The Boss Behind The Game

Chapter 643 - Superweapon concept

Chapter 643: Superweapon concept

Translator: 549690339 

While Lu Wu was happy about the completion of the heavenly demon list …

An unremarkable live-stream room in the forum had become the most popular live-stream room.

The cause of this was the player who had posted a question about the use of the divine veluriyam seal.

At that time, in order to get the “divine seal of glass” in his hands, Lu Wu opened a mission line for him with great rewards.

After this player received the quest from the underworld’s butler, he decisively started a livestream on the forums.

This was also the reason why his live streaming room could become the most popular live streaming room at this stage.

The players who were watching had only come after hearing that he had triggered the news of being able to obtain a hidden class. They were envious, jealous, and hated themselves for not being quick enough at that time …

However, since this quest line was set up by Lu Wu at the last minute, the difficulty was not high, but it was very complicated.

For example, the first part was to help the underworld’s butler find the lost jade pendant, and the general location was given in the quest.

The second part was to help the wood spirit collect five spiritual materials. The third part was to help the grocery store owner transport goods and so on.

The quest line was extremely complicated, and the only thing that kept the players watching was the final reward.

This quest would last for a week.

During this period, this player had been working 24 hours a day, running back and forth all over Beiqi. He even occasionally had to help an NPC go out to sea to fish. After experiencing many setbacks, he finally completed the mission.

The last part was the 50th part of the mission, which was also the end of the entire mission line.

The mission requirement was to test the effectiveness of the newly developed medicine for rock.

This player had died a total of five times in this process. In the end, rock had successfully completed the potion’s improvement.

He had also received the final reward of this hidden mission.

Fifty thousand soul coins, as well as a hidden inheritance: Combat weapon

This inheritance came from the Hall of Heroes, and it was not a very powerful inheritance. Its ability was to create puppet soldiers to fight with him.

But even so, this player was still extremely satisfied.

Even though it was only a low-level inheritance, its value was still extremely huge.

At this moment, he was secretly rejoicing that he didn’t choose to sell it for one hundred thousand spirit coins, or else he wouldn’t have been able to get the hidden profession now.

While the players on the forum were envious, they also understood one thing.

The purpose of the marker was to hand it over to the underworld Butler and activate the hidden class inheritance.

At that moment, the players were extremely excited.

This was because in the three years of war, there had never been a specific way to obtain a hidden profession. It was all by chance.

However, the “opportunity” was too illusory. Although the players desired it, they could not take action.

However, at this moment, they seemed to have seen a path to obtain a hidden profession.

That was to get the divine seal!

By now, the players had already linked the marker to the hidden class, and the only way to start this quest was to hand in the marker.

At this moment, a certain Big Shot behind the scenes smiled.

This was because he wanted this concept to penetrate deep into the players ‘hearts. This way, the players would take the initiative to hand over the deity’s seal they obtained in the future, enriching his heavenly demon list’s hidden laws.

At the same time, in order to collect the divine marks of laws, Lu Wu turned his eyes to the evil god lying dead in underworld city.

Since he had started to collect the divine seals, how could Lu Wu miss this guy’s divine seal?

Of course, Lu Wu wouldn’t directly snatch the evil God’s stamp, because if he did that, the evil god would be directly crippled.

His plan was to deduct a bit of law power from the evil God’s divine seal, then spend his own soul coins to nurture the city God seal.

While the evil god was unconscious, Lu Wu began to take action.

In order to not make any mistakes, Lu Wu caught little Bei Li who was eating snacks outside and brought him into the artifact space.

At that moment, little Beili’s face was filled with reluctance.

However, Lu Wu was very nervous.

Following the procedure that little Bei Li had given him, he began to control the divine weapon and entered the evil God’s soul. He used the divine weapon to take the black divine seal.

At this moment, Lu Wu seemed to be very careful.

This was because if he used too much force, he might dig out the entire divine seal from the evil God’s soul. That would be very exciting.

Although he had saved a large sum of soul coins and no longer needed to nurture the divine seal, the evil god was definitely gone …

As an ally, Lu Wu naturally wouldn’t be so heartless as to kill an evil god for his own benefit.

However, Lu Wu’s trembling hands still made him feel that he might accidentally take the evil God’s life.

At that moment, little Bei Li, who had been watching from the side, could not stand it anymore. He began to personally guide them.

The manipulation of the soul was extremely complicated.

However, with the help of the all-rounded little Bei Li, Lu Wu was able to extract a very small part of the evil God’s seal.

At this moment, Lu Wu experienced the satisfaction and joy of life profession players after completing their work.

After obtaining the evil God’s divine seal, Lu Wu obtained five laws.

The law of blood, the law of evil, the law of hell, the law of destruction, and the law of emotions were all the most powerful laws in the netherworld to little Bei Li.

It could be said that although the evil god was just an ordinary God, his divine imprint was extremely powerful.

This was because this divine seal had once belonged to the God of the hell Dao, a power comprehended by an ancient God from the netherworld who had almost become a great emperor.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Lu Wu didn’t have any soul coins at this stage to cultivate these laws into divine seals, he would definitely give himself a set of evil God’s divine seals to strengthen himself.

However, Lu Wu felt that since there was a law seed, all of this would be too far away.

After he started collecting the laws, Lu Wu’s mind was filled with soul coins.

Now, he only hoped that the dog players could carry bricks well and quickly earn soul coins to support themselves. Otherwise, he would not be able to live like this.

Construction required soul coins, cultivation of the human Emperor’s mirror required soul coins, and occasional activities required soul coins. Now, collecting and cultivating the nomological laws contained in the ‘heavenly demon list’ required a huge amount of soul coins.

Although the income of soul coins had been increasing, Lu Wu felt that it was not enough.

There was only one way to solve this problem, and that was to make the players stronger and earn more soul coins.

At this moment, Lu Wu turned his eyes to the corpse race in the senluo great domain.

In Lu Wu’s eyes, the corpse race was just a warehouse of soul coins, not a powerful force.

After all, the players ‘current strength was there, and they were not much weaker than the undead.

More importantly, the players were immortal. As long as they continued to consume, this wave of soul coins would eventually fall into Lu Wu’s hands.

However, he could not wait to speed up the development of the players.

After ke Feng’s death, Lu Wu had an idea in his mind.

That was to lead the player calamity grades to the heaven realm, and then raise the middle finger at donghuang Taiyi.

Although he was still far from that step, he still had to have dreams!

And the players were the foundation of his dream.

Thinking of this, Lu Wu was ready to make a good plan and create a war mission line to destroy the corpse race.

Just as Lu Wu was planning the war mission, something big happened in the hell server.


Hell suit, Blue Valley ruins.

As the server with the highest difficulty of survival, the players from the inferno server were always wandering around the abyss of death and often fell into the abyss.

Compared to the other servers, the hell server was also the server with the most intense competition among the local powers.

Peace was something that did not exist for the hell server’s players.

Internal and external conflicts were the real situation.

However, after the two cross-border battles, the hell server welcomed a period of peace.

The main reason for the peace this time was still because they had been provoked.

In the two cross-border wars, the hell server had relied on the new weapons developed by AI ke and the super-intelligent brain to show off their might. Their overall strength was not much weaker than the European server.

However, compared to the most powerful mid-tier server, the gap was still extremely obvious.

In particular, nie Feng’s two khorium skills ended the war in a way that ended it.

The players from the hell server were excited.

After the second cross-border war, Arek agreed to the proposal of cooperation from the US military and began to develop new technological weapons with them.

This time, Eric didn’t hold back. Under the condition that the US military offered a large number of spirit ores as an exchange, he released the blueprint of his ‘human mechanization’ transformation plan.

At the same time, Tesla’s bio-human transformation plan had some preliminary results, and it was posted on the hell server’s forum as a guide.

The hell suit had opened up two paths of human modification and technological development.

In terms of cooperation and sharing of benefits, Eric also made a suggestion.

That was to create a weapon of mass destruction!

The reason Eric had this idea was because of nie Feng.

After seeing the power of nie Feng’s pay-to-win bomb, Eric also wanted to make such a high-tech weapon that was similar to the bomb.

His first thought was nuclear weapons.

However, he quickly rejected the idea of such a weapon.

This was because the destructive power of nuclear weapons was definitely not as powerful as nie Feng’s Krypton gold bombs.

There were only two main types of nuclear weapons. 30% of the energy released was radiation, and 70% of the energy was shock waves and heat energy.

However, the problem was that most of the monsters in the hell suit were heat resistant creatures. Some of them could even swim in extremely hot lava. Therefore, the lethality of the Super high temperature was not very practical here.

The second characteristic of nuclear weapons was nuclear radiation.

Rather than destructive power, it was more of a threat. Moreover, with the physique of the monster in the hell suit, the destructive power of the radiation was too weak and was not of much use at all.

After some hesitation, Eric gave up the idea of making nuclear weapons.

This was because such a weapon was not suitable for the environment of the hell suit.

Especially for those God-level powerhouses, the limitations of nuclear weapons were too great.

But Eric didn’t give up.

He started to look through the database, trying to find a super weapon that could be used in the hell server’s war against the outside world, just like nie Feng.

In the midst of his search, Eric found information on a super weapon.

Space-based weapon!

It was a weapon system deployed in the form of a satellite at high altitude. It was high up and could strike the ground quickly and accurately. It was imagined to be like the “God’s staff”, using the huge kinetic energy generated by the tungsten rod falling from the sky to attack the target on the ground. The explosion was pure lethality.

Even the US military was shocked when Eric mentioned this suggestion during the meeting.

Because of the emergence of space-based weapons, it was necessary to build a Positioning System equivalent to GPS, which was an extremely huge project.

Moreover, in the environment of the hell suit, there were also various dangerous creatures in the sky. Space-based weapons might be destroyed in a few days in the sky.

Eric was once again in a dilemma.

However, he did not give up. He was determined to create a super weapon!

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