The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2709

Chapter 2709: Chapter 2699: Full-on confrontation

Translator: 549690339

“Miss Yu Wanqiu, do you have any orders?”A waiter noticed that Lina was looking around. They did not know that Yu Wanqiu had changed.

“Where’s Han Tianyu?”Lina asked. She did not explain to the waiter.

“Mr. Han lives on the seventh floor, 7015,”the waiter replied.

“Okay, got it.”Lina nodded and went straight to the elevator.

Soon, Lina came to Han Tianyu’s room and knocked on the door.

“Please come in.”Han Tianyu’s voice came.

“Padah.”Lina pushed the door open and walked in.

“Yo, you’re back so soon?”Han Tianyu smiled.

“You Bastard!”Lina took two steps in front of Han Tianyu, then threw her pink fist at Han Tianyu.

Lina’s Pink Fist landed on Han Tianyu’s chest. The force was not very strong. It was obvious that she was acting coquettishly. In fact, in Lina’s heart, she already hated Han Tianyu so much that her teeth were itching. However, she could not show it. If she fell out with Han Tianyu at this time, it would be even more impossible to convince Jiang Fei to sign a new agreement.

“Ouch, it hurts…”Han Tianyu acted very well. As he avoided Lina’s pink fist, he took advantage of the situation and pulled her into his arms. Then, he moved his hands up and down to take advantage of her.

Although Lina was annoyed, she acted like she wanted to reject him. She and Han Tianyu were both well-versed in this. For the sake of their goals, their bodies and even their emotions could be weapons.

However, humans were emotional animals. Even a trained agent could not completely control their emotions. In a full-scale confrontation with an enemy agent of the opposite sex, even if they won, they would be covered in bruises, those who lost would lose the entire game.

At this moment, Han Tianyu and Lina were in the midst of such a confrontation. Moreover, the two of them were evenly matched, and they were both deeply involved.

“Tell Me, why did you screw me over?”Lina panted as she stopped Han Tianyu’s next move.

“Who screwed you over?”Han Tianyu said with a cheeky smile.

“You! You’re the only one who likes to set me up!”Lina said in a coquettish tone. She had to let Han Tianyu know that she was dissatisfied, but she could not make things difficult for him.

“There’s more to it now!”Han Tianyu laughed. He did not care about Lina’s resistance and directly carried her in his arms, heading straight for the bedroom in the inner room.

Lina used her pink fist to hit Han Tianyu a few times, and then stopped resisting. Then, the bedroom was filled with the sound of fierce collisions.


After the pleasure, Lina lay in Han Tianyu’s arms like a kitten. Her face was flushed after the pleasure.

“You’re not angry anymore?”Han Tianyu asked with a smile.

“HMPH, you only know how to bully me,”Lina said coquettishly.

“I know other things. Do you want to try?”Han Tianyu asked with a wicked smile.

“Stop it. Tell me the truth now. Why did you set me up?”Lina pushed Han Tianyu away.

“How did I lie to You? Didn’t you agree to the agreement? Besides, didn’t you say that you don’t Need Jiang Fei to do anything? You just need him to nod his head.”Han Tianyu had already thought of an excuse, therefore, he was not afraid of Lena finding fault with him.

“HMPH!”Lena glared at Han Tianyu. She could not say anything. Could it be that she told Han Tianyu that they planned to use the spatial compensation mechanism to control Jiang Fei?

“Alright, let’s give it a try. Tell me your real purpose. Only then can I help you,”Han Tianyu said.

“HMM… Alright, I’ll tell you then.”Lina pretended to hesitate for a moment, then, she said to Han tianyu, “We have no problem with the previous agreement because we really do not need to plot against Jiang Fei. We can totally make a fair deal.”

“Okay!”Han Tianyu nodded and waited for Lina to continue with the main text.

“For example, he can use his own charisma to provide us with some carriers,”said Lina.

“Carriers?”Han Tianyu frowned. The carriers used by the “Players”were all of high standards. To put it bluntly, a person with Han Tianyu’s strength was not even qualified to be a carrier.

“Yes, we need a lot of carriers this time. Ordinary people will do. However, the number is a little big. We need at least a hundred thousand. Therefore, we need to make use of Jiang Fei’s influence in the universe empire,”said Lina.

After all, Jiang Fei, the grand marshal, was a legendary existence in the universe empire and even the entire three-dimensional universe. His legend spread throughout the entire universe. He had countless admirers and loyal fans, there was no lack of people who were willing to sacrifice their lives for Jiang Fei.

These people were exactly what Lina and the others needed. Although Lina and the others said it nicely that the souls of the carriers would be preserved and they would enter a higher dimension to enjoy a better life.., however, this kind of soul transfer required a memory wipe as the price.

Therefore, there was no difference in being reincarnated. Being in a hurry to be reincarnated was never a good thing. This was a curse everywhere because being reincarnated meant that one had to die! No one would be willing to die if they were alive and well.

If only a small number of people were persuaded to sacrifice their bodies and go to the gamma space to be reincarnated, it would be easier. It would be better to cast a wide net. There would always be people who would agree for various reasons, especially those experts who were close to their lifespans.

However, there were hundreds of thousands of people. If they were to rely on one-on-one persuasion, how long would it take to persuade them? Therefore, Nina and the others wanted to use Jiang Fei’s influence to encourage their admirers and fans to give up their bodies.

“Is that so?”After Han Tianyu heard what Lina said, he looked straight into her eyes and asked.

“Yes!”Lina nodded. No matter if it was her eyes or her expression, there was nothing strange.

“Then why do you need so many carriers? Don’t tell me that you suddenly have hundreds of thousands of ‘players’wanting to join the game,”Han Tianyu asked.

“My dear, in our line of work, it’s not a good thing to know too much.”Lina smiled slightly and stood up to kiss Han Tianyu’s mouth. She used her actions to tell Han Tianyu that she would not answer this question.

“Alright.”After the kiss, Han Tianyu nodded. He also knew that if Lina was not willing to tell him, he would not be able to ask her. After All, Lina was not as innocent as Aisha and the others. She had gone through professional training.

“How about it? This small request is not high, right? Go and talk to Jiang Fei. As long as he agrees to this, we will fulfill some of his small wishes,”Lina threw out the bait again.

“Alright, I will go and talk to him. But why don’t you go and talk to him yourself? Aren’t you afraid that I will trick you again?”Han Tianyu asked.

“Of course. But this time, we have a win-win cooperation. I did not plot against him. If he does not agree, then forget it,”Lina shrugged.

“So, you were scheming against him before?”Han Tianyu asked.

“Aren’t you scheming against me?”Lina rolled her eyes, then turned over and pressed Han Tianyu under her body..

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