The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1108: Dominator Rank Devil Tree Battle Soldier

Under normal circumstances, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier was only able to fight a ninth rank tribe. Moreover, after the fight, it would have consumed a huge amount of physical strength and it needed seven or eight days before being able to continue.

If a ninth rank tribe only gave the Devil Tree Battle Soldier a 25% chance of increasing its rank, then the Devil Tree Battle Soldier would need at least half a year of continuous fighting. 

However, with physical strength perseverance and life force healing, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier would be able to get rid of a tenth rank tribe and raise its chances of rising a rank by 20%. Moreover, it would be able to recover its physical strength in a short period of two days.

Yu Sha’s two techniques didn’t have visible effects, but they greatly reduced the amount of time they needed to train. This made Chu Mu display a seldom occurrence of looking more favorably upon this woman. It seemed that using her as a slave was a wise choice.

After getting rid of the tenth rank tribe, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier was 70% of the way to advancing a rank. If they spent approximately another three days more getting rid of another tenth rank tribe, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier would reach 90%. Then, Chu Mu would be able to advance it to the dominator rank. 

Chu Mu’s state of mine was in a rare state of peace. He allowed Empress Concubine Yu Sha to stay outside for three days and continue to support the Devil Tree Battle Soldier. 


“Very good, your performance these past few days hasn’t been bad. You can return to your place.” Chu Mu glanced at Yu Sha and chanted an incantation. 

“How… how can you be like this. Didn’t you say I could stay out for a few more days?!” Empress Concubine Yu Sha never expected that Chu Mu would so quickly destroy the bridge after crossing the river. Instantly, her face blackened.

Chu Mu ignored her protests. After chanting the incantation, she was forcibly dragged back into her devil flame prison.

Wanting to stay a few more days? This woman truly wanted to take a foot after winning an inch. Not increasing the temperature of the devil flames was already nice enough. Now that the Devil Tree Battle Soldier had finished its fight, it had reached 90% of its training requirements. Its chances of successfully advancing a rank were extremely high. What need was there for her to stay here?

“I… curse your strengthening to fail!!”

Empress Concubine Yu Sha’s curses reverberated in Chu Mu’s mind. But Chu Mu did as he always did, and cut off the mental connection after throwing her back into the soul pact and locking her up. He let her yell as she wished, treating her as if she didn’t exist. 


Roars suddenly rang out from the distance. The mountain forest instantly began to sway and black clouds covered the sky. A violent gale swept through the Devil Tree Empire’s forest! 

The Devil Tree Battle Soldier stepped over the corpses of the Thousand Eyed Devil Trees laying on the ground. Its killer red eyes stared at the enormous tree practically towering into the cloud layers in the distance!

The top of that enormous trees resembled clouds, covering a large part of the forest. Its tree trunk was full of terrifying eyes that were all staring at the Devil Tree Battle Soldier. Each one of its eyes were filled with extreme anger!

“It unexpectedly is a pseudo dominator Thousand Eyed Devil Tree!” Chu Mu stared at the distantly towering ancient tree in the sea of green. His face showed shock.

He remembered that last time he came, there was only the Ten Thousand Eyed Devil Tree which was near the low class dominator rank. Why did a pseudo dominator rank Thousand Eyed Devil Tree appear this time? 


The pseudo dominator rank Thousand Eyed Devil Tree was like a giant that knocked apart the sea of green as it charged forwards. It moved here at a terrifying pace. Evidently, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s most recent killing spree had alarmed this pseudo dominator rank ruler.

“Pu pu pu pu pu pu~~~~~~~”

Its enormous roots were like heavenly pythons that buried underground and frantically rushed at the Devil Tree Battle Soldier.

The root pythons had an imposing aura. Each root reached a length of a dozen kilometers. If they were to sweep across the ground, they would raise that part of the forest to the ground. Such terrifying strength was capable of instakilling the Devil Tree Battle Soldier in one hit.

The Devil Tree Battle Soldier knew it wasn’t its opponent, and immediately chose to retreat. However, looking from above, the Thousand Eyed Devil Tree arrogantly let out a cold laugh when it saw how slow the Devil Tree Battle Soldier was.

A paragon emperor was merely a rather large ant in the eyes of a pseudo dominator. But it could still be crushed to death.

Initially, the Thousand Eyed Devil Tree believed that it was a dominator rank creature that had come here to look for trouble since it had slaughtered two tenth rank tribes in a row. But now that it only saw a paragon emperor rank Devil Tree Battle Soldier, it naturally felt extreme contempt. Was an opponent like this worth of even being his opponent? 

Nonetheless, since it had woken up now, it would just get rid of it then. This way, the tribes wouldn’t lose too much.

The pseudo dominator rank Thousand Eyed Devil Tree’s thousand eyes all turned to arrogance and contempt. It used a root to seal off the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s surroundings and moved its terrifying large foot. With that one foot, it fiercely stomped at the weak Devil Tree Battle Soldier!


This foot landed on the earth, crushing all of the surrounding trees. An intense vibration caused the birds and beasts in the forests to flee in groups!

The pseudo dominator rank Thousand Eyed Devil Tree stamped a few more times in the deep pit. It wanted to ensure that the Devil Tree Battle Soldier was crushed before lifting its foot.

It glanced at the enormous pit, and found that the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s corpse was nowhere to be seen. Immediately, it let out a “hou hou hou” laugh before swaggering off.

As expected, the paragon emperor couldn’t even withstand a blow. Even its corpse had turned to dregs under its foot!

“Hong~~~~ hong~~~~~ hong~~~”

After the pseudo dominator rank Thousand Eyed Devil Tree gradually moved into the distance, a sliver of spatial fluctuations appeared where its footprint was.

The space slowly ripped apart and a cyan clothed Chu Mu took his time stepping out. Afterwards, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier followed Chu Mu without a scratch.

“Devil Tree, this fellow will be your first opponent after you become a dominator!” Chu Mu looked at the figure of the pseudo dominator Thousand Eyed Devil Tree slowly stepping into the distance and cracked a smile.

The Devil Tree Battle Soldier nodded its head. It had pretty much finished its training and could receive Chu Mu’s spirit item strengthening. 


A ninth remembrance spirit emperor strengthening a paragon emperor to the pseudo dominator rank had a certain amount of difficulty in doing so. Thus, Chu Mu had to be particularly careful when doing so. He guided the wood type xuan item’s energy trace by trace into the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s body.

This strengthening method wasn’t very different from the normal process, but Chu Mu quickly discovered a serious problem: no matter how much energy he guided into the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s body, the latter was unable to absorb any of the energy.

It was like a water bucket that was already full. Even if he poured in more water, it would all spill out. 

“Is this a species restriction?” after Chu Mu detected this phenomenon, he began muttering to himself.

Chu Mu continued to guide energy, and slowly discovered that the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s body was capable of accepting the energy. This obviously was the effect of Ning Maner changing the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s physical constitution. However, there indeed was a leakage of energy at the beginning, approximately 20% of the xuan item’s energy.

After witnessing this phenomenon, Chu Mu couldn’t help but sigh. It was fortunate he didn’t try strengthening the Devil Tree Battle Soldier at fifty percent training completion, otherwise the 20% loss would cause the success rate to be at the lowest possible amount.

The loss of 20% made Chu Mu even more wary of losing focus. He was extremely focused as the guided the energy, rather spending more soul power to have the Devil Tree Battle Soldier absorb all of the remaining energy.


The last sliver of energy was guided i,n and the Devil Tree Battle Soldier suddenly opened its mouth and let out a roar!!

The roar caused the wood on its body to crack apart. On top grew countless new pieces of new wood that slowly replaced its original body!

To a warrior rank creature, stepping into the dominator rank was a qualitative leap. Chu Mu quietly observed the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s change in the soul pet space. He felt its aura occasionally turn strong, then weak. He was a bit nervous. If the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s aura went weak for too long without turning strong, this meant that the strengthening had failed.

Fortunately, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier didn’t make Chu Mu disappointed. After another weak fluctuation, its strength suddenly greatly rose. From a paragon emperor’s aura, it abruptly rose to the dominator rank!! 

There was normally still a level between the paragon emperor and pseudo dominator rank, close to the dominator rank, which was where the Tai Mountain Giant and White Tiger were at. However, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s training and Xuan Item allowed it to jumped over this level and reach the dominator rank!

“Success!!” Chu Mu’s face was full of happiness!

Now that the Devil Tree Battle Soldier was a dominator, Chu Mu was the only person with a dominator rank plant world creature in all of the human realm. If he encountered a beast type dominator rank creature, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier wouldn’t have problems fighting 1 vs 2.

Most importantly, the Devil Tree Battle Soldier broke through the natural world’s toughest species law. It was very likely the only warrior species rank creature to reach the dominator rank! 

When Chu Mu told others that he had come to Lost Desolate Garden to make the Devil Tree Battle Soldier a dominator, these people told him that it was impossible. The species limitation was something no creature had broken in several thousand years.

Old Han had even told Chu Mu that the xuan item’s energy couldn’t not be absorbed by a warrior species rank creature. The highest rank a warrior rank could reach in strength was the paragon emperor rank.

However, Chu Mu had ultimately succeeded!

If he were to summon a dominator rank Devil Tree Battle Soldier, he would definitely leave this group of people speechless. Thinking of what expression those people would show, Chu Mu couldn’t help but smile and he muttered to himself: “It seems that that girl wasn’t lying.” 

That soul pact agreement was worth it. Since this was the case, then Ning could also become a dominator rank! 

“Why don’t I wait until the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s strength reaches the low class emperor rank first before I return?” Chu Mu rubbed his chin and began to ponder. 

Thinking it over, he would be bored with nothing to do. It was better to just increase the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s strength a bit more. After all, with the wood type low class dominator rank xuan item, if anything was lacking, it was the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s pseudo dominator rank training. 

Although it was rather difficult for a pseudo dominator rank to find an opponent, this ancient savage grounds had quite a few powerful creatures. If he crazily trained here for a year of two, it would probably be able to become a low class dominator!

“Ok, then it’s decided.” Chu Mu nodded and spoke to himself: “In a few days I’ll use that arrogant pseudo dominator rank Thousand Eyed Devil Tree as the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s training target!” 

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