The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2714

Chapter 2714: Chapter 2703 Super Weapon

Translator: 549690339

“Commander, did you transfer the Allied fleet to zone D-9 because there might be enemy reinforcements there?”One of the captains under Olaria asked through the communication.

“It’s almost impossible for enemy reinforcements to appear there, or in other words, it’s impossible for the enemy to have reinforcements,”Olaria said with a smile.

“Then why did you transfer them there?”The captain asked.

“Because that’s the auditorium.”Aurelia’s lips curled into a smile. She wanted to let Eamon see what the art of commanding was.

“UH…”almost all the captains in the communication channel were stunned. They did not expect their commander to be so willful. Of course, from another perspective, they also understood Aurelia’s confidence.

If victory was not in their hands, how could Aurelia not use such a powerful fleet?

Therefore, when Aurelia explained why she moved Eamon’s fleet to zone D-9, the captains and officers of the imperial fleet immediately put down their apprehensions and became confident and calm, the morale of the entire fleet also rose by a notch.

80% of the captains of the imperial fleet were Aurelia’s old subordinates. They had once killed their way into the hinterland of the Vassali Legion and galloped wantonly within the borders of the Vassali Legion, entering deep into the enemy’s territory.., during the days when the tip of the blade danced, Aurelia had won the trust of the captains with her amazing commanding ability.

Therefore, when Aurelia showed great confidence this time, these captains were naturally filled with confidence. They trusted their commanders very much, even though the enemy’s fleet was also huge, their equipment and technology were also more advanced, but Aurelia’s presence still filled the entire imperial fleet with confidence of victory.

This was perhaps the charm of a powerful commander. Even if she was only commanding a patrol fleet, you would believe that she could easily defeat the enemy’s main fleet. There was no scientific reason for that, you could not even think of a way for her to win, but you just believed that she could do it!

At 4.15 am, Aurelia’s second order was issued. However, it was not to the fleet, but to a certain resource star in the Dominic Galaxy.

“Load a slaughtering warhead and aim at Area C 4. Prepare to fire!”Aurelia personally sent the most confidential communication.

At this moment, including most of the captains in the fleet, they did not know when Aurelia had completed the deployment on that resource planet. A slaughtering cannon had already been quietly built there.

During the time when Eamon was dealing with the resistance fleet, Aurelia was not simply watching from the sidelines. She had been quietly deploying her own plan. After giving up on the plan of quickly attacking the Vassali Legion.., aurelia had talked about how a large number of “Players”from the rebel army would definitely attack them. When that time came, Eamon’s fleet would not be able to stand against this super fleet that had been strengthened by the development team.

Therefore, Aurelia had no choice but to make a plan. She activated the Ultimate Weapon Plan that Jiang Fei had already prepared!

This plan had been formulated a long time ago. However, almost everyone who knew about it, including Jiang Fei and Aurelia, did not think that this plan would be implemented one day. That was because at that time.., jiang Fei had never thought of ending the game and completely destroying the Vasari army.

Moreover, the Vasari Army, which had always been in a weak position, was unlikely to force the imperial army into a desperate situation.

However, this time, in order to avoid too many casualties, Aurelia directly activated the Ultimate Weapon Plan. Then, she built a super weapon in the Dominican galaxy — the slaughtering cannon!

The slaughtering cannon was one of the super weapons that Jiang Fei had reverse-engineered based on the Titan’s blueprint that he had obtained from the “Players”previously. This was because the construction of the Titan required the star core as the power source, it was impossible for Jiang Fei to obtain this thing. Therefore, it was destined that he could only have one Titan in his possession.

However, Jiang Fei was clearly unwilling to have only one titan battleship. However, he could not get a second star core. Therefore, he took a different path and led a group of engineers to give up on developing more Titan battleships, instead, he focused on the Titan Battleship’s super weapon and enhanced it extremely.

Hence, two super weapon blueprints were born!

The slaughtering cannon and the Death Star cannon were the results of Jiang Fei and the Engineers’research. This kind of cannon could not be built on a planet because not only did it consume a lot of energy, but the reaction force was too strong. If it was installed on the planet’s surface.., when it fired, there would be a strong earthquake near the cannon. When that happened, all the infrastructure around the cannon would be destroyed. The cannon itself would also be destroyed by the impact.

Therefore, this kind of cannon could only be fixed in the planet’s orbital space. Moreover, a large number of support equipment had to be built to ensure its smooth operation. In this way, within the gravitational orbit of a planet.., there was almost no room for other buildings. The built death star cannon or slaughtering cannon could only be protected by the nearby fleets, and could not enjoy the protection of the orbital defense facilities.

Other than that, the energy consumption of this super weapon was also very terrifying. A normal planet could not support it at all. Only those with rich resources and close to the star.., only high-quality resource stars with rich antimatter resources were qualified to build such a super weapon in orbit space.

And there happened to be a planet like that in the Dominic Galaxy. Therefore, Aurelia did not hesitate to dock her fleet there. It seemed that she was afraid of the battle and let Eamon take the lead, but in fact, she was quietly building the slaughtering cannon!

About half an hour later, the slaughtering warhead of the slaughtering cannon was fully loaded. Furthermore, it adjusted its muzzle and aimed at Area C 4, which was the focus of the resistance’s “Player fleet”.


Just as Aurelia was getting ready for the final battle, the “Players”of the resistance were also having a meeting.

“What’s going on with Eamon and his gang? Why did they suddenly go to D9?”

“I don’t know. They must have fallen out with the Imperial Army’s npcs.”

“I think so too. He’s a classic quitter!”

“Then should we go over and kill them? These damn turtles are lying behind the orbital defense facilities. Now that they’ve finally appeared, it’s a good opportunity for us!”

“What if it’s a trap? They suddenly ran over there for no reason. No matter how you look at it, it looks like they’re trying to set us up. What if we go over and they ambush us?”


The “Player”leaders of the resistance were debating non-stop. This was because they were almost all new generation “Players.”Even the professional players among them did not have the rallying and commanding power that Eamon had, therefore, the other guild leaders would not submit to the leadership of a single person. This caused the “Players”of the rebel army to be like a pile of loose sand.

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