The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2618

Chapter 2618: Chapter 2609 arrived ahead of schedule

Translator: 549690339

Although the former Tel Aviv galaxy was a place where criminals were exiled, after many years of operation, there were teleportation platforms everywhere in the starry sky. There were blockhouses everywhere to defend against the giant beasts.

However, at this time, the various facilities here were already damaged beyond repair. A large number of teleportation platforms had even been damaged. Those planets were also filled with the aura of the giant beasts, it was as if the entire Tel Aviv Galaxy had been completely abandoned after Jiang Fei and the others left.

“Buzz, Buzz, Buzz…”at this moment, an unmanned transport ship came from afar.

“Hehe, I did not expect the Vasari Army to be so bureaucratic now…”Jiang Fei sighed. This kind of transport ship could have been expected because it contained a small amount of supplies that were necessary for survival, back then, the Exiles had fought over these resources. Countless people had died in the internal strife.

Now, the Tel Aviv Galaxy had been abandoned for many years. However, these unmanned transport ships were still sending resources to this place. Although there were very few of them, they had never stopped. It was very obvious.., this was because the Vasari Army’s bureaucratic system did not notice it or was too lazy to change the settings. That was why every once in a while, an unmanned transport ship would arrive in the Tel Aviv Galaxy, then, it would crash on a certain planet.

These unmanned transport ships were all one-time consumables. Back then, in order to prevent exiles from using the transport ships to escape from this place, the unmanned transport ships were all one-way. After arriving here.., their mission was over.

“Swish!”Jiang Fei waved his hand and put away his yacht. Then, he teleported to the unmanned transport ship.

“Hehe, the same recipe, the same taste…”Jiang Fei could not help but laugh when he entered the unmanned transport ship. This was the same spaceship that had transported him in the past.

“Let’s relive the feeling of the past.”Jiang Fei smiled. Then, he walked to a seat and fixed himself in the seat.

“The spaceship is about to land! Please hold on tight and hold on tight!”About twenty minutes later, the radio in the spaceship rang.

“Hehe…”Jiang Fei smiled and grabbed the armrest next to him. At that moment, the unmanned carrier began to shake violently. It had clearly entered the atmosphere of a certain planet.

“Boom Boom Boom…”the vibration of the spaceship became more and more intense.

“Bang!”At that moment, Jiang Fei suddenly felt that the world was spinning. Clearly, the spaceship began to roll around randomly.

“F * ck, what a bad luck!”Jiang Fei cursed silently. He knew that this was because the unmanned transport ship had been attacked by the giant beasts.

Although the Tel Aviv Galaxy’s concentration camp had been abandoned for a long time, the giant beasts did not recognize this kind of transport ship. Although they were huge and powerful, they did not have much brains, to these transport ships that had suddenly charged into the atmosphere, they had always assumed that they were prey or a threat. Therefore, they began to attack as soon as they saw it.

The transport ship that Jiang Fei was on was no exception. Under the attack of the giant beast, the one-time transport ship was about to disintegrate!

“Beep Beep Beep…”the alarms in the spaceship were constantly ringing. The orange-red alarm lights were even more annoying.

“Swoosh!”Jiang Fei teleported out of the transport ship in a flash. Although he would not receive any damage even if the transport ship was destroyed, no one was willing to stay inside and get beaten up.

After teleporting out, Jiang Fei found the giant beast that was attacking the transport ship. This giant Beast’s strength was relatively average. It was not at the level of a cosmic giant beast. It was just an ordinary cosmic giant beast, its combat strength was around 15 million. However, it was as tall as a small building.

This giant beast looked like a puppy. Of course, it was much bigger than a puppy. A big dog was not even enough to fill the gaps between its teeth. Moreover, this giant dog’s face was even more ferocious. There were many tentacles with barbs on its back, it looked very terrifying.

“Roar!”The giant beast let out a series of loud roars. Then, it continuously attacked the poor transport ship with the tentacles on its back.

Finally, the transport ship could not withstand the attack of the giant beast and broke in half!

“Boom!”The broken transport ship exploded into a pile of trash in the air. The supplies inside were also burned up by the flames.

“What a pity…”Jiang Fei smacked his lips and said. At that moment, the space beast also noticed him.

“Ang!”The space beast immediately became excited. Compared to the metal transport ship, Jiang Fei might be a little smaller, but at least he could meet the standard of food!

Following an excited howl, the giant dog-like space beast turned towards Jiang Fei. The tentacles on its back shot towards Jiang Fei, trying to entangle him.

“Do you want to play?”Jiang Fei was also very playful. He did not Dodge. Just as the tentacles of the gigantic beast were about to approach him, Jiang Fei suddenly attacked. He grabbed one of the tentacles of the gigantic beast, then, he shouted in midair!

“You stay here!”Jiang Fei shouted loudly. Then, he actually swung the gigantic beast that was as tall as a two-story building!

“Bang!”The huge dog drew a perfect semicircle and was heavily thrown to the ground. Its terrifying weight had become a burden. It was not light after being thrown by Jiang Fei.

“WUUU…”the huge dog whimpered. It looked like it had been wronged. Where was the arrogance from before?

“Swoosh!”Jiang Fei landed on the head of the huge dog and looked at the huge beast calmly.

“WUUUU…”the giant dog looked at Jiang Fei pitifully. If it was not so big and its appearance was not so ferocious, it would still be quite cute with its big, watery eyes.

“Get up, stop pretending!”Jiang Fei kicked the giant beast.

“Wuuuu…”the giant beast stood up shakily. Although this fellow did not have much intelligence, it had the instincts of a wild beast.

This was the nature of wild beasts. The more you were afraid of it, the more it would be motivated. If you were more aggressive than it, the beast would be obedient.

“Let’s go. Take me around the planet.”Jiang Fei sat cross-legged on top of the Giant Beast’s head.

“Wuuu…”the giant beast nodded. As Jiang Fei used his spiritual power to communicate directly with it, even if it was not smart, it could understand what Jiang Fei meant.

The giant dog carried Jiang Fei on its back and kept its head high. On one hand, it was afraid that Jiang Fei would fall down if it lowered its head. On the other hand, it seemed like the dog was trying to take advantage of Jiang Fei.

As Jiang Fei did not specify the direction to go, the giant dog brought Jiang Fei to the territory of its nemesis. As the giant beasts had already occupied the Tel Aviv Galaxy for many years.., therefore, the territory between them had long been decided. Now that the giant dog was carrying Jiang Fei, it was obvious that it wanted to play a trick.

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