The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2814

Chapter 2814: Chapter 2802, the Terrifying Life Extension Center

Translator: 549690339

With all sorts of doubts in his heart, Jiang Fei did not show himself. Instead, he continued to observe in the dark.

After these intruders had reached the seventh level underground, they did not stop. Instead, they continued to advance forward.

The seventh level underground was already the lowest level of the Life Extension Center. Jiang Fei looked around. There were no more scattered laboratories in the seventh level underground. This place was close to the entrance, there were all kinds of defensive fortifications. It was obvious that the defense of the seventh underground floor was much stronger than the upper floors.

“Da Da Da… Boom Boom…”the sound of gunfire rang again. The Intruders had launched their final attack!

Listening to the deafening sound of gunfire, Jiang Fei could clearly tell that the battle on the seventh underground floor was more difficult than before. However, now, the intruders were only left with more than thirty people and a mech, could they really break in?

“Should I help them?”Jiang Fei asked hesitantly.

However, at that moment, a loud sound suddenly rang in Jiang Fei’s ears!

“Boom!”Following that, a violent shockwave came. If Jiang Fei had not hidden behind the solid cover, he would have been sent flying.

“Damn it! These intruders actually have a trick up their sleeves…”Jiang Fei cursed to himself. The shockwave from the violent explosion earlier had caused him to feel a little sluggish.

Just now, these intruders had finally used their ultimate move. They had detonated a super bomb. The power of this bomb was too strong. It had directly destroyed the defense of the military police on the opposite side, more than half of the military police inside had also been killed by the explosion.

As for the intruders, although they had done it on purpose, the power of the bomb was too strong. More than ten clone warriors who had taken cover in advance came out, as well as the mech, the remaining 20 or so clone warriors were also killed on the spot.

“Boom, Boom, Boom, boom…”just as the shockwave from the explosion had passed, the mech began to fire wildly. The soldiers and policemen who had lost their cover were already heavily injured. At this time, they had no strength to resist at all, in the blink of an eye, they were all annihilated!

“Weng… WENG…”the mech let out a series of explosions, and then took large strides forward.

The clone warriors behind the cover also came out. They followed behind the mech and moved forward as well.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Fei also came out from his hiding place. He quietly followed behind these people and walked forward.

Soon, these intruders arrived in front of a large door. It was obvious that this door was of the indestructible type. The door was made of super alloy and was very thick, the violent explosion just now had not been able to hurt it at all. It was almost impossible to blast it open with an energy cannon.

However, these intruders seemed to have been prepared. The mecha quickly arrived in front of the door. A pair of probes extended out from one of its mechanical arms. These two probes quickly pierced into the password table of the door.

Very soon, the numbers on the password table began to move rapidly. After about ten minutes, the numbers were finally locked!

“Chi… Ka…”following a burst of hydraulic pressure, the door slowly opened to both sides.

“Ka Ka…”just as the door opened, Jiang Fei saw the few clone warriors pick up their guns.

Surprisingly, there was no ambush behind the door. The two clone warriors walked in carefully. They covered each other and carefully checked the situation inside the door. As Jiang Fei was far away, he could not see the situation inside the door at all.

About ten minutes later, the two clone warriors who were scouting the way confirmed that it was safe inside. Then, all the intruders, including the Mech, entered the door and continued to walk forward.

Once the intruders had entered, Jiang Fei did not hide anymore. He jumped out of his hiding place and quickly came to the front of the door.

Looking through the door, it was a deep tunnel. However, the sides of the tunnel were pitch black. Jiang Fei could not see anything.

“Go in!”Jiang Fei took a deep breath and walked into the door.

After entering the door, Jiang Fei took twelve steps to cross the door. From this, one could see how wide the door was!

After entering the door, Jiang Fei found that there was an overpass in front of him. This overpass was about five to six meters wide. There was no protection on either side.

Looking down from the side, it was pitch black below. Nothing could be seen. Looking forward, he did not know how long the overpass was. He could not see the end of it. At that moment, the intruders had already gone far away. Due to the problem of the light.., jiang Fei could no longer see them. However, he could vaguely hear the roar of the mech.

“Let’s Go!”Since he was already here, Jiang Fei naturally would not turn around and go back. He walked towards the other end of the bridge.

After Jiang Fei walked for about ten steps, there was a loud sound behind him. The door had closed.

“Damn it! I Can’t turn back now,”Jiang Fei thought to himself. Then, he continued to walk forward.

The long bridge seemed to have no end. Jiang Fei looked at the time. He had been walking for half an hour, but he still could not see the end.

“Crack crack…”at that moment, with a few soft sounds, Jiang Fei noticed that his two sides suddenly lit up!

“Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka…”as the sounds continued, more and more lights were lit up. Not only were the two sides lit up, but even Jiang Fei’s feet were also lit up.

Looking down from the side of the overpass, Jiang Fei was instantly stunned!

“F * ck…”Jiang Fei’s eyes were wide open because there was a huge space under the overpass. It was densely packed with cultivation cabins, and these cultivation cabins were all filled with small babies, there were men and women in these babies. Their eyes were closed. It was obvious that they were in a dormant state.

“What is going on? Could it be that the so-called Life Extension Center is a clone center?”Jiang Fei thought to himself.

Through his previous understanding, Jiang Fei knew that cloning humans in the gamma space was a serious offense. Anyone who selfishly carried out cloning experiments would be sentenced to death. Meanwhile, in order to overthrow the ruling of the magistrate.., the magistrate had secretly cloned a large number of warriors. However, the souls that did not respond matched them.

“Could this be the legendary saying that only the magistrate is allowed to start a fire and not the commoners are allowed to light the lights?”Jiang Fei thought to himself as he looked at the countless cultivation pods under the overpass.

As all the lights had been lit up, Jiang Fei’s field of vision suddenly widened. He could see the intruders in the distance and the gigantic mech at a glance.

Since he could see the intruders, the intruders could definitely see him. Therefore, Jiang Fei quickly lay down. The security uniform on his body was similar in color to the floor of the overpass. Therefore, he should be able to reduce the possibility of being discovered after he lay down, moreover, the intruders did not think that there would be someone behind them. Therefore, they did not pay attention to look behind them. This allowed Jiang Fei to continue hiding in the dark proudly.

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