The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2809

Chapter 2809: Chapter 2797, a large number of weapons

Translator: 549690339

Nelson used his strength three times in a row, but Jiang Fei did not budge.

In the beginning, Jiang Fei had also considered pushing Nelson to the ground. However, he gave up. After all, he had to be seconded to the Life Extension Center for two weeks, if he offended his immediate superior now, he would have a hard time in these two weeks.

Moreover, it was not a big deal. If there were always people watching him in the dark and preparing to deal with him, how would Jiang Fei be able to gather information secretly? How would he be able to do his own thing?

For the sake of the big picture, Jiang Fei did not embarrass Nelson. Instead, he smiled and watched Nelson perform alone.

Fortunately, after Nelson exerted his strength three times, he completely understood that Jiang Fei was stronger than him. Therefore, he stopped.

“Very good! You are indeed very good!”Nelson said to Jiang Fei.

“You are still better. It’s just that you don’t want me to make a fool of myself in front of my boss,”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Haha, You Know How to Talk!”Nelson laughed happily. Although he knew that Jiang Fei was complimenting him, Nelson knew dona too well. This old man’s eyesight was very sharp. How could this matter be hidden from him?

Even so, Nelson was very satisfied with Jiang Fei’s attitude.

“Alright, I will send the remaining security guards to you this afternoon. If there’s nothing else, I will leave first.”Dona saw that Jiang Fei was so good at making trouble, so he was relieved.

“Then, I won’t send you off,”Nelson said.

“Okay!”Dona nodded and walked out.

“How is it? Did Donner tell you what you want to do here?”Said Nelson as he smiled at Jiang Fei. Based on Jiang Fei’s performance just now, he had a good impression of Jiang Fei.

“Mr. Donner told me to follow your orders. Do more things and speak less. Everything that happens here must be kept in my heart. I’m not allowed to say anything to the outside world,”said Jiang Fei honestly.

“Yes! That’s it.”Nelson nodded.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Nelson. I’m a very tight-lipped person. I Won’t say anything,”Jiang Fei said.

“Yes. This is good for you and good for me.”Nelson nodded. Then, he said to Jiang Fei, “Come on, give me your ID card first. I’ll add a temporary pass for you.”

“Yes!”Jiang Fei handed his ID card to Nelson.

Then, Nelson inserted Jiang Fei’s ID card into a device beside him. Then, he began to operate it. After more than ten minutes, Nelson returned Jiang Fei’s ID card to him.

“Later, I’ll take you to familiarize yourself with your work environment. Your dormitory is in the work area. With the ID card, you can move freely there. But remember, you can not leave your work area. Otherwise, you will be treated as an intruder by the guards in other areas,”Nelson said to Jiang Fei.

“Don’t worry, I know the rules.”Jiang Fei nodded.

“Alright, follow me.”Nelson led Jiang Fei out of his office and walked into the depths of the building.

Soon, Jiang Fei was brought to the third basement of the building by Nelson. He stopped at the northeast corner of the building.

“This area is your patrol area. In the afternoon, there will be six security guards to assist you. You are their supervisor. In this area, you are in Charge!”Nelson said to Jiang Fei.

“Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Nelson,”Jiang Fei said humbly.

“However, as the supervisor, you have to bear the corresponding responsibility. Anyone who enters this area without permission must be captured. If you think that capturing them is too difficult, then kill them!”Nelson said.

“Kill?”Jiang Fei was stunned.

“That’s right. No matter who it is, as long as they do not have the authorization to enter your defense area, you can kill them. When your people arrive in the afternoon, someone will give you weapons,”said Nelson.

“I understand!”Jiang Fei nodded. At the same time, he was even more convinced that this life extension center must be hiding some shocking secret.

“Alright, this is your dormitory. The single room is yours. The six-person room belongs to the other four security guards.”Dona led Jiang Fei to look at their dormitory. In fact, the conditions of this dormitory were already very good, even the six-person room was fully equipped. It was just that the six of them were living together.

After everything was settled, Nelson left.

After arriving at his own single room, Jiang Fei ate his lunch. As they could only move around in their own defense area, it was impossible for them to eat in the cafeteria. In Jiang Fei’s dormitory, there was a food delivery counter, they could order food on the touch screen next to them. Then, food would be sent in through the food delivery counter.

After eating, Jiang Fei lay on his bed and rested for a while. Then, he walked around his defense zone. This zone included two laboratories, and there were many researchers in there, however, these people were all authorized to enter the defense zone, so they could enter and leave freely. When Jiang Fei walked around, they ignored him.

“What are these guys studying?”Jiang Fei had a question mark in his heart. However, he had been here for two weeks, so he was not in a hurry to explore the secrets of these two laboratories.

In the afternoon, six security guards were sent to Jiang Fei’s side. After a brief introduction, Jiang Fei did not ask their names. He only remembered their numbers — from 54035 to 54041.

Jiang Fei’s own number was 54111. From the number, it could be seen that Jiang Fei joined the Leviathan company later than these people. However, he was now the supervisor of these people.

“The few of you will be divided into three groups. From now on, we will work in three shifts. Usually, two people will patrol in a group. If you encounter any suspicious people or other suspicious incidents, immediately send out an alert. Then, everyone will move out together!”Jiang Fei said to the security guards under him.

“Understood, Boss!”One of the security guards nodded. It seemed that they were not very convinced of Jiang Fei. After all, these people had much more experience than Jiang Fei in the Leviathan Company, moreover, Jiang Fei was not from the wealthy district. Therefore, it was very difficult for him to convince the crowd.

“If you understand, I will start with the two of you.”Jiang Fei randomly picked two people.

“Oh!”The two of them reluctantly went to patrol.

After another two hours, a group of people delivered Jiang Fei and the others’weapons.

“Good God, do you have to be so exaggerated…”Jiang Fei rolled his eyes. The weapons were too exaggerated. Not only did they have long and short guns, they even had heavy firepower!

“What are they doing? !”Jiang Fei frowned. These weapons did not look like they were meant for the daily security guards. Instead, they looked like they were meant for the military outposts.

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