock and fighting on top of one wouldn’t be a very large obstruction.

Darkness energy congregated under Zhan Ye’s four limbs, and when they stepped up the levelled mountain, Zhan Ye didn’t jump, but instead ran up the vertical stone wall, leaving black claw prints on the wall.

Soon, Chu Mu had arrived on the step the three Nightmare Attendants were on. This was about halfway up the stepped mountain.

The three Nightmare Attendants were all riding Gale Colts. They had hidden their figures in the mountain wall’s shadow and they carried contempt in their eyes as they stared at Chu Mu.

“A ninth phase middle stage Warbeast Mo Ye?” the first attendant immediately recognized the soul pet Chu Mu was riding. His face immediately showed a rather shocked expression.

The other two Nightmare Attendants were also very shocked. In their opinion, Soul Palace’s Chu Chen was a person who, if he possessed one or two ninth phase low stage middle class monarchs, would be amazing.

“Hmph, I estimate that this Warbeast Mo Ye is merely just a bit harder to deal with. There’s nothing to be worried about!” the first attendant didn’t shrink back because of this.

There were a total of three of them. With three against one, even if he had a ninth phase middle stage middle class monarch, so what?

Quickly, the three Nightmare Palace Nightmare Attendants jumped out of the shadow on the Gale Colts and each ran from three directions towards Chu Mu.

“Soul Palace Chu Chen. Offending our Nightmare Palace’s Senior Lu Shanli is the stupidest mistake of your life.” the first attendant pointed at Chu Mu and sneered.

In the same generation, there were few people that could escape Lu Shanli if he wanted to kill them.

“Hand over all of your prisoner rings, and we’ll give you a painless end. Otherwise, suffer the pain from our soul burning!” the second attendant said as he was already chanting an incantation!

A blue devil flame appeared on this devil attendants body. The flame shot up in a dim light as a devil figure slowly appeared!

Ninth phase low stage - low class monarch - Blue Nightmare!

The first and third attendants also knew that by relying on one BLue Nightmare, they definitely weren’t Chu Mu’s ninth phase middle stage Warbeast Mo Ye’s opponent. After the one Blue Nightmare appeared, they quickly summoned their other nightmares.

The first attendant summoned a ninth phase low stage middle class monarch Blue Nightmare. This Blue Nightmare’s grandeur was clearly stronger than the second and third attendants’ Blue Nightmares!

The three Blue Nightmares’ devil flames illuminated the mountain steps in a blue color. Right now, these three Nightmare Attendants didn’t say anything more and promptly gave their Blue Nightmares orders to attack Chu Mu.

Three balls of blue devil flames intersected, and immediately blocked Chu Mu’s dodging path.

The torrential devil flames burned and rapidly began to rush towards Chu Mu, easily enveloping both him and Zhan Ye.

But Chu Mu calmly stood there, letting the Blue Nightmares’ techniques envelop him. He didn’t move at all!

The blue colored devil flames swirled up high into the air. The serene cold strength was enough to cause enormous burning pain to the soul. Numerous soul pet trainers were unwilling to offend Nightmare Palace people because their evil soul pets made people tremble with fear.

“Hu hu hu hu hu~~~~”

Three bundles of devil flames scattered towards the surroundings. The Nightmare Attendants coldly watched the completely enveloped Chu Mu, as their faces carried a bit of contempt.

However, as the blue devil flames continued to burn, the three of their brows creased.

They didn’t hear the pained shouts of Chu Mu or his soul pet. Further, they could feel that both him and his Mo Ye were just standing in the flames, not moving at all!

Amidst the dancing blue flaming python, the black-clothed Chu Mu was burning from head to toe in a blue flame. Despite the scorching hot flames, even his clothes hadn’t been ruined the slightest.

The White Nightmare’s nine serene devil flames were fourth rank devil flame crystallizations, while the blue devil flames had merely reached the third rank. Simultaneously, their effect was much weaker that the White Nightmare’s white devil flames. This temperature didn’t affect Chu Mu at all and he didn’t even have to use defensive techniques.

As for Zhan Ye, its ink armor’s innate defense was very high, and adding on the ninth rank soul armor, the blue devil flames which had great effect on burning the soul merely raised the temperature of its armor!

“Zhan Ye, get rid of them.” Chu Mu indifferently gave Zhan Ye an order.

The Nightmare species of this level were of no use if they were devoured by the White Nightmare. As for the three Nightmare Attendants, they were equivalent to trash in Chu Mu’s eyes!


Zhan Ye’s speed suddenly quickened, and when its black figure rushed out, the burning blue devil flames began to flicker!

Zhan Ye was extremely fast, and when its gaze locked onto the third attendant’s Blue Nightmare, its Heavenly Rending Claws cleanly swiped across the body of the Blue Nightmare!

Zhan Ye’s claws had reached the early ninth rank. Its Horned Beast Imprint’s strength increase and technique combined together, allowing Zhan Ye’s attack to reach the middle ninth rank. This attack was stronger than the third attendant’s eighth phase ninth stage middle class monarch Blue Nightmares by three levels!!


The Heavenly Rending Claws mercilessly streaked across the Blue Nightmare’s stomach!!

This Blue Nightmare was quickly enveloped by a black ball of energy, and as its body was ripped apart, the devil flames on its body rapidly extinguished. It was instantly killed by Zhan Ye’s one technique!!

Instakill with one technique, and this Blue Nightmare turned into ashes!!

“How… how is this possible?!!” the third attendant had an expression of incredulity as they watched the Blue Nightmare quickly disappearing in the dark energy.

Soon, the soul impact caused the third attendant’s face to twitch as his entire expression turned abnormally strange.

The first and second attendants were stunned. They had personally witnessed this Blue Nightmare be instakilled by Chu Mu’s Mo Ye!

However, even if it was the ninth phase middle stage middle class monarch, it was only two levels higher than the Blue Nightmare. How could it instakill the Blue Nightmare?!

To prove that their eyes weren’t deceiving them, Chu mu sneered and gave Zhan Ye another order to attack.

After Zhan Ye instakilled the Blue Nightmare, its body transformed into a dark light that flew forth.

This time, Zhan Ye locked onto the second attendant’s ninth phase low stage low class monarch!

The low class monarch level Blue Nightmare’s strength was comparable to the third attendant’s Blue Nightmare. When it saw Zhan Ye rush over, its nightmare flaming face immediately showed a flustered expression. It waved its two hands and raised a torrential devil flame wave that shot towards Zhan Ye!


Zhan Ye jumped and its claws slashed two dark claw marks in the air!!

The two claw marks opened apart the blue colored devil flames. They intersected, and rapidly passed by the Blue Nightmare’s body!

The Blue Nightmare’s defense was unable to withstand this level of an attack. Quickly, an enormous wound was ripped into its devil flame burning body.

“Zhan Ye, Destructive Ray!”

After Zhan Ye landed, a dark light appeared deep in its throat.

The dark energy spat out from Zhan Ye’s mouth easily passed through the nearly illusory blue colored flames. It fiercely hit the low class monarch Blue Nightmare and exploded!!

The Blue Nightmare had been heavily wounded by the first attack. Now that it suffered the ninth rank dark energy bombardment, the blue devil flames wrapping its body were blown apart, transforming into countless blue fire seedlings that scattered on the levelled mountain’s platform.

Another Blue Nightmare had been killed!

The three Nightmare Attendants were flabbergasted! They had believed that if the three of them combined their strength, they could easily get rid of Chu Mun. Ultimately, their soul pets had been instantly killed so easily and ruthlessly!

“... how…. How can you have such… such a strong soul pet!!” the first attendant’s eyes no longer had any contempt. Instead they were filled with fear and shock!!

Chu Mu’s eyes calmly swept over the three extremely terrified Nightmare Attendants. Back when Chu Mu was in the Wasteland’s Ancient City, his strength had been far from Lu Shanli’s Nightmare Attendants. But now, Lu Shanli’s Nightmare Attendants couldn’t even withstand one attack!

“Zhan Ye, get rid of them.” Chu Mu felt that continuing to fight them right now was a waste of time.

After giving Zhan Ye the order, Chu Mu continued walking, jumping up to an even higher level on the mountain.

Chu Mu knew that Lu Shanli was above. Lu Shanli was worth Chu Mu taking action. Chu Mu needed Lu Shanli’s even stronger nightmare to become a sacrifice to raise his strength!

Thus the three Nightmare Attendants were ignored by Chu Mu!!

One had to know that these attendants had never been ignored in the Battle of the Realm for being too weak. After all, in any other place, they would be a peak expert!


“Leaving one soul pet behind to deal with three Nightmare Attendants that are able to break through the eighth realm and directly going after Lu Shanli. Chu Chen is too… too whatever you call it…” up in the air, Shang Heng was stunned when he saw this.

The three Nightmare Attendants weren’t weak, and were at most being watched, right?

“Eh… this is a surprise… I expect that the expression on Lu Shanli’s face is even more amazing.” said Li Hen.

Lu Shanli had arrogantly believed his three Nightmare Attendants were capable of getting rid of Chu Mu. Ultimately… these three Nightmare Attendants were treated like trash by Chu Mu.

Right now, Chu Mu was jumping up the levelled mountain. Clearly, he wanted to face Lu Shanli head on!

High up the mountain steps, Lu Shanli had watched the entire battle. Right now, his face was no longer as calm and had turned dark.

His three Nightmare Attendants were within the Nightmare Palace faction’s top fifty young experts. Three against one, yet they were completely neglected!

Chu Mu’s strength surpassed Lu Shanli’s imagination. And when this fellow didn’t bring any soul pet with him as he jumped up the levels and came at Lu Shanli, Lu Shanli indistinctly felt an aura that caused fear to manifest within him!!

Quickly, Chu Mu jumped onto the same level as Lu Shanli. Next to Chu Mu was not a single soul pet. He just stood there by himself at the edge of the ledge, and stared imposingly at Lu Shanli who was riding on his Gale Colt!

Chu Mu didn’t say anything. He seemed to not have any guard towards Lu Shanli. Slowly, he walked to the inner rock wall of the level. He opened his spatial ring and unexpectedly threw all of his prisoner rings onto the ground.

Twenty prisoner rings dropped, each letting out “da da da” sounds.

Watching Chu Mu’s actions, Lu Shanli’s expression turned even more serious.

Chu Mu was evidently indicating that he wanted to fight Lu Shanli. Moreover, he was betting all of his prisoner rings!

“I truly never expected that you had hidden your strength so deeply. I, Lu Shanli, have truly made a misjudgement!” Lu Shanli’s tone was dark.

“I don’t have much time. I don’t want to waste words.” after Chu Mu threw thee prisoner rings there, he spoke coldly to Lu Shanli.

The expression on Lu Shanli’s face faintly twitched as he could feel Chu Mu’s contempt!

“I admit that you hid your strength very deeply, but that doesn’t mean you have the ability to be so ostentatious and domineering in front of me. The current you will only take a bit of my time to get rid of. The result will still be the same.” Lu Shanli jumped off the Gale Colt.

He also walked to the rock wall, opened his spatial ring and put all the prisoner rings there.

“Having collected so many prisoner rings, you make it worth it if I take out my true strength!” Lu Shanli quickly discovered that Chu Mu’s pile of prisoner rings was larger than his.

Chu Mu wanted Lu Shanli to take out his true strength. He could be sure that Lu Shanli had two powerful Nightmares. If the White Nightmare devoured his soul pets, his soul remembrance would definitely increase.

“Call out your Warbeast Mo Ye. Since you want to fight, I want you to lose thoroughly.” Lu Shanli’s gaze glanced at the lower steps and harrumphed.

“It’s warming up.” Chu Mu indifferently replied. After speaking, Chu Mu patted the small Mo Xie lying on his shoulder. The small Mo Xie had been in the midst of a hard to come by sleep. After she was patted awake by Chu Mu, she drowsily opened her eyes...

Lu Shanli’s expression froze and he said in his heart: “This Chu Chen is too heartless. He used my subordinates to warmup his soul pet.”

Moreover, how is that warming up? He’s simply slaughtering all of my subordinates’ soul pets!

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