The Card Apprentice

Chapter 492 - A Sharp Counter-Attack

Chapter 492: A Sharp Counter-Attack

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chen Mu could roughly guess the reason why Qi Feng was targeting him.

Qi Feng’s strength was great, as seen from his previous moves. His speed was

shockingly fast, to the extent that even Chen Mu was slightly surprised. Whoever had to

face a card artisan with such amazing speed and good perception control would have

headaches, and that included Chen Mu.

However, he wasn’t planning to surrender. When faced with people like this, the more

one compromised, the more one would be oppressed by them. Now, he gradually felt

that high level battles are not really all that different from street gang fights. Retreating

and tolerating will not earn the opponent’s respect. On the contrary, people will think

that you are weak and can be bullied, even any Tom, Dick and Harry would step on you!

Chen Mu’s current position was actually very dangerous. Tan Yumin exposed his

identity as Caesar’s disciple, therefore a huge bundle of card artisans could find him for

trouble anytime! Caesar used to have many enemies, they couldn’t and didn’t have the

courage to find Caesar, but there might still be plenty of them who was courageous

enough to look for him. A concession now would only give a sign to others and when

that time comes, he would face real danger.

Now, it was as if he was stepping on a steel wire, where his every step required caution.

“Play?” Chen Mu squinted and got up slowly. It could be seen that Qi Feng’s move was

out of everyone’s expectations, even Tan Yumin showed a hint of surprise. Chen Mu

understood clearly that Qi Feng’s provocation was not instructed beforehand. However,

Tan Yumin didn’t say anything to stop them and remained sitting as she did before.

After experiencing the earlier surprise, the smile on Ji Zhihao’s face had gotten more

charming. The other team leaders’ looks skyrocketed with excitement. The White

Commander’s name had been spread around far too much, and so they wanted to see

the real talent of the legendary disciple of Caesar.

The card artisans who entered the selection previously also boiled with uncontainable

excitement. It must be understood that in the era with the speed of transmitting

information not being too slow, a chance to witness a battle between aces were still

rare. For them to be able to witness such a high standard fight, was naturally very much

beneficial to them.

Qi Feng’s lightning speed and elegance left a strong impression on everyone present

and he expressed a master’s demeanor perfectly. Although the White Commander did

not show off his abilities, but his title had trumped over that of Qi Feng’s.

If these two could have a fight, would it not be considered as a battle between giants?

Without hesitation, Chen Mu walked towards the training grounds unhurriedly. Within

these few short seconds, he figured that even though he didn’t know Tan Yumin’s

intentions, he was clear that she didn’t have goodwill towards him. Her acquiescence

when Qi Feng provoked him explained the problem to a certain degree.

Chen Mu decided to strike back!

The moment his right foot stepped onto the training grounds, his aura changed


His grandeur was completely repressed before as he didn’t like to talk and gave a sense

of dullness to others. However in the blink of an eye, it was as if he changed into

another person completely. Like a treasured sword drawn from some inconspicuous

wooden sheath, its sharpness was showing, and a biting cold murderous aura instantly

appeared in the air.

Chen Mu advanced slowly, and it was as if every step he took was heavy.

Thump! Thump! Thump! For some reason, the crowd felt as if Chen Mu’s every step

were knocking in their hearts. The airflow was getting slower as if it was going to

condense. The intention to kill was so strong and oppressive, it caused the crowd to find

it difficult to breathe. The two black lines winding down the white mask were like the

reaper’s scythe, and a deadly aura was emitted towards them. The intention to kill was

not masked at all in both of his cold and gloomy eyes!

Yes, it was not masked at all! The naked intention to kill was locked firmly on Qi Feng.

Nobody would doubt that he intended to kill Qi Feng!

Ji Zhihao who was calm all along changed his expression slightly. He didn’t think that

the White Commander would be so rampant! This was their homeground, was he not

afraid of starting a feud with them?

Tan Yumin’s face paled, horror was exposed from her beautiful eyes. All the other four

team leaders had also changed their expressions.

The murderous aura was too thick! When faced with such a strong intention to kill, even

those experienced in battles would shudder with fear. He was indeed the disciple of

Caesar, the God of Slaughter!

Qi Feng’s face changed slightly, and the frivolous look on his face disappeared

completely. He stared at Chen Mu with a sullen expression.

“I don’t like playing,” Underneath the white mask, his deep and raspy voice was almost

like it carried a strange magic, drifting into others’ hearts, “A battle, is a matter of life or


Hiss… noises of the audience sucking in a breath of cold air echoed in the hall. Who

would have thought that the White commander could be this ruthless!

Ji Zhihao who only flinched just now, became pale after listening to Chen Mu’s words.

He immediately understood that they had wrongly estimated the White Commander’s

character. The White Commander did not seem too different from common people,

however once a battle had begun…

He looked at the man who stood in a determined manner while going into a rampage,

and the only word that came into his mind was – maniac! This guy is a maniac! Is he not

afraid of dying? Or he’s just absolutely confident? Could this be a style passed on by


Ji Zhihao could only feel that his brain was in a mess. He had been proud of his ability

to adapt according to circumstances, yet it was as weak as paper in front of such

inhumane craziness.

On the contrary, Tan Yumin recovered her calmness, and her gaze brightened a little.

The other team leaders looked at each other, fear and shock visible in all their pupils.

Qi Feng’s previous provocation caused the White Commander to have no choice but to

battle. However, a simple sentence by the White Commander changed the whole

situation. At that moment, Qi Feng’s grandeur had taken a downturn. He couldn’t

maintain his elegant appearance under the piercingly cold murderous intent by the

White Commander.

That one sentence instantly pushed both of them into despair. Moreover, the prior

provoker was Qi Feng, so they didn’t even have any excuse to stop all this.

Both their mentalities were totally different despite the fact that they were in the same

situation. Qi Feng didn’t expect that his probling could lead to such a serious

consequence. Without a prepared mind, his confidence was unavoidably shaken,

therefore reducing his grandeur. On the contrary, the White Commander’s look was

determined. His grandeur was not reduced at all, in fact, it became even stronger

because of that sentence.

Like an inverse relationship, their situations were instantly swapped.

Tan Yumin wanted to get up when a voice interrupted her.

“Let us begin,” Chen Mu said softly, not giving Qi Feng the chance to adjust.

The moment he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

The distance between the two of them was 20 metres. For this distance, all Chen Mu

needed was a sprint.

Chen Mu’s sprint borrowed the strong force of his legs, his linear speed defeating that of

the Big Loach Card. The audience could only see a blur in front of their eyes before they

realised that the White Commander was already in front of Qi Feng.

Those with sharp eyes could even see the White Commander’s closed eyes.

The expert will prove the truth or reveal falsehoods. This one sprint by the White

Commander was enough to cause the other four team leaders’ gazes to freeze.

However, Qi Feng was not a weakling, for how could any undeserving individual be able

to enter the top 100 of the Black Line Star Listing? He sucked in a mouthful of air and

suddenly, his body became extremely flexible. Then, he floated to the back as if he was

weightless. His movement seemed very slow but he managed to create some distance

between him and Chen Mu.

With a zap, a silver colored electric net was emitted from around his body like a cocoon.

This layer of electric net looked extremely thin like a layer of semi transparent gauze.

The White Commander reacted quickly and suddenly, a green ray flashed across his

fingertip and a faint green energy thorn appeared on his fingertip.

Soon after, the energy thorn flew towards the electric net with an amazing speed!

The other four team leaders all expressed joy. The White Commander is about to be

lucked out. The reason they thought so was because they’ve seen Qi Feng use this

move before.

For common card artisans in close-distance battles, the first thought that comes to their

mind when they see such a thin electric net is to strike it!

When a card artisan strikes the electric net, he falls into the trap! The electric net which

looks thin and weak had a hidden trap. The electrical rays which are difficult to be seen

with the naked eye will instantly attack along the other’s energy form. Even though card

artisans’ bodies are stronger than ordinary people, when faced with such a strong

electric shock, they will still undoubtedly die. This move was a huge underhand trick

against card artisans in close-distance battles, and the amount of card artisans who

have died from this move was uncountable.

Looking at the energy thorn that was almost going to touch the electric net, Qi Feng

couldn’t help but to express his happiness! He had been bearing a great amount of

stress ever since Chen Mu started talking. When he thought about how his opponent

was about to die in his hands, there was an indescribable joy in his heart!

Observing this scene, Ji Zhihao and Tan Yumin’s faces changed drastically. They both

shouted as if on instinct, “Qi Feng, stop!”

If the White Commander dies, their plan would…

They didn’t expect that inviting the White Commander to witness a selection would end

up like this! This was not what she wanted! Tan Yumin’s beautiful and gentle eyes were

now filled with fear, despair and hatred. Her gaze towards Qi Feng turned dark and cold


However right at this moment, a plot twist occured!

The energy thorn in Chen Mu’s hand was five centimetres away from the electric net

when the energy thorn which was around 15 centimetres, slightly thicker than his finger

left Chen Mu’s finger and dived into Qi Feng’s electric net.

Qi Feng’s pupils dilated suddenly, an expression of disbelief suddenly solidifying on his


How is this possible!

Qi Feng made a fatal mistake from the start. He did not immediately pull away from

Chen Mu and used a defensive measure instead.

While sprinting, Chen Mu entered Oblivion Mode. In the colourless world model, his

mind was clear although every line was changing with incredible speed. The distance

between the two of them was too close and he could clearly ‘see’ that there were

shocking fatal rays that were unnoticeable by the naked eye on the thin electric net.

At first, Chen Mu could hardly complete deconstructing an energy form that was so

complicated in structure and unfamiliar like this. However the two of them were so near

that he managed to complete all those. The nearer the distance between the battle

opponents, the greater the power that could be unleashed via the Oblivion Mode!

After all, a complete deconstruction under the Oblivion Mode meant that he could find

out the opponent’s weakness!

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu who had his eyes tightly shut raised his other hand!

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